Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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You refuse to comment on the republicans LONG assed history of keeping blacks from voting?

You are a partisan hack

Did you actually read the order that you posted in the other link?

Do you know what "No finding of guilt" means?

Do you know what "No admission of guilt" means?

You are spreading lies here TM. My guess is that you know it and truth really doesn't matter to you.

Do you realize that I could accuse you of libel and haul your butt into court but that would not mean that you were guilty?


Immie I already admitted my mistake and did it without hesitation.

The first definition of consent decree I posted mentioned nothing about not having to admitt guilt.

BTY did you realize when a criminal is CONVICTED he or she also does not have to admitt guilt?

The facts were very telling in the case and they did the consent decree intstead of going to trial to save money and face.

The dems should have just sued them but the republican party in the 80s had very deep pockets and the dems didtnt.

They have since broken the consent drecree and got caught.

If you wnt to pretend that because they did not have to admitt guilt then they are innocent then you are a partisan hack too.

If you already admitted your mistake then why are you continuing with this crap? Move on and find some other lies to perpetuate.

You are right someone found guilty does not have to admit guilt... that is irrelevant, he has been found guilty. It is irrelevant because there was no guilt established in this case and for you to continue to insinuate that there was, is perpetuating more lies.

Thank you for admitting your mistake. I did not see it.

The Dems didn't just sue them, because they knew they didn't have a case that they could prove in court.

As for there having been misdeeds, I would say that I believe both sides (something you would never do) are guilty of stretching the Spirit of the Law. Both sides are guilty of doing what they can do to win. Your Democratic Party is not a party of saints.

LMAO....that is your link dumbass

second paragraph :lol::lol::lol:

Good job Yurt.

Now deal with the fact that they have broken the decree several times which is why they could not get it vacated.

You were right on this and I accept the court documented evidence.

Now will you accept the fact that your party have repeted worked to keep voters from their sacred right by the evidence of these court documents?

Why did they not fight the charges if they were innocent?

They had the money to fight it but knew they would be found guilty and would have ended up paying the Dems costs too.

Prove they were innocent, them not having to admitt guilt does not make them innocent now does it.

Here you go Immie

No wonder I didn't see it. You ignored all the work I did last night and gave credit to Yurt.

Immie go ahead and pretend YURT did not just show himself to be an evil lying asshole who cares nothing about the truth.

You go ahead and pretend Im supposed to read every single post even when Im not here.

You obviously didnt hold yourself the the same standard or you would have known that post exsisted.
Did you actually read the order that you posted in the other link?

Do you know what "No finding of guilt" means?

Do you know what "No admission of guilt" means?

You are spreading lies here TM. My guess is that you know it and truth really doesn't matter to you.

Do you realize that I could accuse you of libel and haul your butt into court but that would not mean that you were guilty?


Immie I already admitted my mistake and did it without hesitation.

The first definition of consent decree I posted mentioned nothing about not having to admitt guilt.

BTY did you realize when a criminal is CONVICTED he or she also does not have to admitt guilt?

The facts were very telling in the case and they did the consent decree intstead of going to trial to save money and face.

The dems should have just sued them but the republican party in the 80s had very deep pockets and the dems didtnt.

They have since broken the consent drecree and got caught.

If you wnt to pretend that because they did not have to admitt guilt then they are innocent then you are a partisan hack too.

If you already admitted your mistake then why are you continuing with this crap? Move on and find some other lies to perpetuate.

You are right someone found guilty does not have to admit guilt... that is irrelevant, he has been found guilty. It is irrelevant because there was no guilt established in this case and for you to continue to insinuate that there was, is perpetuating more lies.

Thank you for admitting your mistake. I did not see it.

The Dems didn't just sue them, because they knew they didn't have a case that they could prove in court.

As for there having been misdeeds, I would say that I believe both sides (something you would never do) are guilty of stretching the Spirit of the Law. Both sides are guilty of doing what they can do to win. Your Democratic Party is not a party of saints.


That is how you excuse the 1000 things the Rs do to every one thing the dems do?
Immie go ahead and pretend YURT did not just show himself to be an evil lying asshole who cares nothing about the truth.

You go ahead and pretend Im supposed to read every single post even when Im not here.

You obviously didnt hold yourself the the same standard or you would have known that post exsisted.

What are you talking about?

Where did I claim you had to read every post?

Obviously I didn't see your post to Yurt. It should have been obvious that I was kidding you about having given him credit for my hard work.

Good job Yurt.

Now deal with the fact that they have broken the decree several times which is why they could not get it vacated.

You were right on this and I accept the court documented evidence.

Now will you accept the fact that your party have repeted worked to keep voters from their sacred right by the evidence of these court documents?

Why did they not fight the charges if they were innocent?

They had the money to fight it but knew they would be found guilty and would have ended up paying the Dems costs too.

Prove they were innocent, them not having to admitt guilt does not make them innocent now does it.

Here you go Immie

No wonder I didn't see it. You ignored all the work I did last night and gave credit to Yurt.


Yeap you did
Immie I already admitted my mistake and did it without hesitation.

The first definition of consent decree I posted mentioned nothing about not having to admitt guilt.

BTY did you realize when a criminal is CONVICTED he or she also does not have to admitt guilt?

The facts were very telling in the case and they did the consent decree intstead of going to trial to save money and face.

The dems should have just sued them but the republican party in the 80s had very deep pockets and the dems didtnt.

They have since broken the consent drecree and got caught.

If you wnt to pretend that because they did not have to admitt guilt then they are innocent then you are a partisan hack too.

If you already admitted your mistake then why are you continuing with this crap? Move on and find some other lies to perpetuate.

You are right someone found guilty does not have to admit guilt... that is irrelevant, he has been found guilty. It is irrelevant because there was no guilt established in this case and for you to continue to insinuate that there was, is perpetuating more lies.

Thank you for admitting your mistake. I did not see it.

The Dems didn't just sue them, because they knew they didn't have a case that they could prove in court.

As for there having been misdeeds, I would say that I believe both sides (something you would never do) are guilty of stretching the Spirit of the Law. Both sides are guilty of doing what they can do to win. Your Democratic Party is not a party of saints.


That is how you excuse the 1000 things the Rs do to every one thing the dems do?

Oh please!

You had to throw that "one thing the dems do" in there didn't you? Even though you refuse to believe they have done anything at all. Gotta make sure you don't appear too biased... too late my dear... too late.


It seems "voter suppression" is a democrat-exclusive term.

While republicans charge "voter fraud".

Each party thinks the other is doing it.......

The republican know the dems are not doing anything, they just pretend they are to haze over their own record.

Now tell me why the "LIBERAL" media does not report on when the rs do this shit?

Hmmm...that's a really good question...because you KNOW as well as I do, that if it was big newsbreaker, they should have and would have been ALLLLL over it. Kinda makes you wonder doesn't it.
Here you go Immie

No wonder I didn't see it. You ignored all the work I did last night and gave credit to Yurt.


Yeap you did

Hmm, think using big bold letters makes you appear smarter? Two of us can play that game.

Immie go ahead and pretend YURT did not just show himself to be an evil lying asshole who cares nothing about the truth.

You go ahead and pretend Im supposed to read every single post even when Im not here.

You obviously didnt hold yourself the the same standard or you would have known that post exsisted.

What are you talking about?

Where did I claim you had to read every post?

Obviously I didn't see your post to Yurt. It should have been obvious that I was kidding you about having given him credit for my hard work.

I have never denied documented fact.

It is the right here who has refused to admitt the republicans have done thoingds for decades to make black people hate them.

They fucking work to keep them from voting IMMIE, you refuse to even admitt the evidence is fully documented and so solid you could bui;ld a house on it.

Then you all pretend some guys acting as security at a polling place are a much bigger problem.

Im getting really sick of the EVIL you people defend for you fucking dirty assed party.
No wonder I didn't see it. You ignored all the work I did last night and gave credit to Yurt.


Yeap you did

Hmm, think using big bold letters makes you appear smarter? Two of us can play that game.

Immie go ahead and pretend YURT did not just show himself to be an evil lying asshole who cares nothing about the truth.

You go ahead and pretend Im supposed to read every single post even when Im not here.

You obviously didnt hold yourself the the same standard or you would have known that post exsisted.

What are you talking about?

Where did I claim you had to read every post?

Obviously I didn't see your post to Yurt. It should have been obvious that I was kidding you about having given him credit for my hard work.


Gee thanks for calling me stupid after already insulting me, that is so nice.
D.N.J.: Republican National Committee Still Bound by Consent Decree Prohibiting Voter Suppression — NSCLC Website

As for the public interest, the court found overwhelmingly that instances of voter fraud were dwarfed by voter suppression. Specifically, the type of voter fraud that the decree prevents the RNC from combating through voter caging and intimidation at the polls, “in-person” fraud, is practically nonexistent. Conversely, the court noted that there is ample evidence of the potential and prevalence of voter suppression, such as that recently documented by the Supreme Court in Bartlett v. Strickland, 129 S.Ct. 1231 (2009).

How is it the media never lets us know about these cases?
What a fucking degenerate you are.
Trying to solve voter fraud is now voter suppression ?
I have never denied documented fact.

It is the right here who has refused to admitt the republicans have done thoingds for decades to make black people hate them.

They fucking work to keep them from voting IMMIE, you refuse to even admitt the evidence is fully documented and so solid you could bui;ld a house on it.

Then you all pretend some guys acting as security at a polling place are a much bigger problem.

Im getting really sick of the EVIL you people defend for you fucking dirty assed party.

Excuse me? Who's defending evil... YOU ARE. I'm not defending any party. I am only pointing out that you are perpetrating lies.

No admission of guilt... No finding of guilt... yet you claim this proves they are guilty.

You are perpetrating lies and I believe that you know it, which makes you guilty of lying.

I have never denied documented fact.

It is the right here who has refused to admitt the republicans have done thoingds for decades to make black people hate them.

They fucking work to keep them from voting IMMIE, you refuse to even admitt the evidence is fully documented and so solid you could bui;ld a house on it.

Then you all pretend some guys acting as security at a polling place are a much bigger problem.

Im getting really sick of the EVIL you people defend for you fucking dirty assed party.

Excuse me? Who's defending evil... YOU ARE. I'm not defending any party. I am only pointing out that you are perpetrating lies.

No admission of guilt... No finding of guilt... yet you claim this proves they are guilty.

You are perpetrating lies and I believe that you know it, which makes you guilty of lying.


Are you REALLY going to pretend I didnt just explain it to you Immie?

Are you really going to claim an admitted mistake is paramount to a lie?
In 1981 and 1986 the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent out letters to predominately African-American neighborhoods. When tens of thousands of them were returned undeliverable, the party successfully challenged the voters and had them deleted from voting rolls. Due to the violation of the Voting Rights Act, the RNC was taken to court. Its officials entered a consent decree which prohibited the party from engaging in anti-fraud initiatives that targeted minorities or conducting mail campaigns to "compile voter challenge lists."

NONE of the facts in thois casse were under dispute, the voting rights act was violated by them. Those are teh facts.

You wnat to pretend the law doesnt matter because the R party never had to admitt guilt?
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Did you actually read the order that you posted in the other link?

Do you know what "No finding of guilt" means?

Do you know what "No admission of guilt" means?

You are spreading lies here TM. My guess is that you know it and truth really doesn't matter to you.

Do you realize that I could accuse you of libel and haul your butt into court but that would not mean that you were guilty?

nice point

it will fall on her deaf ears though

see...acorn = innocent, republicans same scenario = guilty

Yurt you lying sack of dog shit, you know full well I already agknowledged your correct observation.

You people are so fucking dishonest.


Dont ever expect me to trust you about anything again

oh...i get it now...that is what you're talking about on the other board....

eh.....i have no problem with you admitting your blatent error....however, i do have a problem with you applying the double standards to your political groups. its that easy.

you admitted i was right because i used your own link against you. you couldn't fight that or deny that.

try again another day....
I have never denied documented fact.

It is the right here who has refused to admitt the republicans have done thoingds for decades to make black people hate them.

They fucking work to keep them from voting IMMIE, you refuse to even admitt the evidence is fully documented and so solid you could bui;ld a house on it.

Then you all pretend some guys acting as security at a polling place are a much bigger problem.

Im getting really sick of the EVIL you people defend for you fucking dirty assed party.

Excuse me? Who's defending evil... YOU ARE. I'm not defending any party. I am only pointing out that you are perpetrating lies.

No admission of guilt... No finding of guilt... yet you claim this proves they are guilty.

You are perpetrating lies and I believe that you know it, which makes you guilty of lying.


Are you REALLY going to pretend I didnt just explain it to you Immie? You explained it to me, while I was typing other responses to other posts. It is too bad I can't read your mind while I am posting.

Are you really going to claim an admitted mistake is paramount to a lie? You admitted the mistake and then you went right back to posting the same old shit. Yes, that is paraount to a lie.

Let's see... when did you admit that to Yurt?

Then how long ago was it that you posted that link from the DNC?

If you admitted you were wrong, why are you still claiming you were right without evidence? Never mind, I know the answer to that. You are a partisan hack that doesn't really care about the truth.

It was court documented fact.

I accept real evidence.

You on the other hand LIE and pretend no appology was made by me so you can INSULT me.

You are why I hate the right, you lie and refuse evidence and then think its really cute and dosent matter.

YOU are what is wrong with this country and you have no morals.
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