Republican Officials Partnering With Christian Extremists

Brilliant!! Just fucking brilliant. :banned03:

He has a point.

Those who seek an end to the Constitutional Republic to be replaced by a central authoritarian state are not "patriots," but rather "revolutionaries."
Still making assumption and moronic accusations about me? I want to end the Constitutional Republic? Really ? I want a centralized authority? What the fuck would you call the Federal Marriage Amendment that the bigots wanted?
and post garbage from some site called: rightwingwatch isn't desperate? they have NO FACTS to back up their spew just their word on it. grow up

It's a Soros hate site.

Communists go to the hate sites to find out what they think on any given issue.

Collectivism applies to thought, as well as to assets.
Still making assumption and moronic accusations about me? I want to end the Constitutional Republic? Really ? I want a centralized authority? What the fuck would you call the Federal Marriage Amendment that the bigots wanted?

This is a message board - you are what you post.

Which means that on this board, you are a Communist - an advocate for a collectivist, authoritarian state.
and post garbage from some site called: rightwingwatch isn't desperate? they have NO FACTS to back up their spew just their word on it. grow up

It's a Soros hate site.

Communists go to the hate sites to find out what they think on any given issue.

Collectivism applies to thought, as well as to assets.

Yep, I know that. Just another Propaganda HATE and smear site like mediamatters, stinkprogress, etc. they have many out there of course the commie Soros is a Billionaire and was schooled in the field of Propaganda. what's sad is so many of the citizens swallows their garbage
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Still making assumption and moronic accusations about me? I want to end the Constitutional Republic? Really ? I want a centralized authority? What the fuck would you call the Federal Marriage Amendment that the bigots wanted?

This is a message board - you are what you post.

Which means that on this board, you are a Communist - an advocate for a collectivist, authoritarian state.
Whatever you say boss.:thewave:
and post garbage from some site called: rightwingwatch isn't desperate? they have NO FACTS to back up their spew just their word on it. grow up

It's a Soros hate site.

Communists go to the hate sites to find out what they think on any given issue.

Collectivism applies to thought, as well as to assets.

Yep, I know that. Just another Propaganda HATE and smear site like mediamatters, stinkprogress, etc. they have many out there of course the commie Soros is a Billionaire and was schooled in the field of Propaganda. what's sad is so many of the citizens swallows their garbage
Prove that anything that I or anyone else posted using any of those sites as a source is false.
and post garbage from some site called: rightwingwatch isn't desperate? they have NO FACTS to back up their spew just their word on it. grow up

It's a Soros hate site.

Communists go to the hate sites to find out what they think on any given issue.

Collectivism applies to thought, as well as to assets.

Yep, I know that. Just another Propaganda HATE and smear site like mediamatters, stinkprogress, etc. they have many out there of course the commie Soros is a Billionaire and was schooled in the field of Propaganda. what's sad is so many of the citizens swallows their garbage
Prove that anything that I or anyone else posted using any of those sites as a source is false.
You can't prove something when it's all made up. they give you no links for proof or anything. they expect people like you to just SWALLOW

it's up to YOU to prove it you posted the dirt. Now prove it off some reputable sites, news, etc etc
Check it out!! Republican candidates lying and looking stupid trying to say that interracial marriage is different than same sex marriage. The logic, or lack thereof is hysterical!

While your slander serves your filthy party, HOW is that "lying," Comrade?

Oh, you're just spewing mindless hate against enemies of the party.

You can call me mindless and hateful all you want. I can't help it if your unable to see who is really mindless and hateful

Really? How is it not the same? Notice that he fails to explain. They should be embarrassed and ashamed because the fact is that then, just like now, they used religion to oppose a type of marriage that they disapproved of. Now, they are trying to say that it was wrong then but right now? He is doing nothing more than obfuscating the issue with double speak.

Are you illiterate, Comrade?

He stated his reasoning. Whether you agree or not is up to you - but your lie that he didn't say it is just the typical shit from you Communists - zero integrity from any of you.

Really? He stated his reason? Maybe you can tell me what it is then.

No Rubio. In both cases you either are or are not talking about the definition of an institution. Prior to Loving that institution was defined as being between two people of the same race. Prior to Obergefell it was defined as being between two people of the opposite sex. You can say that both changed marriage. Or, you can say that neither changed it at all and just made it more inclusive. In any case, they both had the exact same effect on marriage.

His opinion differs from the opinion that George Soros programs into you. Because race is an inherent attribute and sexual preference is a matter of choice, he makes a distinction. You can disagree - but instead you chose to slander and libel.

Hey, you're a Communist - it's what you do.

First of all to say that homosexuality is a choice is moronic. Second of all, the argument is not about the nature of homosexuality or of race. Do I have to spell it out for you. It's about how the previously used the same arguments against interracial marriage, and now they are doing contortions to try to say that you can't compare the two.
Whatever you say boss.:thewave:

Actually, it's what YOU have said in your posts.

Let's try something;

Define "progressive?"

Certainly. Here is my introductory statement......

I chose my name, the Progressive Patriot because to many conservatives seem to believe that they, and only they have the right to the mantle of “patriot.” In fact I’ve been told that it is an oxymoron.

I, however, I believe that progressives are the true patriots because of, and not in spite of, the fact that we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, education, environmental protection and the evolving standards of human rights. I this to be a great and just country for all people, Not just the rich, not just the native born and white people, not just for heterosexuals, not just for Christians, and not just for males. FOR ALL PEOPLE. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism

At the time of the founding of our nation, at the time of the American Revolution, the rebels were known as the patriots. Those patriots were not content with the status quo. They wanted to move ahead, they sought to build a nation based on the ideal of freedom and democracy. Yes, they sought to throw off the yoke of an oppressive government , and yes, conservatives today-those who call themselves “patriots”-also seek to limit the influence of what they see as an oppressive government.

However, I will submit to you that today’s source of oppression is perpetrated, not by government per se, but by those forces within government as well as outside of government who seek to thwart progress, and worse, undue much of what has been accomplished in areas such as labor, civil rights, education, science and the environment. Patriotism is progress. Progress is patriotism.

True patriotism is progressivism. Patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America so that it can be a truly great country for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot
Prove that anything that I or anyone else posted using any of those sites as a source is false.

We already did.

Your hate site claims that "Republican Officials" are "partnering" with "Christian Extremists."

Now you Communists are total bigots, you hate Christians with a purple passion. Should you gain enough power, i predict killing fields in their future.

But the Soros minion lied, the person named in the libel was a White Supremacist, not a Christian. AND he is dead, clearly the hated enemies of the GLORIOUS peoples party are not "partnering" with a dead man - the hate site is lying through their fucking teeth - hey, they're Communists - it's what you do.
they're just another troll who want everyone to believe they are RIGHT about everything and just goes on and on and post some smear and tell everyone to DISPROVE it. come on disprove it I dare you.
Whatever you say boss.:thewave:

Actually, it's what YOU have said in your posts.

Let's try something;

Define "progressive?"

Certainly. Here is my introductory statement......

I chose my name, the Progressive Patriot because to many conservatives seem to believe that they, and only they have the right to the mantle of “patriot.” In fact I’ve been told that it is an oxymoron.

I, however, I believe that progressives are the true patriots because of, and not in spite of, the fact that we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, education, environmental protection and the evolving standards of human rights. I this to be a great and just country for all people, Not just the rich, not just the native born and white people, not just for heterosexuals, not just for Christians, and not just for males. FOR ALL PEOPLE. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism

At the time of the founding of our nation, at the time of the American Revolution, the rebels were known as the patriots. Those patriots were not content with the status quo. They wanted to move ahead, they sought to build a nation based on the ideal of freedom and democracy. Yes, they sought to throw off the yoke of an oppressive government , and yes, conservatives today-those who call themselves “patriots”-also seek to limit the influence of what they see as an oppressive government.

However, I will submit to you that today’s source of oppression is perpetrated, not by government per se, but by those forces within government as well as outside of government who seek to thwart progress, and worse, undue much of what has been accomplished in areas such as labor, civil rights, education, science and the environment. Patriotism is progress. Progress is patriotism.

True patriotism is progressivism. Patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America so that it can be a truly great country for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot

OMG, too many conservatives think that mantel belongs only to them. Waaaaaaa
If someone has to scream in other peoples face what they are, then you're trying to convince yourself you are one in my book.
Keys is coming unglued as the decision on Marriage Equality looms. Who cares about silly Christian Dominionists? Jesus does not.
I would become unglued if one of them got elected president or if too many of them got into congress or the state houses.

Obama must scare he hell out of you according to his comments as follows:

"I came to my Christian faith later in life and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead -- being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me," Obama said in a backyard town hall in New Mexico in2010.

"First and foremost, my Christian faith gives me a perspective and security that I don’t think I would have otherwise: That I am loved. That, at the end of the day, God is in control,"Obama told Cathedral Age magazine in 2012.

So, is Obama a Christian? "The president is obviously a Christian. He prays every day." White House spokesman Bill Burton made that succinctcommentafter a 2010 poll conducted by the Pew Research Center and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found 18 percent of individuals surveyed said Obama was Muslim.

I would like to know if you can name a single President who wasn't a Christian, or at least one who said he was.
Prove that anything that I or anyone else posted using any of those sites as a source is false.

We already did.

Your hate site claims that "Republican Officials" are "partnering" with "Christian Extremists."

Now you Communists are total bigots, you hate Christians with a purple passion. Should you gain enough power, i predict killing fields in their future.

But the Soros minion lied, the person named in the libel was a White Supremacist, not a Christian. AND he is dead, clearly the hated enemies of the GLORIOUS peoples party are not "partnering" with a dead man - the hate site is lying through their fucking teeth - hey, they're Communists - it's what you do.

Holy crap!! Are you that stupid, or do you think that I am? It's a different David Lane!. You credibility is in the crapper, dude

David Lane (white nationalist) David Lane white nationalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named David Lane, see David Lane (disambiguation).
David Lane
David Eden Lane
(1938-11-02)November 2, 1938
Woden, Iowa
Died May 28, 2007(2007-05-28) (aged 68)
FCC Terre Haute
Terre Haute, Indiana
Cause of death Epileptic seizure
Other names Wodensson
Occupation Real estate broker
Known for White nationalism, membership in The Order
Religion Wotanism
Spouse(s) Mary Lou
Katja Maddox (m. 1994–2007)
David Eden Lane (November 2, 1938 – May 28, 2007) was an American white nationalist leader and convicted felon. A founding member of The Order, he died while serving a 190-year prison sentence in the Federal Correctional Complex in Terre Haute, Indiana.[1]

David Lane (activist) David Lane activist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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David Lane
c. 1955
Nationality United States
Occupation Political activist
Known for Christian right advocacy
Religion Protestant Christian[1]
Denomination Born again[1]
David Lane (c. 1955) is an American political activist who works to increase the political strength of religious groups on the Christian right, to promote social conservative values in the United States.

Funded largely by the American Family Association (AFA),[1] Lane has organized political briefings with appearances by fundamentalist pastors such as David Barton and politicians such as Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Haley Barbour. In his behind-the-scenes work for right-wing politics, Lane has been described by The New York Times as "something of a stealth weapon for the right".[1]
Prove that anything that I or anyone else posted using any of those sites as a source is false.

We already did.

Your hate site claims that "Republican Officials" are "partnering" with "Christian Extremists."

Now you Communists are total bigots, you hate Christians with a purple passion. Should you gain enough power, i predict killing fields in their future.

But the Soros minion lied, the person named in the libel was a White Supremacist, not a Christian. AND he is dead, clearly the hated enemies of the GLORIOUS peoples party are not "partnering" with a dead man - the hate site is lying through their fucking teeth - hey, they're Communists - it's what you do.

Holy crap!! Are you that stupid, or do you think that I am? It's a different David Lane!. You credibility is in the crapper, dude

David Lane (white nationalist) David Lane white nationalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named David Lane, see David Lane (disambiguation).
David Lane
David Eden Lane
(1938-11-02)November 2, 1938
Woden, Iowa
Died May 28, 2007(2007-05-28) (aged 68)
FCC Terre Haute
Terre Haute, Indiana
Cause of death Epileptic seizure
Other names Wodensson
Occupation Real estate broker
Known for White nationalism, membership in The Order
Religion Wotanism
Spouse(s) Mary Lou
Katja Maddox (m. 1994–2007)
David Eden Lane (November 2, 1938 – May 28, 2007) was an American white nationalist leader and convicted felon. A founding member of The Order, he died while serving a 190-year prison sentence in the Federal Correctional Complex in Terre Haute, Indiana.[1]

David Lane (activist) David Lane activist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search
David Lane
c. 1955
Nationality United States
Occupation Political activist
Known for Christian right advocacy
Religion Protestant Christian[1]
Denomination Born again[1]
David Lane (c. 1955) is an American political activist who works to increase the political strength of religious groups on the Christian right, to promote social conservative values in the United States.

Funded largely by the American Family Association (AFA),[1] Lane has organized political briefings with appearances by fundamentalist pastors such as David Barton and politicians such as Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Haley Barbour. In his behind-the-scenes work for right-wing politics, Lane has been described by The New York Times as "something of a stealth weapon for the right".[1]

we give it as much care as you all did the Rev. Wright, the puke who has visited OUR white house over 60 times and has been stirring up riots and . the so called, Activist Rev. Sharpton. and the extremist like the OWS, Blacklivesmatters, etc go on and on In the Democrat party. You aren't convincing anyone by beating them over the head with this crap A man hardly anyone ever heard of
Keys is coming unglued as the decision on Marriage Equality looms. Who cares about silly Christian Dominionists? Jesus does not.
I would become unglued if one of them got elected president or if too many of them got into congress or the state houses.

Obama must scare he hell out of you according to his comments as follows:

"I came to my Christian faith later in life and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead -- being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me," Obama said in a backyard town hall in New Mexico in2010.

"First and foremost, my Christian faith gives me a perspective and security that I don’t think I would have otherwise: That I am loved. That, at the end of the day, God is in control,"Obama told Cathedral Age magazine in 2012.

So, is Obama a Christian? "The president is obviously a Christian. He prays every day." White House spokesman Bill Burton made that succinctcommentafter a 2010 poll conducted by the Pew Research Center and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found 18 percent of individuals surveyed said Obama was Muslim.

I would like to know if you can name a single President who wasn't a Christian, or at least one who said he was.
Scare me? Why should it scare me? Christians don't scare me. Only Christians or any others who would seek to impose their religious beliefs on others through law and public policy. Obama, like the founders understood that faith is a private matter. These ass hats in the Republican party today do not get they. They are the ones who frighten me. While Obama was sincere in saying that " being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me," these people, at best pay lip service to the concept
Some of the asshats in the party believe that way, yes, as some of the Dem asshats think religious belief is not part of the dynamics in the public square.
Some of the asshats in the party believe that way, yes, as some of the Dem asshats think religious belief is not part of the dynamics in the public square.
Religion can be part of the discussion and the dynamics. It just can't be codified into law or imposed through public policy. Obama said that his faith guides him. Other officials have said as much also. No problem. Just know where to draw that line between prive fail and one's public duties to uphold the constitution

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