Republicans for Harris

Name calling
If you are going to call MAGA a cancer and deem it a fact, then you accept the other.

You have no more foundation for your attack than we do.

If you dispute that, you simply show the left winger characteristic of claiming some kind of knowledge you don't have.

Now, which is it ?
Republicans for Harris, official group.
A number of prominent current and former Republicans have emerged as some of Vice President Kamala Harris' most ardent supporters.
Most recent was prominent retired Republican judge, J. Michael Luttig endorsed Harris saying Trump is a threat to Democracy.

There are not ant Democrats for Trump, group.

Never Trumpers = "Republicans" for Harris

Their "support" for Giggles is SOLELY based on their TDS
Biden raised taxes and they did not leave

They still make money

and they will get some breaks from taxes

In 2020, Nike got $109 million back from the federal government and was able to defer $380 million in federal, state, and foreign taxes. That left the net of $348 they paid.

Biden kept Trump's tax breaks, Kilroy. You know why? Because they worked. Harris wants to tax capital gains that people haven't realized yet. It's a recipe for economic disaster. So is raising the corporate tax rates until companies take investment money elsewhere.
Never Trumpers = "Republicans" for Harris

Their "support" for Giggles is SOLELY based on their TDS
Based on they feel Trump is unfit to lead. The consequences of a Trump presidency are much worse than another 4 years of a Democratic president. They are putting country first. They are trying to get the Republican party back that has been hijacked by angry, spiteful, non-conservatives. Whackos
Based on they feel Trump is unfit to lead.
Nobody can provide information what fit/unfit is. There is not metric that we could then apply to Obama or Biden.

Except something you'll manufacture specfic to Trump, which means it's all garbage.
Nobody can provide information what fit/unfit is. There is not metric that we could then apply to Obama or Biden.

Except something you'll manufacture specfic to Trump, which means it's all garbage.

You are a Trump lemming. Nothing anyone says, will change your mind because Trump controls your mind.​

The reason non-lemmings will not support Trump because he is not fit to lead. He is a danger. The people who say this are those who have worked with him.

Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis​

Former Secretary of Defense under Trump

Statement released June 3

“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society.”

Marine Corps. Gen. John Kelly​

Former Chief of Staff to Trump, Former commander of US Southern Command under Obama

Interview on June 5

“I would’ve argued against it, recommended against it,” Kelly said of Trump’s photo-op. “I would argue that the end result of that was predictable.”

“I think we need to look harder at who we elect. I think we should look at people that are running for office and put them through the filter: What is their character like? What are their ethics?”

Marine Corps Gen. John Allen​

Former commander of US forces in Afghanistan under Obama

Commentary published June 3 by
Foreign Policy

“Donald Trump isn’t religious, has no need of religion, and doesn’t care about the devout, except insofar as they serve his political needs…To even the casual observer, Monday was awful for the United States and its democracy. The president’s speech was calculated to project his abject and arbitrary power, but he failed to project any of the higher emotions or leadership desperately needed in every quarter of this nation during this dire moment.”

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen​

Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George W. Bush and Obama

Op-ed for The Atlantic published June 2

“It sickened me yesterday to see security personnel—including members of the National Guard—forcibly and violently clear a path through Lafayette Square to accommodate the president’s visit outside St. John’s Church. I have to date been reticent to speak out on issues surrounding President Trump’s leadership, but we are at an inflection point, and the events of the past few weeks have made it impossible to remain silent. Whatever Trump’s goal in conducting his visit, he laid bare his disdain for the rights of peaceful protest in this country, gave succor to the leaders of other countries who take comfort in our domestic strife, and risked further politicizing the men and women of our armed forces. There was little good in the stunt.”

Air Force Gen. Richard Myers​

Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George W. Bush

Interview with CNN on June 4

“The first thing was just absolute sadness that people aren’t allowed to protest and that, as I understand it, that was a peaceful protest that was disturbed by force, and that’s not right. That should not happen in America. And so I was sad. I mean, we should all shed tears over that, that particular act. …I’m glad I don’t have to advise this President. I’m sure the senior military leadership is finding it really difficult these days to provide good, sound military advice.”

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey​

Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama

Interview with NPR on June 4

“The idea that the President would take charge of the situation using the military was troubling to me.”

William Perry​

Former Defense Secretary served under Clinton

Twitter, June 4

“I am outraged at the deplorable behavior of our President and Defense Secretary Esper, threatening to use American military forces to suppress peaceful demonstrators exercising their constitutional rights. This is a deeply shameful moment for our nation.”

Navy Adm. William McRaven​

Former commander of US Special Operations Command under Obama

Interview with MSNBC on June 5

“You’re not going to use, whether it’s the military, or the National Guard, or law enforcement, to clear peaceful American citizens for the President of the United States to do a photo op. There is nothing morally right about that.”

Navy Adm. James Stavridis​

Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO

Commentary published by
Time on June 3

“Our active duty military must remain above the fray of domestic politics, and the best way to do that is to keep that force focused on its rightful mission outside the United States. Our senior active duty military leaders must make that case forcefully and directly to national leadership, speaking truth to power in uncomfortable ways. They must do this at the risk of their career. I hope they will do so, and not allow the military to be dragged into the maelstrom that is ahead of us, and which will likely only accelerate between now and November. If they do not stand and deliver on this vital core value, I fear for the soul of our military and all of the attendant consequences.”

Army Gen. Raymond A. “Tony” Thomas​

Former commander of US Special Operations Command under Obama and Trump

Twitter, June 1

On Esper’s use of the term “battlespace” when discussing quelling violence on the streets amid civil unrest: “The ‘battle space’ of America??? Not what America needs to hear…ever, unless we are invaded by an adversary or experience a constitutional failure…ie a Civil War…”

Air Force Gen. Mike Hayden​

Former director of the CIA and NSA under Bush and Obama

Twitter, June 2

On Milley joining Trump for his walk in front of the White House after protesters were cleared: “I was appalled to see him in his battle dress. Milley (he’s a general?!?) should not have walked over to the church with Trump.”

Ash Carter​

Former Defense Secretary under Obama

Statement on June 5

“The Department of Defense exists to safeguard our citizens, not dominate them. I was dismayed to see DoD drawn inappropriately this week into the President’s response to protests. There is here no need, no warrant, and no excuse to bring active-duty military force into the restoration of order. I say this as a former Secretary of Defense who death with many situations where military intervention was helpful, even vital, in the homeland — past epidemics, hurricanes and floods, and so forth. Equally abhorrent to me was the inclusion of defense leaders in political theater.”

Leon Panetta and Chuck Hagel​

Former defense secretaries under Obama

Joined Carter and 86 other former defense officials in
Washington Post open letter on June 5

“As former leaders in the Defense Department — civilian and military, Republican, Democrat and independent — we all took an oath upon assuming office ‘to support and defend the Constitution of the United States’ as did the president and all members of the military, a fact that Gen. Milley pointed out in a recent memorandum to members of the armed forces. We are alarmed at how the president is betraying this oath by threatening to order members of the U.S. military to violate the rights of their fellow Americans.”

You cannot be so stupid. We are a democratic republic. A government of the people, by the people and for the people has to be democratic.
Read the Constitution moron nowhere in that document does the word Democracy appear, but it does mention the Republic. If you want more proof look up the Founding Fathers opinions on Democracies, spoiler, they loathed them and where very specific on what form of Government the US is.

I don't blame people like yourself to much. The Education system in this country has gone to complete shit, and the elite have used that fact to scare the mouth breathers into thinking they are losing something if you don't eat the shit they are shoveling.

You are a Trump lemming. Nothing anyone says, will change your mind because Trump controls your mind.​

The reason non-lemmings will not support Trump because he is not fit to lead. He is a danger. The people who say this are those who have worked with him.

Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis​

Former Secretary of Defense under Trump

Statement released June 3

“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society.”

Marine Corps. Gen. John Kelly​

Former Chief of Staff to Trump, Former commander of US Southern Command under Obama

Interview on June 5

“I would’ve argued against it, recommended against it,” Kelly said of Trump’s photo-op. “I would argue that the end result of that was predictable.”

“I think we need to look harder at who we elect. I think we should look at people that are running for office and put them through the filter: What is their character like? What are their ethics?”

Marine Corps Gen. John Allen​

Former commander of US forces in Afghanistan under Obama

Commentary published June 3 by
Foreign Policy

“Donald Trump isn’t religious, has no need of religion, and doesn’t care about the devout, except insofar as they serve his political needs…To even the casual observer, Monday was awful for the United States and its democracy. The president’s speech was calculated to project his abject and arbitrary power, but he failed to project any of the higher emotions or leadership desperately needed in every quarter of this nation during this dire moment.”

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen​

Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George W. Bush and Obama

Op-ed for The Atlantic published June 2

“It sickened me yesterday to see security personnel—including members of the National Guard—forcibly and violently clear a path through Lafayette Square to accommodate the president’s visit outside St. John’s Church. I have to date been reticent to speak out on issues surrounding President Trump’s leadership, but we are at an inflection point, and the events of the past few weeks have made it impossible to remain silent. Whatever Trump’s goal in conducting his visit, he laid bare his disdain for the rights of peaceful protest in this country, gave succor to the leaders of other countries who take comfort in our domestic strife, and risked further politicizing the men and women of our armed forces. There was little good in the stunt.”

Air Force Gen. Richard Myers​

Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George W. Bush

Interview with CNN on June 4

“The first thing was just absolute sadness that people aren’t allowed to protest and that, as I understand it, that was a peaceful protest that was disturbed by force, and that’s not right. That should not happen in America. And so I was sad. I mean, we should all shed tears over that, that particular act. …I’m glad I don’t have to advise this President. I’m sure the senior military leadership is finding it really difficult these days to provide good, sound military advice.”

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey​

Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama

Interview with NPR on June 4

“The idea that the President would take charge of the situation using the military was troubling to me.”

William Perry​

Former Defense Secretary served under Clinton

Twitter, June 4

“I am outraged at the deplorable behavior of our President and Defense Secretary Esper, threatening to use American military forces to suppress peaceful demonstrators exercising their constitutional rights. This is a deeply shameful moment for our nation.”

Navy Adm. William McRaven​

Former commander of US Special Operations Command under Obama

Interview with MSNBC on June 5

“You’re not going to use, whether it’s the military, or the National Guard, or law enforcement, to clear peaceful American citizens for the President of the United States to do a photo op. There is nothing morally right about that.”

Navy Adm. James Stavridis​

Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO

Commentary published by
Time on June 3

“Our active duty military must remain above the fray of domestic politics, and the best way to do that is to keep that force focused on its rightful mission outside the United States. Our senior active duty military leaders must make that case forcefully and directly to national leadership, speaking truth to power in uncomfortable ways. They must do this at the risk of their career. I hope they will do so, and not allow the military to be dragged into the maelstrom that is ahead of us, and which will likely only accelerate between now and November. If they do not stand and deliver on this vital core value, I fear for the soul of our military and all of the attendant consequences.”

Army Gen. Raymond A. “Tony” Thomas​

Former commander of US Special Operations Command under Obama and Trump

Twitter, June 1

On Esper’s use of the term “battlespace” when discussing quelling violence on the streets amid civil unrest: “The ‘battle space’ of America??? Not what America needs to hear…ever, unless we are invaded by an adversary or experience a constitutional failure…ie a Civil War…”

Air Force Gen. Mike Hayden​

Former director of the CIA and NSA under Bush and Obama

Twitter, June 2

On Milley joining Trump for his walk in front of the White House after protesters were cleared: “I was appalled to see him in his battle dress. Milley (he’s a general?!?) should not have walked over to the church with Trump.”

Ash Carter​

Former Defense Secretary under Obama

Statement on June 5

“The Department of Defense exists to safeguard our citizens, not dominate them. I was dismayed to see DoD drawn inappropriately this week into the President’s response to protests. There is here no need, no warrant, and no excuse to bring active-duty military force into the restoration of order. I say this as a former Secretary of Defense who death with many situations where military intervention was helpful, even vital, in the homeland — past epidemics, hurricanes and floods, and so forth. Equally abhorrent to me was the inclusion of defense leaders in political theater.”

Leon Panetta and Chuck Hagel​

Former defense secretaries under Obama

Joined Carter and 86 other former defense officials in
Washington Post open letter on June 5

“As former leaders in the Defense Department — civilian and military, Republican, Democrat and independent — we all took an oath upon assuming office ‘to support and defend the Constitution of the United States’ as did the president and all members of the military, a fact that Gen. Milley pointed out in a recent memorandum to members of the armed forces. We are alarmed at how the president is betraying this oath by threatening to order members of the U.S. military to violate the rights of their fellow Americans.”

All part of the Asswipes for Harris club.

I could care less.

No metrics there.....just a bunch of bulls**t.
You are a Trump lemming. Nothing anyone says, will change your mind because Trump controls your mind.
Keep with the name calling asswipe.

Trump controls nothing about me. I have always made up my mind and I try not to be influenced by the fact that even though morons like you are for Harris.....she might still be a good candidate.

But after looking it over.....she's nothing.

An empty suit. Didn't need Trump to tell me that.

So, go get some help pulling your head from your ass and maybe the oxygen will allow you to function above an IQ of 80.
Read the Constitution moron nowhere in that document does the word Democracy appear, but it does mention the Republic. If you want more proof look up the Founding Fathers opinions on Democracies, spoiler, they loathed them and where very specific on what form of Government the US is.

I don't blame people like yourself to much. The Education system in this country has gone to complete shit, and the elite have used that fact to scare the mouth breathers into thinking they are losing something if you don't eat the shit they are shoveling.
You are the one lacking the education. You continulally show your lack of inteligence.. Do research before you make blatantly false statements. You look foolish because of your uniformed posts.

Yes, the United States is a democracy, since we, the people, hold the ultimate political power. We’re not a “direct democracy,” but we are a “representative democracy.”
The Founders of the United States decided that a monarchy system of government did not allow citizens enough input into national decisions. Consequently, they decided that the government of the United States would be a democracy - a political system in which ultimate authority rests with the citizens.
A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy.
About 40% of the countries in the world are democratic republics. Some examples include Germany, Italy, the United States, or Indonesia. About 10% of countries are democratic monarchies, such as the UK or Japan.
Based on they feel Trump is unfit to lead. The consequences of a Trump presidency are much worse than another 4 years of a Democratic president. They are putting country first. They are trying to get the Republican party back that has been hijacked by angry, spiteful, non-conservatives. Whackos
The Trump Presidency before Covid was rather good, Elmer. The Biden/Harris administration has been one disaster after another. Why would anyone vote for more of THAT?
You don't have to "like" Trump to vote for him, Kiddies! The other alternative is unthinkable. A tax on capital gains that haven't been realized yet? That's literally the dumbest economic policy I've EVER heard! Harris got a degree in Economics? How is that possible? How could someone get a degree in a subject yet not understand a thing about it?
The Trump Presidency before Covid was rather good, Elmer. The Biden/Harris administration has been one disaster after another. Why would anyone vote for more of THAT?
The majority of those who worked for Trump during his Presidency felt the Trump they saw was not fit to lead. They were good conservatives. They saw an unhinged man. Plus he did not get most of what he promised done.

We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

*Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. He did not have 8 years but he increased the national debt more than any President in 4 years

And you wonder why he did not get reelected.
The majority of those who worked for Trump during his Presidency felt the Trump they saw was not fit to lead. They were good conservatives. They saw an unhinged man. Plus he did not get most of what he promised done.

We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

*Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. He did not have 8 years but he increased the national debt more than any President in 4 years

And you wonder why he did not get reelected.
The Main Stream Media got Joe Biden elected by pretending that Trump mismanaged Covid. If it wasn't for Covid, Trump would have won that race in a landslide.
The Main Stream Media got Joe Biden elected by pretending that Trump mismanaged Covid. If it wasn't for Covid, Trump would have won that race in a landslide.
If we all would have drank bleach, like our president suggested, the epedemic would have been over much sooner.
The crazy mainstream media acted like drinking bleach was harmful. They were lying to hurt Trump

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