Republicans lie about President Biden, Democrats being ‘responsible’ for Trump shooting

Republicans lie about President Biden, Democrats being ‘responsible’ for Trump shooting​

Who cares who says what about whom? The Deep State (formally known as the Military-Industrial Complex is the culprit and there are itchy fingers on both the Republican and Democratic sides of the CIA. :cool: And note they killed Oswald (I mean Crooks) before he could spill the beans.
The right’s war on facts and the truth continues.

Biden said on July 8, ...time to put Trump in the bullseye. Does that sound like a lie to you? Oh yeah, you think "March peacefully and patriotically..." is a call to insurrection. English must not be your first language.
The OP can blow it out his ass!

He's just pissed that the last two weeks have been god-awful for Dimocrats.

Joe Biden July 8th:

"We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye.”​

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