Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

republitards (read baby killers) don't mind big government if it's used to kill people of color or jail them. Watch the fuck out if you try to use it to house or feed them.

Republitards are for using the government to deploy troops to fight dumbass unjustified wars because it generates money for the companies that donate to the Republican party. They still too fucking dumb to understand the difference between socially liberal programs for the poor and socialism, a sign that Republitards are woefully uneducated, lets see them "refudiate" that.
Why are the Republitards using insults, excessve profanity and personal attacks? Is it frustration at not mustering enough evidence to "refudiate" us liberals? Take that saveliberty chick for example, she's five cans short of a six-pack.
Flaylo, since youre here, im going to post the argument that destroys your entire ideology again and hope for a nice intellectual response from you! Attempt #3, commence!

it sounds to me like you are advocating slavery. Not racial, but unequality, and slavery nonetheless. Take the topic of healthcare. Lets role play a bit. (I give credit to Andrew Wilkow for this unbreakable argument) There is person 'A' and person 'B'. 'A' is a poverty stricken American that does not pay taxes. 'B' is a successful mechanic who owns a small business and pays taxes, and lives a very comfortable life. If 'A' is entitled to health care for simply existing, and 'B' is responsible to 'A' to provide that entitlement via paying taxes, then what did 'B' do to deserve to fall into the debt of 'A'?

Even more important; What is 'A's responsibility having received the entitlement without contributing to the system for 'B' having been forced by federal government to provide it? Does 'A' owe it to 'B' to live a healthy lifestyle that is to refrain from excessive drinking, smoking, sex with hookers which can lead to STDs, obesity or anything else that a person can make that contribute to their health and wellbeing? Will the government force people to modify their behavior?

In conclusion, it is obvious that this kind of a system is detrimental to the concept of liberty, equality, and responsibility. Three important factors in a free society. 'A's and 'B's liberty is not looked at equally by the federal government, that is to say 'B' cannot refuse their obligation impelled by the government and refuse to pay the taxes that will be levied against them for this new entitlement through threat of incarceration and/or penalties.

To preserve, strengthen, and defend liberty...or to submit and fall for the lies of tyrannical oligarchy and socialism. The choice is obvious for anyone who values the prospects and the potential of the human being.

I am not saying the current system is where we need to be, I am saying we need to look to our founding, and a literal representaion of the constitution...and cut everything that is hurting America and the people in the federal government to return to prosperity...and i mean prosperity for everyone. For if those poor people can say, create a business EASIER...would they not be more prosperous? The current government puts up road blocks to prosperity instead of PROMOTING the growth of the talents of an individual so they can be successful. You are stressing more government control and by that same token, road blocks. I am stressing less government control, and by that same token, which it is easier to pull oneself UP from the clutches of poverty and UP from the clutches of despair.

The current issues in this country that you are discussing, are caused by the very thing that you promote: Government. You are in effect, arguing the destruction of what you say you value. This is why we are in such a poor state as a country at this present moment in time. Big over reaching leviathan government is the cause of the country's despair...not the solution. However, the government can be part of the solution if those in power decide to actually cut spending, cut programs, and dissolve bureaucracies that are destroying this country while claiming to be helping...
republitards (read baby killers) don't mind big government if it's used to kill people of color or jail them. Watch the fuck out if you try to use it to house or feed them.

Republitards are for using the government to deploy troops to fight dumbass unjustified wars because it generates money for the companies that donate to the Republican party. They still too fucking dumb to understand the difference between socially liberal programs for the poor and socialism, a sign that Republitards are woefully uneducated, lets see them "refudiate" that.

democrats voted for the war, cupcake.

Intellectual tip: Lying is not good for credibility. :)

Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)
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republitards (read baby killers) don't mind big government if it's used to kill people of color or jail them. Watch the fuck out if you try to use it to house or feed them.

Republitards are for using the government to deploy troops to fight dumbass unjustified wars because it generates money for the companies that donate to the Republican party. They still too fucking dumb to understand the difference between socially liberal programs for the poor and socialism, a sign that Republitards are woefully uneducated, lets see them "refudiate" that.

democrats voted for the war. Liberty-12 Flaylo-0

Republitards wanted to continue an unpopular war that most Americans saw as a waste, Democrats were against it. Republitards used false information to mislead Americans about the war, Democrats didn't do that.
Socially liberal programs for the poor is analogous is slavery? What the fuck is wrong with you?

My definition of slavery is forcing an individual to do something that they do not wish to. What is your definition?

Please address the person a and person b argument in a logical fashion, instead of just spouting emotional nonsense that is unproductive to discussion and rational debate.
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Republitards are for using the government to deploy troops to fight dumbass unjustified wars because it generates money for the companies that donate to the Republican party. They still too fucking dumb to understand the difference between socially liberal programs for the poor and socialism, a sign that Republitards are woefully uneducated, lets see them "refudiate" that.

democrats voted for the war. Liberty-12 Flaylo-0

Republitards wanted to continue an unpopular war that most Americans saw as a waste, Democrats were against it. Republitards used false information to mislead Americans about the war, Democrats didn't do that.

So the war at the beginning was a good idea? Also, you bitch and whine about people using insults, and type up "republitards", nice double standard. Really earning some good credibility there.
Socially liberal programs for the poor is analogous is slavery? What the fuck is wrong with you?

My definition of slavery is forcing an individual to do something that they do not wish to. What is your definition?

Please address the person a and person b argument in a logical fashion, instead of just spouting emotional nonsense that is unproductive to discussion and rational debate.

By your definition of slavery every American is a slave because we're all forced to do different things that we don't like or wish to do. Thats a stupid ass definition definition and a slap in the face to those who were really slaves in America.
republitards (read baby killers) don't mind big government if it's used to kill people of color or jail them. Watch the fuck out if you try to use it to house or feed them.

Republitards are for using the government to deploy troops to fight dumbass unjustified wars because it generates money for the companies that donate to the Republican party. They still too fucking dumb to understand the difference between socially liberal programs for the poor and socialism, a sign that Republitards are woefully uneducated, lets see them "refudiate" that.

Try looking at the actual resolutions for the conflict as well as the terms of cease-fire and the numerous subsequent violations... you asinine assertion of 'unjustified' war is ludicrous

As for the rest of your rant, it is purely regurgitated and unsubstantiated propaganda
socially liberal programs for the poor is analogous is slavery? What the fuck is wrong with you?

my definition of slavery is forcing an individual to do something that they do not wish to. What is your definition?

Please address the person a and person b argument in a logical fashion, instead of just spouting emotional nonsense that is unproductive to discussion and rational debate.

by your definition of slavery every american is a slave because we're all forced to do different things that we don't like or wish to do. Thats a stupid ass definition definition and a slap in the face to those who were really slaves in america.

what is your definition then, also, as per the argument presented, punishment by fines and incarceration as a punishment for not paying for someone else's health care against your will is slavery...what other word can you use to describe it? For the love of everything good in the world, SAY SOMETHING INTELLIGENT, PLEASE.
also, address the argument please. Preferably the part that proves that you are not for equality.
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democrats voted for the war. Liberty-12 Flaylo-0

Republitards wanted to continue an unpopular war that most Americans saw as a waste, Democrats were against it. Republitards used false information to mislead Americans about the war, Democrats didn't do that.

So the war at the beginning was a good idea? Also, you bitch and whine about people using insults, and type up "republitards", nice double standard. Really earning some good credibility there.

My shit smells like Stetson so I can say whatever I want without double standards, just like you calling Obama and socially liberal programs socialist, thats an insult in itself.
my definition of slavery is forcing an individual to do something that they do not wish to. What is your definition?

Please address the person a and person b argument in a logical fashion, instead of just spouting emotional nonsense that is unproductive to discussion and rational debate.

by your definition of slavery every american is a slave because we're all forced to do different things that we don't like or wish to do. Thats a stupid ass definition definition and a slap in the face to those who were really slaves in america.

what is your definition then?

Slavery is forced servitude.
Republitards wanted to continue an unpopular war that most Americans saw as a waste, Democrats were against it. Republitards used false information to mislead Americans about the war, Democrats didn't do that.

So the war at the beginning was a good idea? Also, you bitch and whine about people using insults, and type up "republitards", nice double standard. Really earning some good credibility there.

My shit smells like Stetson so I can say whatever I want without double standards, just like you calling Obama and socially liberal programs socialist, thats an insult in itself.

a spade is a spade is a spade.
Thats why we have a shitload of college grads who can't get jobs despite their degrees so they're even applying for low end jobs just to pay the bills, your ideal, individualistic theory doesn't match the facts. I'm pretty sure those college grads who can't get a fucking job worked just as hard as one hard worker to secure employment and you mean to tell me that they're lazy and or somehow less industrious than those who have a job because they're jobless? Come back to fucking earth.

If there all these so called "unemployed college grads" struggling to get a job, then they should go flip burgers until they can find something better. They can make more flipping burgers than collecting welfare.

If they should flip burgers until something good comes along why did they go to college for four years and run up a shitload od debt? You don't make any damn sense. Many of these people can't even get low end jobs either. Its counter productive to send someone to college four years and tell them upon graduation to flip burgers for a living until a dream job comes along.

Their debt is of their own free will.... nobody is owed a goddamn thing... why did they go to college? Because they wanted to....
Socially liberal programs for the poor is analogous is slavery? What the fuck is wrong with you?

My definition of slavery is forcing an individual to do something that they do not wish to. What is your definition?

Please address the person a and person b argument in a logical fashion, instead of just spouting emotional nonsense that is unproductive to discussion and rational debate.

By your definition of slavery every American is a slave because we're all forced to do different things that we don't like or wish to do. Thats a stupid ass definition definition and a slap in the face to those who were really slaves in America.

I hate to break the news to you, but huh... there is no one living in America that was once a slave, they've pretty much died out. Oh and you do know that there were many blacks that owned slaves as well.
by your definition of slavery every american is a slave because we're all forced to do different things that we don't like or wish to do. Thats a stupid ass definition definition and a slap in the face to those who were really slaves in america.

what is your definition then?

Slavery is forced servitude.

So, is person B not forced into servitude of person A by payment of their health care? the health care is the service, and person B is being forced to provide it. Person B does not have a choice, Right?
This thread has gone into total fail mode for the liberals. As it should. Under their insanity, I should get paid supplemental employment benefits, because some foreign person is restricting my income. I am unhappy about that.

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