Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

not to you baby killer, I don't fuck much with GED's like you. Get an education and get back to me. Tard. then? Ok. I challenge you to refute anything ive ever posted on this board, if im so uneducated and retarded. Good luck.

shut up baby killer, get an education and I might give a fuck what you say:lol:

However you cared enough to answer anyway...Boggles the mind.
Our founders DID not believe the phrase about General Welfare in the Preamble granted any power to the FED AT ALL.

Mr. George Mason held the opinion, that the clause, to provide for the common defence and general welfare, was a substantive power.

Again... Mr. Out of Context...
I used the quote in the same context that Joseph Story made it. That context was interpretation of the provision in the Magna Charta of our country that grants Congress power to tax and spend to provide for the happiness of many individuals of the several States.
Mr. George Mason held the opinion, that the clause, to provide for the common defence and general welfare, was a substantive power.

Again... Mr. Out of Context...
I used the quote in the same context that Joseph Story made it. That context was interpretation of the provision in the Magna Charta of our country that grants Congress power to tax and spend to provide for the happiness of many individuals of the several States.

hello there, idiot. beautiful day today, no?
How many more years do you need to make the poor rich, and the stupid intelligent?? :cuckoo:

Nice though!!!

You start by doing well in school and working your ass off through college. I didn't come from a "rich" family. I worked hard to get where I'm at. Besides, as I see it, you don't live in the US and pay taxes, so how does this even affect you?

Thats why we have a shitload of college grads who can't get jobs despite their degrees so they're even applying for low end jobs just to pay the bills, your ideal, individualistic theory doesn't match the facts. I'm pretty sure those college grads who can't get a fucking job worked just as hard as one hard worker to secure employment and you mean to tell me that they're lazy and or somehow less industrious than those who have a job because they're jobless? Come back to fucking earth.

If there all these so called "unemployed college grads" struggling to get a job, then they should go flip burgers until they can find something better. They can make more flipping burgers than collecting welfare.
It is on a disc I purchased.

so you can't prove it anywhere on the entire internet? lol... well done. :clap2:

The definition of the word "general" is the same in every edition of Johnston's Dictionary from 1755 to 1785 and maybe even to the 1828 edition.

Yet you only give partial definitions... without thought to context.... you know, context... that little thing you have no grasp of and the thing you ignore by only using partial phrases out of sentences
Mr. George Mason held the opinion, that the clause, to provide for the common defence and general welfare, was a substantive power.

Again... Mr. Out of Context...
I used the quote in the same context that Joseph Story made it. That context was interpretation of the provision in the Magna Charta of our country that grants Congress power to tax and spend to provide for the happiness of many individuals of the several States.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Again... Mr. Out of Context
Again... Mr. Out of Context...
I used the quote in the same context that Joseph Story made it. That context was interpretation of the provision in the Magna Charta of our country that grants Congress power to tax and spend to provide for the happiness of many individuals of the several States.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Again... Mr. Out of Context

The government of the United States is, in reality, a government of general and unlimited powers, notwithstanding the subsequent enumeration of specific powers.

--Joseph Story
The government of the United States is, in reality, a government of general and unlimited powers, notwithstanding the subsequent enumeration of specific powers.

--Joseph Story

The bold part shows Mr. Story understands the federal government doesn' have general or unlimited powers. What is your malfunction?
The clause, "to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States," is... an independent and substantive grant of creates...a general authority in congress to pass all laws, which they may deem for the common defense or general welfare.

--See President Monroe's Message, 4th May, 1822
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The clause, "to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States," is... an independent and substantive grant of creates...a general authority in congress to pass all laws, which they may deem for the common defense or general welfare. See President Monroe's Message, 4th May, 1822.

Not in a preamble. Put it under an article and it is a completely different deal. One of those rules of construction of a document. Of course, you choose to ignore it, because it doesn't fit your warped views.
The continental congress construed their power on the subject of requisitions and taxation, as a power to make requisitions on the states for all expenses, which they might deem proper to incur for the common defense and general welfare and to appropriate all monies in the treasury to the like purposes.

--See Mr. Madison himself, in his Letter to Mr. Stevenson, Nov. 27, 1830
The practice under the Articles of Confederation allowed appropriations by Congress for any objects, which they deemed for the common defense and general welfare.

--Joseph Story
The practice under the Articles of Confederation allowed appropriations by Congress for any objects, which they deemed for the common defense and general welfare.

--Joseph Story

Care to explain to our group what the Articles of Confederation are? Whether it is still in effect? Why you insist on this ridiculous line of reasoning?
Let me get this straight, Mick.

Earlier in this thread you quote George Mason completely out of context, get corrected and proven to be a hack and a troll...and you now go and think we are going to believe anything you say? You sir, are delusional, just like the other socialists that troll USMB.

Go fuck yourself, really.
Right about now Mick should be discovering the Article of Confederation were replaced by the US Constitution, which doesn't have an article covering socialist welfare handouts.
You start by doing well in school and working your ass off through college. I didn't come from a "rich" family. I worked hard to get where I'm at. Besides, as I see it, you don't live in the US and pay taxes, so how does this even affect you?

Thats why we have a shitload of college grads who can't get jobs despite their degrees so they're even applying for low end jobs just to pay the bills, your ideal, individualistic theory doesn't match the facts. I'm pretty sure those college grads who can't get a fucking job worked just as hard as one hard worker to secure employment and you mean to tell me that they're lazy and or somehow less industrious than those who have a job because they're jobless? Come back to fucking earth.

If there all these so called "unemployed college grads" struggling to get a job, then they should go flip burgers until they can find something better. They can make more flipping burgers than collecting welfare.

If they should flip burgers until something good comes along why did they go to college for four years and run up a shitload od debt? You don't make any damn sense. Many of these people can't even get low end jobs either. Its counter productive to send someone to college four years and tell them upon graduation to flip burgers for a living until a dream job comes along.

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