Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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Sheesh truthmatters must need glasses.
your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all
your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all

good. go nite nite.
Can you prove that I've never been decent to anyone that doesn't think exactly like me? No.
I will admit that I haven't been very decent to you Truth...I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. But if we're gonna be totally honest, you're the one telling me to go fuck myself. Pretty decent of you, isn't it?
Just sayin.

However, the more I think about it...I have never expected people to think exactly like I do. I used to expect to find at least someone that I could have a sincere discussion with about subjects that we differ on...but I haven't found that. I would enjoy some decent debate with someone on the other side without a bunch of whiney 5th grade name calling or pouting and calling all cons/reps a bunch of liars. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to exchange thoughts and consider both sides without all that bullshit? There's no telling what we might be able to find out if we conducted our conversations like we actually cared what others thought. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I will admit it. I get caught up in the fray and hurl insults like the rest of em on here.

Oh much for wishful thinking..

Have a good night Truth...sorry for intruding on your friendly discussion

When you refuse cold hard court documented facts then you are worthlessina debate..

Not one of you has ever admitted any mistake you have ever made to me/.

I admitt a mistake right away and see how the lot of you treat the situation?

I admitt a mistake and you people pretend it means the court documents arwe now null and void.

No wonder this country is so fucked up , you people dont care that your party hates blacks so much they work repetedly to keep them from voting.

Then you wonder why blacks hate teh GOP.

I don't recall refusing any documented facts in this discussion. I did, however, present a different have many others here. You see, not everyone thinks exactly like you do. And and of itself...seems to bother you a great deal.

How dare we disagree with your position!!!???!!! We don't have the right to have our own opinion or the right to defend the widely cut swath of an accusation that you posted at the beginning of this thread.

This intimidation thing is my biggest objection. I hope my point here resurrects me from being worthless in a debate...but it may require you to think outside of your own head for a moment. Let's try it...

In a completely different situation, where YOU were personally confronted with this guy in the video, or ANY person, holding a night stick, walking toward you and looking like they weren't happy that you were there, would you be intimidated? Just let go of the political argument for 2 seconds and answer that question honestly. Would you? I know I would. Why would this guy need a billy club in front of a voting booth? If he's a security guard, what does he plan to use that club for? If I'm a security guard that needs a weapon, I'm not carrying a stick...I'm packin heat. Wouldn't you? So at least for one second, consider that he might NOT be a security...just for sake of the argument. What does that do to change your position? Anything? Nothing?

The truth is...if I may be so bold as to express it to you...both sides have done things to suppress voters. But you can't bring yourself to admit that.

I hope was decent enough in that exchange.

I've noticed that is a common liberal theme around here. They get PISSED if you dare to have a differing opinion. Ridiculous really.
your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all
you prove over and over that you are nothing but a partisan hack moron
The SEIU excel at voter Intimidation. Check it out in November!

P.S. whats with people dropping the N bomb in here and not getting banned? LOL just wondering.

They are cons

Why do you pigeonhole everyone? I am a conservative and I do not use that word. I am not a racist. I don't have a gun rack in my truck, Hell I don't even have a truck lol. It is rather simple minded to lump people into groups and assume they all act the same like you do. It is bigoted in fact to claim all cons are racists, and to by saying that act like no liberals are.
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your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all

So much for decent debate.....We know you'll be back soon enough...good night TM
The SEIU excel at voter Intimidation. Check it out in November!

P.S. whats with people dropping the N bomb in here and not getting banned? LOL just wondering.

They are cons

Why do you pigeonhole everyone? I am a conservative and I do not use that word. I am not a racist. I don't have a gun rack in my truck, Hell I don't even have a truck lol. It is rather simple minded to lump people into groups and assume they all act the same like you do. It is bigoted in fact to claim all cons are racists, and to by saying that act like no liberals are.

uh you're just as evil as the rest of us because you dare to voice your differing opinion. Welcome to the club Charles!
your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all

Dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, I swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?
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your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all

Dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, I swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?

LOL...that's so wrong....LOL
your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all

Dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, I swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?
she is the worst of the worst of the partisan morons
your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all

Dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, I swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?
she is the worst of the worst of the partisan morons

People like her have watered down true racism so much it means nothing now days.
Dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, I swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?
she is the worst of the worst of the partisan morons

People like her have watered down true racism so much it means nothing now days.
but true
your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all

Dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, I swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?
she is the worst of the worst of the partisan morons

Oh crap. TM is a chick?

Dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, I swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?
she is the worst of the worst of the partisan morons

Oh crap. TM is a chick?

LOL yeah
dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, i swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?
she is the worst of the worst of the partisan morons

oh crap. Tm is a chick?


Dude it's just politics. Don't take it so personal.

Okay. If you'll stay, I swear we'll stop keeping blacks from voting.

I had no idea this was so important. It was just, you know, something to do.

Tell ya what. Which candidates were denied office because of our little games? I'll see to it that all current office holders in those positions go back to their banking and insurance jobs by next month.

Name them. They're out. Cool?
she is the worst of the worst of the partisan morons

Oh crap. TM is a chick?


You mean "dammit, dude!" right?
Screwing with voters is as old as voting itself.... Deny it, claim we are so much more civilized, all you want and the fact still remains it happens in some communities. Everything from cops intimidating minorities from the polls to black panthers intimidating whites; its no different than the roman legions ensuring an election back in the days of Rome...

The places these things happen most are wherever the poor and less educated live in greater numbers. Its a fact and universal to both parties. Every election if you look closely you can find this type of thing going on somewhere.... And if not this particular type of thing, you can find other things which are effectively the same thing in essence. The latest was computerized vote machines and counting problems... They are all part and parcel to elections just as bullshit is to politicians...

The only difference is now we have instant information and cameras every where and media 24/7 watching for extremes they can capitalize on and get you to watch.. out of the millions and millions of voters how many were intimidated? How many votes miscounted? How many of the dead voted? How many machines recorded false votes, wrong votes or none at all? How many people voted incorrectly? How many votes were screwed up by the punch machines? We can never hope to know, but one thing that is undeniable is they do happen....

I feel its best to not react to extremes in the media like those mentioned here. That does nothing but give them motivation to look for and show ever more extremes to dramatize and twist reality.... Is it realistic to think intimidation happened all over the place? No... Is it realistic to think it didn't happen at all? No... The reality is more like real life; something in the middle. Some areas had voter intimidation, some had none, some had voting machine issues, some did not, and some had deliberate or accidental factors which effected the vote count one way or another. Is it all the time or everywhere? No not likely, but it did and does happen...

As long as people are willing to sell their souls for an ideology, and willing to do anything in the belief of that ideology's claimed or implied "good" this will continue to happen.. Want it to go away? me too... Only way it will happen is if we ALL stop buying the BS and rhetoric. Then they will have to do what they claim for a change. Then maybe enough people will vote for a person and not a party..
the thing with truthnevermatters is that yes, she will post a link to some factual evidence, but then post a ton of pure bullshit that her link doesnt actually support
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