Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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You mean "dammit, dude!" right?

I honestly never met a chick who was that stupid. I figgered - gotta be some guy living out of his grandmother's garage.

I mean not that that's anything to be ashamed of.

:lol: guess up you haven't met ravi, sangha, or gslack or syrenn yet either, 4 of the dumbest bitches ever.

Whoa there. Syrenn and gslack are buds.

Sangha has got to be a guy - way too snotty to be anything but a full of himself SOB. Ravi I mix up with Zona.
I honestly never met a chick who was that stupid. I figgered - gotta be some guy living out of his grandmother's garage.

I mean not that that's anything to be ashamed of.

:lol: guess up you haven't met ravi, sangha, or gslack or syrenn yet either, 4 of the dumbest bitches ever.

Whoa there. Syrenn and gslack are buds.

Sangha has got to be a guy - way too snotty to be anything but a full of himself SOB. Ravi I mix up with Zona.
i'm convinced that ravi, zona, chris, old rocks all share the same single barely functional brain cell
I honestly never met a chick who was that stupid. I figgered - gotta be some guy living out of his grandmother's garage.

I mean not that that's anything to be ashamed of.

:lol: guess up you haven't met ravi, sangha, or gslack or syrenn yet either, 4 of the dumbest bitches ever.

Whoa there. Syrenn and gslack are buds.

Sangha has got to be a guy - way too snotty to be anything but a full of himself SOB. Ravi I mix up with Zona.

yes sangha is a guy lol

gslack is some captain save a ho who will come to syrenn's rescue no matter how stupid she is being. Kinda weird actually.
:lol: guess up you haven't met ravi, sangha, or gslack or syrenn yet either, 4 of the dumbest bitches ever.

Whoa there. Syrenn and gslack are buds.

Sangha has got to be a guy - way too snotty to be anything but a full of himself SOB. Ravi I mix up with Zona.
i'm convinced that ravi, zona, chris, old rocks all share the same single barely functional brain cell

But we're being rude. Who's with me in pledging never again to intimidate black males?
You mean "dammit, dude!" right?

I honestly never met a chick who was that stupid. I figgered - gotta be some guy living out of his grandmother's garage.

I mean not that that's anything to be ashamed of.

:lol: guess up you haven't met ravi, sangha, or gslack or syrenn yet either, 4 of the dumbest bitches ever.

Thought I was in your Iggy bin dipshit?

Oh thats right... The whole 'lack of conviction" thing ... forgot sorry man...:lol:

Still infatuated with me I see... Just like your waffling and lack of backbone you showed before, here you are claiming to ignore me but still crying about me to anyone who will listen to your sorry punk ass...

You get my vote for most likely to beat a woman, kick a dog, or drop puppies off a bridge. So please keep crying about me..:lol:
:lol: guess up you haven't met ravi, sangha, or gslack or syrenn yet either, 4 of the dumbest bitches ever.

Whoa there. Syrenn and gslack are buds.

Sangha has got to be a guy - way too snotty to be anything but a full of himself SOB. Ravi I mix up with Zona.

yes sangha is a guy lol

gslack is some captain save a ho who will come to syrenn's rescue no matter how stupid she is being. Kinda weird actually.

And Conho is a complete deadbeat asshole who thinks women need to do as he says or else.... Oh and he obsesses over me as you can see....:lol:
While finding no evidence in support of vacating or significantly modifying the decree, the court did find that unforeseen unworkability allowed for a small change.Due to multiple allegations of voter suppression, the RNC has found itself defending intervenor lawsuits to enforce the decree. As the DNC does not face similar lawsuits, in the interest of equity the court changed the decree so only the DNC could seek to enforce it. The court also recognized that the requirement for the RNC to seek 20 day pre-clearance approval of any new “ballot security” tactics does not allow it to monitor new voter registrations in the few states that have adopted registration deadlines within 20 days of elections. The term was changed to a 10 day pre-clearance requirement. In response to the complaint that the decree’s prohibition on voter intimidation at the polls was too vague, the definition of this tactic was clarified. Finally, in the hope that the RNC might change its behavior toward minority voters in the future, the court added a contingent termination date to the decree of eight years. If the decree is violated again, the deadline will be extended.

Jesus TM. You really oughtta get out more.

Your always pulling up this shit from decades ago like it happened yersterday.

You rant and rave about it and completely ignore Black Panters intimidating folks in Philly.

Get a life. Jeeze.

Dear fucking lying idiot.

If you bothered to read any of this provided documentation you would r4ealise their infractions are not decades old.

How in the hell do you think you can offer this country anything if you refuse to accept court documeanted fact so you can retain your political point of view?

LMAO there TM

I don't even bother to read your bs anymore. Your the most partisan bs artist on this board. You hate the Reps and think your lovely Dems are just golden.

It has escaped your notice but BOTH parties suck. Not just the Reps. LOL

Hmm. As I said. You outta get out more. Go to a Tea Party and meet some real folks from all parties. Might change your perspective a little. LOL
When you refuse cold hard court documented facts then you are worthlessina debate..

Not one of you has ever admitted any mistake you have ever made to me/.

I admitt a mistake right away and see how the lot of you treat the situation?

I admitt a mistake and you people pretend it means the court documents arwe now null and void.

No wonder this country is so fucked up , you people dont care that your party hates blacks so much they work repetedly to keep them from voting.

Then you wonder why blacks hate teh GOP.

I'm sure, I have admitted mistakes to you in the past, TM. But, I'm sure you won't be honest and admit that.

I would not be calling you out on this had you simply left it at, "I made a mistake" and then moved on. But you didn't. You said you made a mistake and then you went right back to claiming it to be the God's awful truth. That is why you are being called out here. Not for having made a mistake.

By the way, you know I don't have a party. I dropped the Republican Party shortly after his second election and I don't believe you will find many nice things coming off my fingertips regarding the Bush Admin since then. Note: I said "many nice things" not "any nice things".


Not having to admitt guilt is not the same as being innocent.

They were punished and are still being punished for the deeds.

You want to pretend it means no voter was harmed.

They did it again in Florida with the Felons list and were forced by the court ot drop the list.

You dont care that they have harmed voters you just want to pretend twenty years of being refused by law to do any voter purging means nothing at all.

Yet you will lie all day aboput what ACORN did.,

No, TM, they were not punished. They settled with the DNC. There was no punishment issued. What the hell is so hard to understand about that?

I never said they were innocent. You are the only one that claims your side is innocent. I said both sides are probably guilty. But the big difference between you and I is that I am not willing to convict on unproven allegations whereas if the defendant is a Republican the only thing you need to convict them is a liberal that is willing to accuse them.

I never once said that voters were not harmed. There you go lying again.

Regarding the Felons list, they should have been told to drop the list. Again, they tried a maneuver and were told by the courts that they could not do that. If they had gotten far enough to have committed a crime they would have been prosecuted and should have been.

More damned lies by you. How the hell do you know what I care for. You are nothing but a liar. Oh wait, you are also a partisan hack.

your a fucking idiot racist and I gave extensive links to court documents whgich every fucking con here claims menas nothing.

Itys how your side is.

i used to think some of you were fair people.

I know better now.

You dont care about anything but hanging onto your idiot failed ideas and votiung fro the people who fuck you in the ass repetedly.

Enjoy your ass fucking ,

Im done with you all

I see she got her ass handed to her again.

Okay, what thread did she start with that NSCLC document after I left last night claiming misdeeds of the Republican Party?

D.N.J.: Republican National Committee Still Bound by Consent Decree Prohibiting Voter Suppression — NSCLC Website

"The RNC argued that the increase in minority turnout and an African-American President and Attorney General made the decree’s voter protections unnecessary.The court found these arguments entirely “inapposite” to the analysis. The relevant inquiry was whether the RNC had to be restrained from further vote suppression , not whether or not the Department of Justice would enforce the VRA . As minority voters continued to manifest a marked aversion to the GOP, the court found the RNC’s incentive to suppress their vote had not been lessened. The court also found no election law rendered the terms of the decree illegal or unnecessary and no law had led to an increase in voter fraud whose incidence could only be prevented by modifying the decree."

"While finding no evidence in support of vacating or significantly modifying the decree, the court did find that unforeseen unworkability allowed for a small change.Due to multiple allegations of voter suppression, the RNC has found itself defending intervenor lawsuits to enforce the decree. As theDNC does not face similar lawsuits , in the interest of equity the court changed the decree so only the DNC could seek to enforce it . The court also recognized that the requirement for the RNC to seek 20 day pre-clearance approval of any new “ballot security” tactics does not allow it to monitor new voter registrations in the few states that have adopted registration deadlines within 20 days of elections. The term was changed to a 10 day pre-clearance requirement. In response to the complaint that the decree’s prohibition on voter intimidation at the polls was too vague, the definition of this tactic was clarified.Finally, in the hope that the RNC might change its behavior toward minority voters in the future, the court added a contingent termination date to the decree of eight years. If the decree is violated again, the deadline will be extended."

The RNC has been determined by the court to have repetedly violated the decree.

That means they have repetedly acted to violate the rights of minority voters.

I know you people dont really care that your party violates the rigths of Americans (especially when they are not white).

You instead insist that because they did not have to admitt guilt for the original crimes everything is just fine.
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