Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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"the RNC responded to a discovery request by producing a memo from its Midwest Political Director to its Southern Political Director, in which the former stated that I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60,000-80,000 folks from the rolls … If it‟s a close race … which I‟m assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably.”“ See Thomas Edsall, Ballot Security Effects Calculated: GOP Aide Said Lousiana Effort “Could Keep the Black Vote Down,” Wash. Post, Oct. 24, 1986 at A1."

Now lets remember this is in a court document written by a the judge in his decision


Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.

I wish the republican party didnt try to keep people from voting to win elections

And I wish the democrats didn't have dead people voting and try and use the ignorance of the poor against them... but here we are, they do and they do.....

Go get some court documentation of the democrats causing dead people to vote.

No not bullshit partisan talking points but court documented proof like I have been giving for days in this thread.

"the RNC responded to a discovery request by producing a memo from its Midwest Political Director to its Southern Political Director, in which the former stated that I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60,000-80,000 folks from the rolls … If it‟s a close race … which I‟m assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably.”“ See Thomas Edsall, Ballot Security Effects Calculated: GOP Aide Said Lousiana Effort “Could Keep the Black Vote Down,” Wash. Post, Oct. 24, 1986 at A1."

Now lets remember this is in a court document written by a the judge in his decision


Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


They have been found buy the court to continue these activities.

Now go get the court documents that proove like you claim that the dems do it too.
Immie where is the lie in any of that court documentation?

Read Charles_Main's reply to this ridiculous question.

No one is claiming the court document is lying. We are pointing out that you are lying about what it says. Repeatedly lying about it.

This is how democrats think:

When the RNC attempts to determine whether voter fraud occurred, the DNC cries voter suppression.
Notice how suppression is never claimed until after fraud allegations?

It's a little tit-for-tat game they like to play with each other....


not to mention that doesn't equal voter intimidation. It equals warning about breaking the law.

A ****** standing out in front of a polling place tapping his billy club to his hand, now THAT is voter intimidation.


I wish you would not use that word. Please.


GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times

"In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Yeah they were not guilty huh?

More from the article
"The committee's ballot security program was conducted in Louisiana, Indiana and Missouri. Before it became controversial, GOP political strategists said they planned to use it in other states.

'Insidious Scheme'

Louisiana state District Court Judge Richard E. Lee issued an injunction against the program on Oct. 14. In his order, Lee said: "This was an insidious scheme by the Republican Party to remove blacks from the voting roles."
I wish the republican party didnt try to keep people from voting to win elections

And I wish the democrats didn't have dead people voting and try and use the ignorance of the poor against them... but here we are, they do and they do.....

Go get some court documentation of the democrats causing dead people to vote.

No not bullshit partisan talking points but court documented proof like I have been giving for days in this thread.

AP: Mississippi Has More Voters than Adults
AP: Mississippi Has More Voters than Adults
Monday, 27 Oct 2008 07:01 PM Article Font Size
JACKSON, Miss. — More than a third of Mississippi counties have more registered voters than residents old enough to cast a ballot, according to an Associated Press analysis.

In addition to providing ammunition for people who say the voting system is vulnerable to fraud, the flabby voting rolls may make it difficult to accurately determine turnout for the Nov. 4 presidential election.

"There is no reason in the world why some of these counties should have more registered voters than they have living, breathing people," Mississippi Senate Elections Committee Chairman Terry Burton said.

Despite the inflated voter rolls, "it's important not to leap to the conclusion that this means there have been many illegitimate voters," said Adam Skaggs, an attorney at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law....

dead registered voters vote - Google Search
GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times

"In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Yeah they were not guilty huh?

What was the edit, TM?

The year?


BTW, Immie, that was an awesome video. I haven't seen that one. Thank you.
I noticed truthdoenstmatterintheslightest completely scrolled right past that one :D
Immie where is the lie in any of that court documentation?

Read Charles_Main's reply to this ridiculous question.

No one is claiming the court document is lying. We are pointing out that you are lying about what it says. Repeatedly lying about it.


Immie me saying they are guilty of these crimes is perfectly true and you know it.

Now would you please document your claim that the democrats are guilty of this behavior too?

"the RNC responded to a discovery request by producing a memo from its Midwest Political Director to its Southern Political Director, in which the former stated that I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60,000-80,000 folks from the rolls … If it‟s a close race … which I‟m assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably.”“ See Thomas Edsall, Ballot Security Effects Calculated: GOP Aide Said Lousiana Effort “Could Keep the Black Vote Down,” Wash. Post, Oct. 24, 1986 at A1."

Now lets remember this is in a court document written by a the judge in his decision


Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


Please give me proof the democratic party has done this too like you appear to be claiming

"the RNC responded to a discovery request by producing a memo from its Midwest Political Director to its Southern Political Director, in which the former stated that I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60,000-80,000 folks from the rolls … If it‟s a close race … which I‟m assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably.”“ See Thomas Edsall, Ballot Security Effects Calculated: GOP Aide Said Lousiana Effort “Could Keep the Black Vote Down,” Wash. Post, Oct. 24, 1986 at A1."

Now lets remember this is in a court document written by a the judge in his decision


Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


They have been found buy the court to continue these activities.

Now go get the court documents that proove like you claim that the dems do it too.

No... what I read was that the ruling was based on intervenor lawsuits. Any Tom, Dick or TruthDoesn'tMatter can file a lawsuit. The court ruled that as long as these lawsuits keep coming about (proven or not) the Consent Decree stands against the RNC. In effect, the court told the DNC that as long as they go out and convince people to file frivolous lawsuits the decree will stand.

What I don't understand is why the court would let the DNC off. Those agreements were good agreements. Seems to me like the court gave the DNC a punched ticket to commit those violations.


"the RNC responded to a discovery request by producing a memo from its Midwest Political Director to its Southern Political Director, in which the former stated that I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60,000-80,000 folks from the rolls … If it‟s a close race … which I‟m assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably.”“ See Thomas Edsall, Ballot Security Effects Calculated: GOP Aide Said Lousiana Effort “Could Keep the Black Vote Down,” Wash. Post, Oct. 24, 1986 at A1."

Now lets remember this is in a court document written by a the judge in his decision


Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


They have been found buy the court to continue these activities.

Now go get the court documents that proove like you claim that the dems do it too.

Annie did it for me.


Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


They have been found buy the court to continue these activities.

Now go get the court documents that proove like you claim that the dems do it too.

No... what I read was that the ruling was based on intervenor lawsuits. Any Tom, Dick or TruthDoesn'tMatter can file a lawsuit. The court ruled that as long as these lawsuits keep coming about (proven or not) the Consent Decree stands against the RNC. In effect, the court told the DNC that as long as they go out and convince people to file frivolous lawsuits the decree will stand.

What I don't understand is why the court would let the DNC off. Those agreements were good agreements. Seems to me like the court gave the DNC a punched ticket to commit those violations.


Where in the court document does it say what you claim Immie?

Why are you lying

Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


They have been found buy the court to continue these activities.

Now go get the court documents that proove like you claim that the dems do it too.

Annie did it for me.


Immie taht is not court documentation now is it.

Its a newsmax opinion piece and a google search.

I gave you court documented evidence and a court finding determining that the RNC BROKE the consent decree by trying to eleiminate voters again.
D.N.J.: Republican National Committee Still Bound by Consent Decree Prohibiting Voter Suppression — NSCLC Website

As for the public interest, the court found overwhelmingly that instances of voter fraud were dwarfed by voter suppression. Specifically, the type of voter fraud that the decree prevents the RNC from combating through voter caging and intimidation at the polls, “in-person” fraud, is practically nonexistent. Conversely, the court noted that there is ample evidence of the potential and prevalence of voter suppression, such as that recently documented by the Supreme Court in Bartlett v. Strickland, 129 S.Ct. 1231 (2009).

How is it the media never lets us know about these cases?

How exactly does anyone, much less the "RNC", go about preventing anyone from voting?
You register to vote, you go to the poll and cast your ballot. How fucking hard is that? :cuckoo:
GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times

"In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Yeah they were not guilty huh?

What was the edit, TM?

The year?


BTW, Immie, that was an awesome video. I haven't seen that one. Thank you.
I noticed truthdoenstmatterintheslightest completely scrolled right past that one :D

Thanks but it doesn't fully prove intimidation. It takes more than one piece of evidence to prove an allegation. Also, they didn't say they could not come in, they said that they could not film inside.

What I question is why the police did nothing to intervene in the situation... unless the video was edited and the police were simply waiting for back up.

I had not seen it either. I found it while pulling up the other video of the two with the baton outside the polling place. Those guys would have intimidated me. I'm not sure I would have let my family vote there.

This is how democrats think:

When the RNC attempts to determine whether voter fraud occurred, the DNC cries voter suppression.
Notice how suppression is never claimed until after fraud allegations?

It's a little tit-for-tat game they like to play with each other....


not to mention that doesn't equal voter intimidation. It equals warning about breaking the law.

A ****** standing out in front of a polling place tapping his billy club to his hand, now THAT is voter intimidation.


I wish you would not use that word. Please.

:lol: ok, i won't say it anymore in this thread.
DEMOCRATS SUE TO END PROGRAM TO LIMIT MINORITY VOTING - The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

Why do you pretend it was the only thing in eveidence in the case?

"Court Proceedings

While the RNC admits that letters were sent only to traditionally Democratic precincts , the Committee contended in court that the program was not racially motivated and did not target a specific gender, age or race. Accusations that a racial motive was involved in the plan's implementation were somewhat substantiated on Friday, October 24, when U.S. District Court Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise allowed release of a memorandum by Kris Wolfe, RNC Midwest political. director. In the August 13 memorandum to Lanny Griffith, RNC's southern political director, Ms. Wolfe explicitly stated "I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls... If it is a close race. .. which I am assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably." Ms. Wolfe also revealed in testimony that she had discussed the "ballot security" program at length with officials involved in the Louisiana Senate campaign of Rep. Henson Moore (R) in his race against Rep. John Breaux (D). The "ballot sec urity" program has also been alleged to be connected with other like campaigns, particularly those in Indiana's 8th and Michigan's 6th congressional districts. In close races, the minority vote can determine the outcome of the election."
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Immie where is the lie in any of that court documentation?

Read Charles_Main's reply to this ridiculous question.

No one is claiming the court document is lying. We are pointing out that you are lying about what it says. Repeatedly lying about it.


Immie me saying they are guilty of these crimes is perfectly true and you know it.

Now would you please document your claim that the democrats are guilty of this behavior too?

What are you a frigging NAZI? Do you know what INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY MEANS?

It is people like you that made me afraid of the Patriot Act. I knew some jackass that automatically hated people that did not agree with them would someday find their way into the White House and when that day happens anyone that disagrees with them will be guilty without a GOSH DARN TRIAL!

It is people like you that are unamerican!

Innocent until proven guilty. Read up on it!

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