Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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You, truthmatters, have opted to see that as evidence to keep down the black vote.
Rational, individual thinking people see it as the GOP doing its best to maintain the integrity of our electoral system.
And I would see it the same way if the Democraticv party did the same thing.

Ironically, you asked for proof that the democratic party ever did somethiung similar.

Maybe they have not.

SO I must ask....Why are the democrats not concerned with maintaining the integerity of our electoral system?

the GOP is not innocent in this
they have done things that were wrong
but dipshit here(truthnevermatters) will never admit that the DNC has done OTHER similar things to inflate their votes
both parties are guilty, only SHE wants to only place blame on the GOP

Yeah. True. And I fell right into it and acted as partisan as she is. And I am not even a republican. I am a conservsaitve that has no dam party.
It is not relevant to you that you claim the DNC has done the same as the republicans and refuse to do the homework to try and proove your claim?

Posts like these are almost impossible to answer well, so I will do my best to pull out the bullshit and give you an answer.

None of the allegations presented in the Consent Decree were ever proven. Let me remind you:

There was no admission of guilt NOR finding of guilt!

It seemed like my question was pretty simple to me. I'm not sure where you are having a problem with it.

Let me try again: Do you think that Democrats do not attempt to influence elections in ways that decent people would think are unscrupulous? By such methods I mean (not an all inclusive list by any means) things like filing fraudulent voters registration cards to bog down the system, dead men voting, intimidation at polling places etc. etc. etc.

That is another lie. The court stated that they would not modify the decree in favor of the Republicans because of the intervenor lawsuits that had been filed. The court did not find that the decree had been broken rather since the democrats had been out fishing for willing cohorts to file frivolous lawsuits i.e. Malone in the link you provided earlier that they decided to continue to enforce the decree in a one-sided manner. That would be surprising to me if it was not the District Court of New Jersey or had it been California's court.

Maybe there is hope for you yet.

Wrong again. The court record doesn't even try to prove such.

I don't think I said "as" bad although I believe they are.

You even admitted that the dems were scummy too.

Are you calling yourself a liar now?

In re "innocent until proven guilty":

That is not an answer and no it is not a term for the courts. It is a term we as Americans are told we live by. Jurors are told when they go into a trial that the defendant is "innocent until proven guilty" and in legal matters it is not a preponderance of the evidence it is BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT.

I'll ask it again, Do you know what Innocent until proven guilty means?

Do you realize that your above answer shows you are unamerican.

No, the courts ruled that because of intervenor lawsuits they would not release the RNC from the decree. It does not say that they broke the decree.

It is not relevant to you that you claim the DNC has done the same as the republicans and refuse to do the homework to try and proove your claim?

Proving the claim is not important to me. Spending hours upon hours trying to convince you that you sound like a moron is... well, quite simply not necessary. You have done a damned good job of it throughout this entire thread.


So all those documents where the RNC were talking about on paper keeping down the black vote to win elections proove nothing?

That is right it proves nothing until the court validates them and finds them as factual evidence. As far as I can tell, right now they are nothing more than "allegations".

I can present "evidence" to the court, but that does not mean that said evidence is going to be admitted or found to be factual or even proof of a crime. The court will determine that later.

As I said, the Consent Decree doesn't find any guilt because the parties settled out of court. One might ask why. You would claim that it is because the RNC was beaten. I'd guess that it was because the RNC presented evidence of Democratic wrong doing and the DNC decided it was not to their benefit to pursue the case. The costs outweighed the benefits of pursuing the case. If that were edit: not the case, there would have been no reason for the DNC to settle out of court, now would there.

You ignored this statement earlier. Will you do so again?

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You, truthmatters, have opted to see that as evidence to keep down the black vote.
Rational, individual thinking people see it as the GOP doing its best to maintain the integrity of our electoral system.
And I would see it the same way if the Democraticv party did the same thing.

Ironically, you asked for proof that the democratic party ever did somethiung similar.

Maybe they have not.

SO I must ask....Why are the democrats not concerned with maintaining the integerity of our electoral system?

the GOP is not innocent in this
they have done things that were wrong
but dipshit here(truthnevermatters) will never admit that the DNC has done OTHER similar things to inflate their votes
both parties are guilty, only SHE wants to only place blame on the GOP

Yeah. True. And I fell right into it and acted as partisan as she is. And I am not even a republican. I am a conservsaitve that has no dam party.

Here is the deal you brick brains, I gave cold hard court documented facts that show to any rational and unbiased person that the republican party has worked over the last few decades to keep Americans from voting to win elections.

You claim the democrats have also done many horrible things in this area.

Now it is your turn to find the Democratic party doing what you claim.

No not two black guys standing in front of a polling place but DNC systematic harm to the integrity of an election.

I know you wont because the evidence does not exsist, the court even said so.
At least I have evidence to provide that backs my accessment, unlike you

You are only willing to accept certain "evidence".

You are not willing to accept videos of armed thugs standing outside of polling booths.

You are not willing to accept allegations of the dead voting.

You are not willing to accept allegations that employees at ACORN tried to manipulate the voter registrations.

You only want to accept allegations that help the Saintly Party.

"Are you saying that the DNC doesn't stoop to such tactics?"

This is your exact words Immie.

You seemed to imply that I should think the DNC uses such tactics.
the GOP is not innocent in this
they have done things that were wrong
but dipshit here(truthnevermatters) will never admit that the DNC has done OTHER similar things to inflate their votes
both parties are guilty, only SHE wants to only place blame on the GOP

Yeah. True. And I fell right into it and acted as partisan as she is. And I am not even a republican. I am a conservsaitve that has no dam party.

Here is the deal you brick brains

Hmmm...and you condemn name calling?
the GOP is not innocent in this
they have done things that were wrong
but dipshit here(truthnevermatters) will never admit that the DNC has done OTHER similar things to inflate their votes
both parties are guilty, only SHE wants to only place blame on the GOP

Yeah. True. And I fell right into it and acted as partisan as she is. And I am not even a republican. I am a conservsaitve that has no dam party.

Here is the deal you brick brains, I gave cold hard court documented facts that show to any rational and unbiased person that the republican party has worked over the last few decades to keep Americans from voting to win elections.

You claim the democrats have also done many horrible things in this area.

Now it is your turn to find the Democratic party doing what you claim.

No not two black guys standing in front of a polling place but DNC systematic harm to the integrity of an election.

I know you wont because the evidence does not exsist, the court even said so.

Barak Obama putting an ad out in spansih and aired over the airwaves in prediominately latin areas of the southwest intentionally and completely mis-stating John McCain's stance on immigration reform.
His voice was used to confirm the ad and he admitted fault; although blamed his handlers for the error. Yet he refused to pull it off the airwaves.
At least I have evidence to provide that backs my accessment, unlike you

You are only willing to accept certain "evidence".

You are not willing to accept videos of armed thugs standing outside of polling booths.

You are not willing to accept allegations of the dead voting.

You are not willing to accept allegations that employees at ACORN tried to manipulate the voter registrations.

You only want to accept allegations that help the Saintly Party.


What did the court determine about that case?
Yeah. True. And I fell right into it and acted as partisan as she is. And I am not even a republican. I am a conservsaitve that has no dam party.

Here is the deal you brick brains, I gave cold hard court documented facts that show to any rational and unbiased person that the republican party has worked over the last few decades to keep Americans from voting to win elections.

You claim the democrats have also done many horrible things in this area.

Now it is your turn to find the Democratic party doing what you claim.

No not two black guys standing in front of a polling place but DNC systematic harm to the integrity of an election.

I know you wont because the evidence does not exsist, the court even said so.

Barak Obama putting an ad out in spansih and aired over the airwaves in prediominately latin areas of the southwest intentionally and completely mis-stating John McCain's stance on immigration reform.
His voice was used to confirm the ad and he admitted fault; although blamed his handlers for the error. Yet he refused to pull it off the airwaves.

Interesting , now can you document that with the same level I did with all these cases of the RNC.
Democrats appear to believe that they need voter fraud in order to win elections in most years. They also seem to feel that their own voters are too incompetent to register on a timely basis so they are eligible to vote. It will take constant vigilance to thwart these efforts. We also need to push for voter ID to make it more difficult for them to effect these scams.
John Fund

A voter fraud investigation by Alabama’s Attorney General developed allegations that absentee ballots in the state’s Perry County were being sold for $40.00 each. The evidence was rather compelling that fraud was involved in a June 2008 Democrat primary being investigated. The statewide turnout was 16%, but Perry’s turnout was 50% which was amazing considering 25% of the county is under 18. One quarter of Perry’s votes were absentee ballots.

Last week Wisconsin Democrats tried to ram through a bill that would have turned state driver’s license information over to what was euphemistically called “nationally recognized community organizing groups” (read ACORN) so they can “encourage” increased voter turnout.

In 2004 John Kerry carried Wisconsin by 11,380 votes. Soon after the election, fraud allegations from Milwaukee were investigated and found that as many as 5300 MORE votes than eligible voters were counted from the city.
Collins Report Democrat voter fraud

And the fraud goes on.

Thank you, but those are only allegations, not proof.

I do, however, appreciate the help to lead me in possible future endeavors though.

One thing TDM doesn't seem to understand is that I don't believe either party is worth a dime. I believe both parties are guilty of attempting to manipulate votes. Sometimes in legal manners and sometimes in illegal manners and that the good ones know how to get away with it, but bad ones get caught.

And then there are frivolous allegations, that unscrupulous people make thinking that if they throw enough shit some of it is going to stick.

"Voter Suppression" is just stale Socialist/Progressive propaganda. This has never been proven to be true and they know it. The Democrats on the other hand have been proven in court on several occasions of being guilty of rampant voter fraud. This is fact. All you have to do is look at this Administration's refusal to prosecute their fellow Black Panther "Community Organizers" for voter intimidation. That is the ultimate in voter fraud in my opinion. It is what it is.
Then why did you imply the DNC was as guilty of these tactics as the RNC?
"Voter Suppression" is just stale Socialist/Progressive propaganda. This has never been proven to be true and they know it. The Democrats on the other hand have been proven in court on several occasions of being guilty of rampant voter fraud. This is fact. All you have to do is look at this Administration's refusal to prosecute their fellow Black Panther "Community Organizers" for voter intimidation. That is the ultimate in voter fraud in my opinion. It is what it is.

And your proof is??????????
She name calls more often thgan most on here. She refers to anyone that disagrees with her as a liar.

There is no cying in politics so straighten your lacy little panties.

What I opt to wear behind closed doors is my business.

And besides. They make me feel pretty.

Good for you now can you provoide the same level of evidence I have here that the republicans have worked for decades to keep people from voting.

You know things like RNC documents provided by the RNC themselves that talks about keeping black people from voting to win elections?
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