Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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I vote this thread be retired to Conspiracy Theories. It has had a much longer run on the Politics board than it should have. Thanks.
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"the RNC responded to a discovery request by producing a memo from its Midwest Political Director to its Southern Political Director, in which the former stated that I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60,000-80,000 folks from the rolls … If it‟s a close race … which I‟m assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably.”“ See Thomas Edsall, Ballot Security Effects Calculated: GOP Aide Said Lousiana Effort “Could Keep the Black Vote Down,” Wash. Post, Oct. 24, 1986 at A1."

Now lets remember this is in a court document written by a the judge in his decision


Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


Ooppss Kat this is the post where he does it

Come on TM. He did not make that claim and you know it. He merely asked you if you thought the DNC stooped to such tactics...and later he goes on to tell you:

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.
Immie , please provide any documentation at the level that I have given that the dems have done this too like you claim?

I have already discussed this above.

I do not have the knowledge or the time or desire to do so.

You would not believe it if President Obama confessed it to the world anyway.

You can keep living in your frigging dream world of Democratic Sainthood. In the meantime the intelligent world will know that politics is politics and it is a dirty game.


You will not answer because no such evidence exsists or one of you would have already given it.

You know that is the real truth

No, unlike you I am not afraid to mention my limitations.

Only stupid people are afraid to mention their limitations.

Also, as I stated, I would have to lie as you have been doing in order to state that the DNC was guilty of crimes unless I could find a conviction. I do not know if there have been such convictions. However, I know that you have not presented any either. You have presented a settlement agreement. That is not a conviction.


Which claim?

That the DNC was released from the consent decree? I believe you have been highlighting that fact for 24 hours at least. You want me to go back and find your posts for that? I will if you like.


You have claimed that the dems did this too and that the court told the dems to file frivolous law suits

Here you go kat, you see he claimed that the dems did it too by asking me if I believed the dems did not do it too?

If that is not what that line meant then please tell me what youy think it meant?
wrong again
he has claimed that the dems do OTHERS things
but you are too fucking STUPID to get it
Which claim?

That the DNC was released from the consent decree? I believe you have been highlighting that fact for 24 hours at least. You want me to go back and find your posts for that? I will if you like.


You have claimed that the dems did this too and that the court told the dems to file frivolous law suits

Here you go kat, you see he claimed that the dems did it too by asking me if I believed the dems did not do it too?

If that is not what that line meant then please tell me what youy think it meant?

And that is not what you said I was lying about, liar. You are lying again, by claiming that it is what I called you a liar for when you know full well, that it is not.

I have stated that the Dems do it too.

I have called you a liar for claiming that the Consent Decree proves that the RNC is guilty of a crime dozens of times even after having it pointed out that that is not what the decree says.


"the RNC responded to a discovery request by producing a memo from its Midwest Political Director to its Southern Political Director, in which the former stated that I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60,000-80,000 folks from the rolls … If it‟s a close race … which I‟m assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably.”“ See Thomas Edsall, Ballot Security Effects Calculated: GOP Aide Said Lousiana Effort “Could Keep the Black Vote Down,” Wash. Post, Oct. 24, 1986 at A1."

Now lets remember this is in a court document written by a the judge in his decision


Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


Ooppss Kat this is the post where he does it

Hey, moron, where did I call you a liar in that post?

This President's "Community Organizer" buds rigged the last Election. Who doesn't think that the ACORN creeps didn't rig that thing? This has been proven in Court. "Voter Suppression" is a theory based solely on Socialist/Progressive Democrat paranoia. Community Organizer voter fraud has been proven in court on several occasions. So i'm much more concerned with reality than with Socialist/Progressive fantasies such as "Voter Suppression." Hey that's just me though.
What are you a frigging NAZI? Do you know what INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY MEANS?

It is people like you that made me afraid of the Patriot Act. I knew some jackass that automatically hated people that did not agree with them would someday find their way into the White House and when that day happens anyone that disagrees with them will be guilty without a GOSH DARN TRIAL!

It is people like you that are unamerican!

Innocent until proven guilty. Read up on it!


I do not have the time, desire or knowledge of how to hunt up frivolous lawsuits just to prove that a moron who thinks that her beloved Democratic Party is full of frigging saints who would do nothing wrong whatsoever, knowing full well that even if I could find such documents that it would take a frigging confession from the lips of President Obama himself before she would open her mind to the possibility that the Democrats are not gods.

And we all know that confession is not coming from President Obama.


You can not and refuse to even try to document your claims that the dems do it too because no such evindence exsist.

I gave you all court documented cold hard facts to proove the republican party wants to keep black people from voting to win elections (out of their own mouths).

You have repetedly called me a liar for doing so.

Now when the burden of proof lies in your lap you just spew bullshit?

I called you a liar because you are a liar.

Your "evidence" has been properly defeated, yet you continue to claim that unproven allegations are fact.What unproven allegations? immy as a citizen I am perfectly within mhy rights to acess the evidence in this cazse and determine they are guilty of breaking the law. You see that is completetly separate from me making the mistake where I thought (from the definition I read adn posted) that they had to admitt guilt in the case. I was wrong and was proven wrong by the court document. As soon as I saw this I admitted my mistake. That being done I can still view them as guitly of these crime by weight of the evidence. Not just once or twice but dozens of times after admitting to your mistake even. That is why you have proven yourself a liar. That and the fact that you have attempted to change my words.Then tell me what you meant when you asked if I thought the dems didnt do these things? Tell me how you get from a court document that the dems were encouraged to fiule false suits?

I suspect that if you wanted to you could find dozens more accusations against the RNC. I also suspect that the RNC would be guilty of many of those accusations. The problem is until they are found guilty by a court, they are considered innocent. They are scummy, but so is the DNC.The court determined they broke a consent decree , that is a finding of guilt. Now the dems have done scummy things Im sure but the court record prooves the Rs have systematically worked to disenfranchise perfectly legal voters, go get your proof the dems are as bad.

And I suspect that if I wanted to take the time to prove to a moron that the DNC was not saintly, that I could do so. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN TAKING THAT MUCH TIME TO DO SO BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORD PROOF MEANS. However, my problem would be the same as yours. I would have to rely on telling lies to state that they are guilty of crimes, because there has been no court findings that I know of.

I can suspect that the RNC is guilty of the allegations involved in this discussion. I'd even be willing to bet that they are. What I am not willing to do is convict them based on allegations that have not been proven in a court of law. When you get a court to find guilt then I'll be happy to see those convicted resting behind bars. Not until.

You have refused to answer my question and it was a simple question.

Do you know what Innocent Until Proven Guilty means? Now, since you have ignored it for so long, I'm going to make it even more difficult for you. Explain what it means.I already did a couplke of times, its a term for the courts and not for the layman, It is not a lie for me to say I think the poponderance of the evidence prooves the RNC guilty.

BTW the court alos desided that they were guilty of breaking the consent decree and I showed that in the c.ourt records

The burden of proof only lies in my lap if I care to prove it. I don't. It is not a relevant fact in this discussion.

It is not relevant to you that you claim the DNC has done the same as the republicans and refuse to do the homework to try and proove your claim?
This President's "Community Organizer" buds rigged the last Election. Who doesn't think that the ACORN creeps didn't rig that thing? This has been proven in Court. "Voter Suppression" is a theory based solely on Socialist/Progressive Democrat paranoia. Community Organizer voter fraud has been proven in court on several occasions. So i'm much more concerned with reality than with Socialist/Progressive fantasies such as "Voter Suppression." Hey that's just me though.

Please go get the court documents that proove what you claim.

Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?

Those are scummy tactics and they should have had their hands slapped.

I wonder if they actually broke any laws and if the letters actually went out and if any voters were actually removed from the voter registration rolls.

I don't recall having claimed that the RNC was innocent of anything, only that nothing has been proven.

And by the way, they settled out of court and what was the penalty? Looks to me like the penalty was an agreement to redefine the term "ballot Security". That tells me that the RNC was attempting to stretch the rules yet stay within the laws.

The memo sucks. It is not up to the RNC to remove names from voter registration rolls. That is the business of the Registrar of Voters. I have no problem with the court telling them they were wrong.

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.


Ooppss Kat this is the post where he does it

Come on TM. He did not make that claim and you know it. He merely asked you if you thought the DNC stooped to such tactics...and later he goes on to tell you:

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.

Why did he ask taht question?

why would it come up if it were the Rs crimes we were talking of?
Ooppss Kat this is the post where he does it

Come on TM. He did not make that claim and you know it. He merely asked you if you thought the DNC stooped to such tactics...and later he goes on to tell you:

Edit: and by the way, that was a good find. At least it was some evidence to back up your claim.

Why did he ask taht question?

why would it come up if it were the Rs crimes we were talking of?

What difference does it make? Though I can't speak for him, I would guess he was trying to make a point, which seems to have gone over your head.
But, wasn't this about the reason he called you a liar, and not the fact of what he said about dems? Why are you dodging that? Your err was in the reason he called you a liar.
Maybe you should go back and read it all again.
This President's "Community Organizer" buds rigged the last Election. Who doesn't think that the ACORN creeps didn't rig that thing? This has been proven in Court. "Voter Suppression" is a theory based solely on Socialist/Progressive Democrat paranoia. Community Organizer voter fraud has been proven in court on several occasions. So i'm much more concerned with reality than with Socialist/Progressive fantasies such as "Voter Suppression." Hey that's just me though.

I gave up paying attention to this, were the ACORN employees convicted?

I know that TM has excused ACORN because these were employees not the actual organization. I wonder if she would do the same thing for the RNC.

We discussed a memo earlier in the thread where an official of the RNC sent a memo that specifically stated that he felt letters being sent out to minorities would eliminate 60-80 thousand minority voters. That official is not THE RNC. He is an employee of the RNC and quite frankly, if that memo is factual, he is an unamerican pig.

But, somehow I doubt TDM sees the comparison. I doubt her claims that ACORN is not guilty because it was employees flows through to the other side.

This President's "Community Organizer" buds rigged the last Election. Who doesn't think that the ACORN creeps didn't rig that thing? This has been proven in Court. "Voter Suppression" is a theory based solely on Socialist/Progressive Democrat paranoia. Community Organizer voter fraud has been proven in court on several occasions. So i'm much more concerned with reality than with Socialist/Progressive fantasies such as "Voter Suppression." Hey that's just me though.

I gave up paying attention to this, were the ACORN employees convicted?

I know that TM has excused ACORN because these were employees not the actual organization. I wonder if she would do the same thing for the RNC.

We discussed a memo earlier in the thread where an official of the RNC sent a memo that specifically stated that he felt letters being sent out to minorities would eliminate 60-80 thousand minority voters. That official is not THE RNC. He is an employee of the RNC and quite frankly, if that memo is factual, he is an unamerican pig.

But, somehow I doubt TDM sees the comparison. I doubt her claims that ACORN is not guilty because it was employees flows through to the other side.

yes, some ACORN employees were convicted, several in fact

and no, truthnevermaters would NOT give the RNC that doubt

what she will never admit is that BOTH the major parties do things that violate the integrity of the vote
Oh hey,how's that Black Panther case goin? Seriously,how could this Administration decide to not investigate the Black Panther voter-intimidation issue in Pennsylvania? What a disgrace. See,i'm much more concerned with the reality than i am with Socialist/Progressive paranoid delusions such as "Voter Suppression." They should have prosecuted the Black Panthers for voter fraud by way of intimidation. This Administration should be ashamed of themselves.
Come on TM. He did not make that claim and you know it. He merely asked you if you thought the DNC stooped to such tactics...and later he goes on to tell you:

Why did he ask taht question?

why would it come up if it were the Rs crimes we were talking of?

What difference does it make? Though I can't speak for him, I would guess he was trying to make a point, which seems to have gone over your head.
But, wasn't this about the reason he called you a liar, and not the fact of what he said about dems? Why are you dodging that? Your err was in the reason he called you a liar.
Maybe you should go back and read it all again.

Which point was he trying to make?
Why did he ask taht question?

why would it come up if it were the Rs crimes we were talking of?

What difference does it make? Though I can't speak for him, I would guess he was trying to make a point, which seems to have gone over your head.
But, wasn't this about the reason he called you a liar, and not the fact of what he said about dems? Why are you dodging that? Your err was in the reason he called you a liar.
Maybe you should go back and read it all again.

Which point was he trying to make?

You tell me. Did you go back and read everything?
This President's "Community Organizer" buds rigged the last Election. Who doesn't think that the ACORN creeps didn't rig that thing? This has been proven in Court. "Voter Suppression" is a theory based solely on Socialist/Progressive Democrat paranoia. Community Organizer voter fraud has been proven in court on several occasions. So i'm much more concerned with reality than with Socialist/Progressive fantasies such as "Voter Suppression." Hey that's just me though.

I gave up paying attention to this, were the ACORN employees convicted?

I know that TM has excused ACORN because these were employees not the actual organization. I wonder if she would do the same thing for the RNC.

We discussed a memo earlier in the thread where an official of the RNC sent a memo that specifically stated that he felt letters being sent out to minorities would eliminate 60-80 thousand minority voters. That official is not THE RNC. He is an employee of the RNC and quite frankly, if that memo is factual, he is an unamerican pig.

But, somehow I doubt TDM sees the comparison. I doubt her claims that ACORN is not guilty because it was employees flows through to the other side.

yes, some ACORN employees were convicted, several in fact

and no, truthnevermaters would NOT give the RNC that doubt

what she will never admit is that BOTH the major parties do things that violate the integrity of the vote

Then prove the democratic party does what you claim with the same level of court documented evidence that I gave?
What difference does it make? Though I can't speak for him, I would guess he was trying to make a point, which seems to have gone over your head.
But, wasn't this about the reason he called you a liar, and not the fact of what he said about dems? Why are you dodging that? Your err was in the reason he called you a liar.
Maybe you should go back and read it all again.

Which point was he trying to make?

You tell me. Did you go back and read everything?

It is clear what I believed he meant by this question.

You seem to think he meant something else, tell me what he meant then
I gave up paying attention to this, were the ACORN employees convicted?

I know that TM has excused ACORN because these were employees not the actual organization. I wonder if she would do the same thing for the RNC.

We discussed a memo earlier in the thread where an official of the RNC sent a memo that specifically stated that he felt letters being sent out to minorities would eliminate 60-80 thousand minority voters. That official is not THE RNC. He is an employee of the RNC and quite frankly, if that memo is factual, he is an unamerican pig.

But, somehow I doubt TDM sees the comparison. I doubt her claims that ACORN is not guilty because it was employees flows through to the other side.

yes, some ACORN employees were convicted, several in fact

and no, truthnevermaters would NOT give the RNC that doubt

what she will never admit is that BOTH the major parties do things that violate the integrity of the vote

Then prove the democratic party does what you claim with the same level of court documented evidence that I gave?

The democratic party is scum sucking. And I don't have to prove that either. It is what I believe.
Oh and FYI..I am NOT a Republican. I am a conservative. I think for myself. Obviously since you have bought all dem talking points hook, line., and sinker, you don't think at all.
You made a point here, which in reality is useless, so isn't it time to knock it off?
It looks pathetically like mere attention seeking.
I gave up paying attention to this, were the ACORN employees convicted?

I know that TM has excused ACORN because these were employees not the actual organization. I wonder if she would do the same thing for the RNC.

We discussed a memo earlier in the thread where an official of the RNC sent a memo that specifically stated that he felt letters being sent out to minorities would eliminate 60-80 thousand minority voters. That official is not THE RNC. He is an employee of the RNC and quite frankly, if that memo is factual, he is an unamerican pig.

But, somehow I doubt TDM sees the comparison. I doubt her claims that ACORN is not guilty because it was employees flows through to the other side.

yes, some ACORN employees were convicted, several in fact

and no, truthnevermaters would NOT give the RNC that doubt

what she will never admit is that BOTH the major parties do things that violate the integrity of the vote

Then prove the democratic party does what you claim with the same level of court documented evidence that I gave?
i'm not insane, its been done for you before and you ignore it
my doing it once again would mean i'm doing the same thing and expecting a different results
that is insanity

but do carry on, its quite humorous watching you lie while you claim to be pure as the driven snow
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