Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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GOP offers scant proof of voter fraud - Chisun Lee - ProPublica -

"But Ronald Michaelson, a veteran election administrator and member of the McCain-Palin Honest and Open Election Committee, said in an interview that he could not name a single instance in which this had occurred.

“Do we have a documented instance of voting fraud that resulted from a phony registration form? No, I can’t cite one, chapter and verse,” he said.

The claims and counterclaims about fraudulent voting have emerged as a prominent issue in the 2008 campaign. Sen. John McCain declared in the final presidential debate that ACORN — the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, the low-income advocacy group whose temporary staffers submitted thousands of faked applications — “is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy.”"
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awwww how cute.

Im sure the RNC will be along shortly with all that great evidence you are too tired to provide.

oh noooooo you told a story! (see didn't call you a liar). I didn't say I was too tired, I said I was too lazy.


Prove me wrong.

hmmm I dunno...I may be too tired to do that...or is it lazy?

Let me go look that up for facts!

lazy /l'eɪzi/ listen

* adjective: idle, indolent, sluggish, slothful, slack, shiftless, supine, tardy, slow, inactive

lazier comparative listen ; laziest superlative listen

If someone is lazy, they do not want to work or make any effort to do anything. Adjective

tired /t'aɪəʳd/ listen

* adjective: weary, jaded, worn-out, aweary, exhausted, fatigued

If you are tired, you feel that you want to rest or sleep. Adjective
Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip.

Did I do good w/my facts here?
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Ollie find an unbiased article on the subject.

You dont get to use propaganda sites.

You constantly source the Daily KOS and Media Matters and have the audacity to make a statement like that? ......:lol::lol::lol:

Please log off of life .......

Does you brain not allow you to see court documents?

That is the vast majority of links in this thread by me.
oh noooooo you told a story! (see didn't call you a liar). I didn't say I was too tired, I said I was too lazy.


Prove me wrong.

hmmm I dunno...I may be too tired to do that...or is it lazy?

Let me go look that up for facts!

lazy /l'eɪzi/ listen

* adjective: idle, indolent, sluggish, slothful, slack, shiftless, supine, tardy, slow, inactive

lazier comparative listen ; laziest superlative listen

If someone is lazy, they do not want to work or make any effort to do anything. Adjective

tired /t'aɪəʳd/ listen

* adjective: weary, jaded, worn-out, aweary, exhausted, fatigued

If you are tired, you feel that you want to rest or sleep. Adjective
Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip.

Did do good w/my facts here?

Your facts are flawed. They came from an obviously biased dictionary.
I will no longer debate ith you. You cheat and you lie.
I am taking my ball and going home.

I noticed you were not too lazy OR tired for this analysis of yours.

DId you lie to Truthmatters?
[ame=]YouTube - Proof of voter fraud in the USA - from the horse's mouth[/ame]
Immie , you do realise that the document I was talking about came to the court from the republican party itself right?

You see it was from a document demand by the court during the case before it was turned into a consent decree.

It is cold hard court documented evidence that the republican party wished to steal an election by keeping Americans from being able to vote.

Now can you give me anything even coming close to this level of evidence that the democratic party did anything near as bad?

Um, yes, moron, and I condemned it. You just don't know how to be honest because you are a frigging liar.

Ollie find an unbiased article on the subject.

You dont get to use propaganda sites.

You constantly source the Daily KOS and Media Matters and have the audacity to make a statement like that? ......:lol::lol::lol:

Please log off of life .......

Does you brain not allow you to see court documents?

That is the vast majority of links in this thread by me.

How do you know for a FACT that the court docs are true? ;)
Ollie find an unbiased article on the subject.

You dont get to use propaganda sites.

You constantly source the Daily KOS and Media Matters and have the audacity to make a statement like that? ......:lol::lol::lol:

Please log off of life .......

Does you brain not allow you to see court documents?

That is the vast majority of links in this thread by me.

Your history shows you source those kook sites almost as much as you lick Obama's ballz .......
Ollie find an unbiased article on the subject.

You dont get to use propaganda sites.

You constantly source the Daily KOS and Media Matters and have the audacity to make a statement like that? ......:lol::lol::lol:

Please log off of life .......

Does you brain not allow you to see court documents?

That is the vast majority of links in this thread by me.

And they all equal proof right?

You don't even know what the frigging word means.

You constantly source the Daily KOS and Media Matters and have the audacity to make a statement like that? ......:lol::lol::lol:

Please log off of life .......

Does you brain not allow you to see court documents?

That is the vast majority of links in this thread by me.

How do you know for a FACT that the court docs are true? ;)

They were given to the court in a document reguest demand for a court case. They were given to the court by the republican party.

They were forced to hand these documents over by the courts.
Does you brain not allow you to see court documents?

That is the vast majority of links in this thread by me.

How do you know for a FACT that the court docs are true? ;)

They were given to the court in a document reguest demand for a court case. They were given to the court by the republican party.

They were forced to hand these documents over by the courts.

So? That doesn't make it fact.
kat are you really going to say that the republican party FAKED documents that made it look like they were trying to keep black voters from voting to win an election?
kat are you really going to say that the republican party FAKED documents that made it look like they were trying to keep black voters from voting to win an election?

Is that what I said?
are we still talking about 30 year old documents? or are there some recent convictions for voter suppression?

You and I have had discussions about this before.

Yes, I believe it can be done... in fact, I know it can, which is why I don't like the electronic machines.

However, that is not proof that it was done in this case.

The man did not say he wrote the code to do it. He said he was asked to do it and he also stated that his boss told him that he didn't understand, it had to be hidden.

I don't doubt for a moment that something like this might have been done, by either or both parties.

But what again, that video does not offer proof that it happened. The man said that he was asked and did not do so. We do not have proof that anyone else did. I sure hope someone investigates it though and if it can be found that Feeney did do this, that he rots in prison.

The judges recently found them to have been violating the consent decree by trying to purge voters.

You and I have had discussions about this before.

Yes, I believe it can be done... in fact, I know it can, which is why I don't like the electronic machines.

However, that is not proof that it was done in this case.

The man did not say he wrote the code to do it. He said he was asked to do it and he also stated that his boss told him that he didn't understand, it had to be hidden.

I don't doubt for a moment that something like this might have been done, by either or both parties.

But what again, that video does not offer proof that it happened. The man said that he was asked and did not do so. We do not have proof that anyone else did. I sure hope someone investigates it though and if it can be found that Feeney did do this, that he rots in prison.


You need to listen again. He wrote the code they asked for.
how else could they not be real?

Well, listen. It's been real. But, I am tired and lazy right now, so must go. more posting until I get back...or at least save my place in line..:tongue:
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