Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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Immie are you really going to claim that because the definition of the term I read and provided said nothing about not admitting guilt and in fact implied it was a type of avoidance of monitary outlay was what I based the statement on it means the Republican party did not break teh law?

No, I am going to rely on the court ordered Consent Decree that says NO FINDINGS OF GUILT and NO ADMISSION OF GUILT.

When I see some court documents that find the Republican Party guilty of a crime, I will be more than happy to condemn them. When I see some court documents that find the Democratic Party guilty of a crime, I will be more than happy to condemn them.

I am not going to condemn the Republican Party simply because your party decided to file a lawsuit that they could not support.


So the fact that they broke the law and the evidence in the case is clear cut means nothing to you huh?

BTY ACORN has never admitted guilt either and never been convicted either.

You still pretend they did something

We have ACORN representatives on VIDEO--and you have a lot of baseless accusations--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

We have a video of the black panthers intimidating whites at a precinct.

Exactly who--(what person) was intimidated by a Republican--and exactly who was the Republican that actually stopped a black voter from voting? The reason the court has decided in this manner--is because there is no evidence of it that can be substantiated.

Anyone can "accuse" anyone--but it's the evidence that has to be there--and this thread has none.
I have never denied documented fact.

It is the right here who has refused to admitt the republicans have done thoingds for decades to make black people hate them.

They fucking work to keep them from voting IMMIE, you refuse to even admitt the evidence is fully documented and so solid you could bui;ld a house on it.

Then you all pretend some guys acting as security at a polling place are a much bigger problem.

Im getting really sick of the EVIL you people defend for you fucking dirty assed party.

Shut up with calling that black panther asshole a security guard and maybe you'll start to have more credibility. Security :lol:

Being a black panbther is not against the law BTY.

PROVE he intimidated anyone

Carrying and displaying a weapon (night stick) is intimidating...if it wasn't, there wouldn't have been any footage of it, TDM.
What's this prove crap......just another deflection?
Immie ,, plkease just answer me ONE time.

Do you insist that because they did not have to admitt guilt because they entered a consent decree that they did nothing wrong?

No, I did not. I said there was no finding of guilt. I happen to believe in the principle of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY even if I don't believe that the state plays by those rules.

I have also repeatedly stated that I am certain both parties are guilty. You see, some of us don't see one party as saint and the other party as Satan. We realize both parties have good ideas and bad ideas, good people and bad people. You would not be included in that.

Yeah's ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!! Hmm...kinda makes you feel like Bush a little don't it? LOL

Go fuck yourself Im talking to someone who at one time I thought was a friend.

you have never been decent to anyone who doesnt think exactly like you

Can you prove that I've never been decent to anyone that doesn't think exactly like me? No.
I will admit that I haven't been very decent to you Truth...I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. But if we're gonna be totally honest, you're the one telling me to go fuck myself. Pretty decent of you, isn't it?
Just sayin.

However, the more I think about it...I have never expected people to think exactly like I do. I used to expect to find at least someone that I could have a sincere discussion with about subjects that we differ on...but I haven't found that. I would enjoy some decent debate with someone on the other side without a bunch of whiney 5th grade name calling or pouting and calling all cons/reps a bunch of liars. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to exchange thoughts and consider both sides without all that bullshit? There's no telling what we might be able to find out if we conducted our conversations like we actually cared what others thought. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I will admit it. I get caught up in the fray and hurl insults like the rest of em on here.

Oh much for wishful thinking..

Have a good night Truth...sorry for intruding on your friendly discussion
No, I am going to rely on the court ordered Consent Decree that says NO FINDINGS OF GUILT and NO ADMISSION OF GUILT.

When I see some court documents that find the Republican Party guilty of a crime, I will be more than happy to condemn them. When I see some court documents that find the Democratic Party guilty of a crime, I will be more than happy to condemn them.

I am not going to condemn the Republican Party simply because your party decided to file a lawsuit that they could not support.


So the fact that they broke the law and the evidence in the case is clear cut means nothing to you huh?

BTY ACORN has never admitted guilt either and never been convicted either.

You still pretend they did something

We have ACORN representatives on VIDEO--and you have a lot of baseless accusations--:cuckoo::cuckoo:Thaty video was proven to be a fake

We have a video of the black panthers intimidating whites at a precinct.The tape shows NO ONE being intimidated

Exactly who--(what person) was intimidated by a Republican--and exactly who was the Republican that actually stopped a black voter from voting? The reason the court has decided in this manner--is because there is no evidence of it that can be substantiated.That is NOT what a consent decree is you fucking liar

Anyone can "accuse" anyone--but it's the evidence that has to be there--and this thread has none.

Only to an idiot like you
Yeah's ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!! Hmm...kinda makes you feel like Bush a little don't it? LOL

Go fuck yourself Im talking to someone who at one time I thought was a friend.

you have never been decent to anyone who doesnt think exactly like you

Can you prove that I've never been decent to anyone that doesn't think exactly like me? No.
I will admit that I haven't been very decent to you Truth...I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. But if we're gonna be totally honest, you're the one telling me to go fuck myself. Pretty decent of you, isn't it?
Just sayin.

However, the more I think about it...I have never expected people to think exactly like I do. I used to expect to find at least someone that I could have a sincere discussion with about subjects that we differ on...but I haven't found that. I would enjoy some decent debate with someone on the other side without a bunch of whiney 5th grade name calling or pouting and calling all cons/reps a bunch of liars. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to exchange thoughts and consider both sides without all that bullshit? There's no telling what we might be able to find out if we conducted our conversations like we actually cared what others thought. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I will admit it. I get caught up in the fray and hurl insults like the rest of em on here.

Oh much for wishful thinking..

Have a good night Truth...sorry for intruding on your friendly discussion

When you refuse cold hard court documented facts then you are worthlessina debate..

Not one of you has ever admitted any mistake you have ever made to me/.

I admitt a mistake right away and see how the lot of you treat the situation?

I admitt a mistake and you people pretend it means the court documents arwe now null and void.

No wonder this country is so fucked up , you people dont care that your party hates blacks so much they work repetedly to keep them from voting.

Then you wonder why blacks hate teh GOP.
So the fact that they broke the law and the evidence in the case is clear cut means nothing to you huh?

BTY ACORN has never admitted guilt either and never been convicted either.

You still pretend they did something

We have ACORN representatives on VIDEO--and you have a lot of baseless accusations--:cuckoo::cuckoo:Thaty video was proven to be a fake

We have a video of the black panthers intimidating whites at a precinct.The tape shows NO ONE being intimidated

Exactly who--(what person) was intimidated by a Republican--and exactly who was the Republican that actually stopped a black voter from voting? The reason the court has decided in this manner--is because there is no evidence of it that can be substantiated.That is NOT what a consent decree is you fucking liar

Anyone can "accuse" anyone--but it's the evidence that has to be there--and this thread has none.

Only to an idiot like you

WOW you are pathetic. Fake video? The police showed up and hauled the night stick wielding ****** off. In front of dozens of witnesses.

You are dismissed
Shut up with calling that black panther asshole a security guard and maybe you'll start to have more credibility. Security :lol:

Being a black panbther is not against the law BTY.

PROVE he intimidated anyone

Carrying and displaying a weapon (night stick) is intimidating...if it wasn't, there wouldn't have been any footage of it, TDM.
What's this prove crap......just another deflection?

But its just peachy when the tea party members carry signs of our president hanging or with a bone through his nose while they pack heat in public huh?

But not those black guys they cant carry a fucking stick.
Being a black panbther is not against the law BTY.

PROVE he intimidated anyone

Carrying and displaying a weapon (night stick) is intimidating...if it wasn't, there wouldn't have been any footage of it, TDM.
What's this prove crap......just another deflection?

But its just peachy when the tea party members carry signs of our president hanging or with a bone through his nose while they pack heat in public huh?

But not those black guys they cant carry a fucking stick.

IF a tea party person is standing in front of a polling place tapping his fingers on his gun as folks are trying to go vote. you have a case until then ... SHUT THE FUCK UP.
[/QUOTE] WOW you are pathetic. Fake video? The police showed up and hauled the night stick wielding ****** off. In front of dozens of witnesses.

You are dismissed[/QUOTE]

Dear racist asshole, You are a lying sack of shit.

Now go view thge video again and realise they were asked to follow the cop and did so without incident.

No one was "hauled" off.

you are a racist piece of shit.

Enjoy the people in your party like this guys.
Go fuck yourself Im talking to someone who at one time I thought was a friend.

you have never been decent to anyone who doesnt think exactly like you

Can you prove that I've never been decent to anyone that doesn't think exactly like me? No.
I will admit that I haven't been very decent to you Truth...I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. But if we're gonna be totally honest, you're the one telling me to go fuck myself. Pretty decent of you, isn't it?
Just sayin.

However, the more I think about it...I have never expected people to think exactly like I do. I used to expect to find at least someone that I could have a sincere discussion with about subjects that we differ on...but I haven't found that. I would enjoy some decent debate with someone on the other side without a bunch of whiney 5th grade name calling or pouting and calling all cons/reps a bunch of liars. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to exchange thoughts and consider both sides without all that bullshit? There's no telling what we might be able to find out if we conducted our conversations like we actually cared what others thought. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I will admit it. I get caught up in the fray and hurl insults like the rest of em on here.

Oh much for wishful thinking..

Have a good night Truth...sorry for intruding on your friendly discussion

When you refuse cold hard court documented facts then you are worthlessina debate..

Not one of you has ever admitted any mistake you have ever made to me/.

I admitt a mistake right away and see how the lot of you treat the situation?

I admitt a mistake and you people pretend it means the court documents arwe now null and void.

No wonder this country is so fucked up , you people dont care that your party hates blacks so much they work repetedly to keep them from voting.

Then you wonder why blacks hate teh GOP.

I'm sure, I have admitted mistakes to you in the past, TM. But, I'm sure you won't be honest and admit that.

I would not be calling you out on this had you simply left it at, "I made a mistake" and then moved on. But you didn't. You said you made a mistake and then you went right back to claiming it to be the God's awful truth. That is why you are being called out here. Not for having made a mistake.

By the way, you know I don't have a party. I dropped the Republican Party shortly after his second election and I don't believe you will find many nice things coming off my fingertips regarding the Bush Admin since then. Note: I said "many nice things" not "any nice things".

Edit: And with that I am saying good night. We can continue this battle at a later date. It's nearly 1am here and I had planned on being in bed by 11.

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Being a black panbther is not against the law BTY.

PROVE he intimidated anyone

Carrying and displaying a weapon (night stick) is intimidating...if it wasn't, there wouldn't have been any footage of it, TDM.
What's this prove crap......just another deflection?

But its just peachy when the tea party members carry signs of our president hanging or with a bone through his nose while they pack heat in public huh?

But not those black guys they cant carry a fucking stick.

Were the tea Party People standing outside a voting place intimidating people as they went to vote like the black panthers?

Um nooo. lol And I see you watched that CNN report where they picked out 2 radical Signs and only showed them, then the crowd nearly ran the Bitch reporter off because she was deliberately not showing all the Massive amount of NON racial, or radical Signs :)

oh why do I bother you lemmings just listen to what ever the lib press is selling anyways.

Being a black panbther is not against the law BTY.

PROVE he intimidated anyone

Carrying and displaying a weapon (night stick) is intimidating...if it wasn't, there wouldn't have been any footage of it, TDM.
What's this prove crap......just another deflection?

But its just peachy when the tea party members carry signs of our president hanging or with a bone through his nose while they pack heat in public huh?

But not those black guys they cant carry a fucking stick.

Do have a picture of any tea party member carrying a sign of Obama hanging or with a bone through his nose while they are carrying a gun?

You've made the accusation--now prove it.

Because I have this sign of an actual threat--from your side of the isle--and I am not making the accusation I am showing you proof of it.

$Bush protestor hate sign.jpg
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Being a black panbther is not against the law BTY.

PROVE he intimidated anyone

Carrying and displaying a weapon (night stick) is intimidating...if it wasn't, there wouldn't have been any footage of it, TDM.
What's this prove crap......just another deflection?

But its just peachy when the tea party members carry signs of our president hanging or with a bone through his nose while they pack heat in public huh?

But not those black guys they cant carry a fucking stick.

If the black panther was at a mall or a rally with a would have a point. But THAT black panther was making a point, was at a polling address. Can YOU see the difference?
The SEIU excel at voter Intimidation. Check it out in November!

P.S. whats with people dropping the N bomb in here and not getting banned? LOL just wondering.
Can you prove that I've never been decent to anyone that doesn't think exactly like me? No.
I will admit that I haven't been very decent to you Truth...I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. But if we're gonna be totally honest, you're the one telling me to go fuck myself. Pretty decent of you, isn't it?
Just sayin.

However, the more I think about it...I have never expected people to think exactly like I do. I used to expect to find at least someone that I could have a sincere discussion with about subjects that we differ on...but I haven't found that. I would enjoy some decent debate with someone on the other side without a bunch of whiney 5th grade name calling or pouting and calling all cons/reps a bunch of liars. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to exchange thoughts and consider both sides without all that bullshit? There's no telling what we might be able to find out if we conducted our conversations like we actually cared what others thought. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I will admit it. I get caught up in the fray and hurl insults like the rest of em on here.

Oh much for wishful thinking..

Have a good night Truth...sorry for intruding on your friendly discussion

When you refuse cold hard court documented facts then you are worthlessina debate..

Not one of you has ever admitted any mistake you have ever made to me/.

I admitt a mistake right away and see how the lot of you treat the situation?

I admitt a mistake and you people pretend it means the court documents arwe now null and void.

No wonder this country is so fucked up , you people dont care that your party hates blacks so much they work repetedly to keep them from voting.

Then you wonder why blacks hate teh GOP.

I'm sure, I have admitted mistakes to you in the past, TM. But, I'm sure you won't be honest and admit that.

I would not be calling you out on this had you simply left it at, "I made a mistake" and then moved on. But you didn't. You said you made a mistake and then you went right back to claiming it to be the God's awful truth. That is why you are being called out here. Not for having made a mistake.

By the way, you know I don't have a party. I dropped the Republican Party shortly after his second election and I don't believe you will find many nice things coming off my fingertips regarding the Bush Admin since then. Note: I said "many nice things" not "any nice things".


Not having to admitt guilt is not the same as being innocent.

They were punished and are still being punished for the deeds.

You want to pretend it means no voter was harmed.

They did it again in Florida with the Felons list and were forced by the court ot drop the list.

You dont care that they have harmed voters you just want to pretend twenty years of being refused by law to do any voter purging means nothing at all.

Yet you will lie all day aboput what ACORN did.,
WOW you are pathetic. Fake video? The police showed up and hauled the night stick wielding ****** off. In front of dozens of witnesses.

You are dismissed[/QUOTE]

Dear racist asshole, You are a lying sack of shit.

Now go view thge video again and realise they were asked to follow the cop and did so without incident.

No one was "hauled" off.

you are a racist piece of shit.

Enjoy the people in your party like this guys.[/QUOTE]

A) I'm neither a Repub nor a Tea Partier
B) I only say ****** to piss Little whiny bitches like you off, feel free to read the racism forum where I defend blacks.
C) You are officially recognized as a fucking moron, congratulations. I suggest no one converse with you further.
Go fuck yourself Im talking to someone who at one time I thought was a friend.

you have never been decent to anyone who doesnt think exactly like you

Can you prove that I've never been decent to anyone that doesn't think exactly like me? No.
I will admit that I haven't been very decent to you Truth...I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. But if we're gonna be totally honest, you're the one telling me to go fuck myself. Pretty decent of you, isn't it?
Just sayin.

However, the more I think about it...I have never expected people to think exactly like I do. I used to expect to find at least someone that I could have a sincere discussion with about subjects that we differ on...but I haven't found that. I would enjoy some decent debate with someone on the other side without a bunch of whiney 5th grade name calling or pouting and calling all cons/reps a bunch of liars. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to exchange thoughts and consider both sides without all that bullshit? There's no telling what we might be able to find out if we conducted our conversations like we actually cared what others thought. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I will admit it. I get caught up in the fray and hurl insults like the rest of em on here.

Oh much for wishful thinking..

Have a good night Truth...sorry for intruding on your friendly discussion

When you refuse cold hard court documented facts then you are worthlessina debate..

Not one of you has ever admitted any mistake you have ever made to me/.

I admitt a mistake right away and see how the lot of you treat the situation?

I admitt a mistake and you people pretend it means the court documents arwe now null and void.

No wonder this country is so fucked up , you people dont care that your party hates blacks so much they work repetedly to keep them from voting.

Then you wonder why blacks hate teh GOP.

I don't recall refusing any documented facts in this discussion. I did, however, present a different have many others here. You see, not everyone thinks exactly like you do. And and of itself...seems to bother you a great deal.

How dare we disagree with your position!!!???!!! We don't have the right to have our own opinion or the right to defend the widely cut swath of an accusation that you posted at the beginning of this thread.

This intimidation thing is my biggest objection. I hope my point here resurrects me from being worthless in a debate...but it may require you to think outside of your own head for a moment. Let's try it...

In a completely different situation, where YOU were personally confronted with this guy in the video, or ANY person, holding a night stick, walking toward you and looking like they weren't happy that you were there, would you be intimidated? Just let go of the political argument for 2 seconds and answer that question honestly. Would you? I know I would. Why would this guy need a billy club in front of a voting booth? If he's a security guard, what does he plan to use that club for? If I'm a security guard that needs a weapon, I'm not carrying a stick...I'm packin heat. Wouldn't you? So at least for one second, consider that he might NOT be a security...just for sake of the argument. What does that do to change your position? Anything? Nothing?

The truth is...if I may be so bold as to express it to you...both sides have done things to suppress voters. But you can't bring yourself to admit that.

I hope was decent enough in that exchange.
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