Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

According to the record Crocket voted in the negative on this bill.

The bill from the Senate, [No. 111] entitled "An act for the relief of Mrs. Brown, widow of the late Major General Brown," was read the third time:

And on the question, "Shall the bill pass?"

It passed in the affirmative,
Yeas ... 97,
Nays ... 74.

<a href="/ammem/amlaw/lwhj.html">House Journal</a> --WEDNESDAY, April 2, 1828.

pp. 469-470

On the day prior (April 1st)

The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the bill from the Senate, [No. 111] entitled "An act for the relief of Mrs. Brown, widow of the late Major General Brown;" and, after some time spent therein, the Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. M'Lean reported the same, without amendment.

The question was then put, Shall the bill be read a third time?

And passed in the affirmative,
Yeas ... 88,
Nays ... 77.

Mr. Crocket was a nay.


<a href="/ammem/amlaw/lwhj.html">House Journal</a> --TUESDAY, April 1, 1828.

The exact wording of Senate bill 111: A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875

You need to back up one page from here to see Mr. Clark was the speaker on page 2087.

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875

page 2086 confirms Mr. Crocket's presence, but no speech by him. The only comment made was that Mr. Crocket offered to pay the sum himself. The amount was half pay of General Brown for five years as I read elsewhere.

OH Micky you have some spla'in to do :lol:
If they should flip burgers until something good comes along why did they go to college for four years and run up a shitload od debt? You don't make any damn sense. Many of these people can't even get low end jobs either. Its counter productive to send someone to college four years and tell them upon graduation to flip burgers for a living until a dream job comes along.

So your solution is for them to sit at home on their asses getting fatter as the days go by depending on the government. No sir, you don't make any damn sense. :cuckoo:

What did you say your solution was?

I'm you pay taxes? .....Then :anj_stfu:
Bottom line is the Davy Crockett speech is bogus and Congress provided financial relief to an individual under its power to tax and spend to provide for the common defense.
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I'm a guy.

Applying Micky's rules of construction:

Intensive: Possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to an extreme degree. Which would mean you feel I'm not extreme, thanks.

We have state's rights, they are guaranteed in the Constitution.

Talk about an incoherent post...:cuckoo:

You ducked my question John Wayne, no answer it, if state legislators enacted and ran the same socially liberal programs that you're bitching the federal government out about, will you accept it as the right of the state?

Your asking a hypothetical with few particulars, only a fool would answer your question, or ask it to begin with.

The **** still refuses to answer the question, once a troll always a troll.
Bottom line is the Davy Crockett speech is bogus and Congress provided financial relief to an individual under its power to tax and spend to provide for the common defense.

Bottomline is you have a credibility problem. Bottomline is you haven't a debate leg to stand on. Enjoy your massive fail.
Bottom line is the Davy Crockett speech is bogus and Congress provided financial relief to an individual under its power to tax and spend to provide for the common defense.

Bottomline is you have a credibility problem. Bottomline is you haven't a debate leg to stand on. Enjoy your massive fail.

Liberty is micky for real? It seems like since 2009 we have enter into the twilight zone. Where fact is fiction and truth has been rewritten.
Bottom line is the Davy Crockett speech is bogus and Congress provided financial relief to an individual under its power to tax and spend to provide for the common defense.

Bottomline is you have a credibility problem. Bottomline is you haven't a debate leg to stand on. Enjoy your massive fail.

Liberty is micky for real? It seems like since 2009 we have enter into the twilight zone. Where fact is fiction and truth has been rewritten.

Micky is not an isolated case. Load up on caffine, we have a lot of these jokers to do battle with. The good news is, we have excellent weapons. Facts, truth and a great nation to defend.
Bottomline is you have a credibility problem. Bottomline is you haven't a debate leg to stand on. Enjoy your massive fail.

Liberty is micky for real? It seems like since 2009 we have enter into the twilight zone. Where fact is fiction and truth has been rewritten.

Micky is not an isolated case. Load up on caffine, we have a lot of these jokers to do battle with. The good news is, we have excellent weapons. Facts, truth and a great nation to defend.

Amen Brother.:clap2:
Bottomline is you have a credibility problem. Bottomline is you haven't a debate leg to stand on. Enjoy your massive fail.

Liberty is micky for real? It seems like since 2009 we have enter into the twilight zone. Where fact is fiction and truth has been rewritten.

Micky is not an isolated case. Load up on caffine, we have a lot of these jokers to do battle with. The good news is, we have excellent weapons. Facts, truth and a great nation to defend.

Truth is their bane. their only defense is to paint it in glorious shades of grey or outright lie about it.
haha...yeah they never win debates simply because they are intellectually dishonest, which is their only method of debate because to be intellectually honest negates their very own ideology.
High five gentlemen. In a twist of irony, I owe a thanks to Micky for pointing me to the very sources to disprove his point. I'm good with maps and research documents.
Well troll, do you have a solution?

So what's your solution you stupid moron? Keeping the lazy and stupid on welfare sucking up tax payer money?

Listen troll, social programs to help with uplift because resources available to the rich and better off are unavailable to the poor.

The only reason they are unavailable is because there is no reason for anyone on a government program to try and do better. Why do most children delay moving out from their parents home?
I suggest we ban working Americans from voting at all. Then we can bring this farce to a crashing halt in a big hurry.
Well troll, do you have a solution?

So what's your solution you stupid moron? Keeping the lazy and stupid on welfare sucking up tax payer money?

Listen troll, social programs to help with uplift because resources available to the rich and better off are unavailable to the poor.

So, you have no solution? Keep the poor and stupid dependent on the government. Let me ask you this, and please be direct and NOT dance around the question... How is it fair to me, a taxpayer, that the money I earned go to anyone else but me? I completed high school, with no less than a 3.6 grade point average. Completed college , with a masters, no help from any government program to keep me dependent.

As I see it, the folks who choose not to go to college and make something of themselves chose their station in life. And I should not be penalized for someone else's down fall.

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