Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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how else could they not be real?

Well, listen. It's been real. But, I am tired and lazy right now, so must go. more posting until I get back...or at least save my place in line..:tongue:

Maybe you can come back with some evidence of what you claimed?

It would be refreashing to see one of you do something beside consider insults on your side as equal in wiehgt to court documents
The judges recently found them to have been violating the consent decree by trying to purge voters.

Liar. It has been proven time and time again that this is a lie.


No Immie you are mistaken.

I gave a judges decision quote where he says the court has found they violated the consent decree.

Ill go get it.

You do that liar. In the mean time, I am taking a break. You have sickened me enough for the time being.

I'll check in later.

(CNN) -- Ohio authorities say a man was charged Monday with filling out more than 100 fictitious voter registration forms, some in names such as Disney character Mary Poppins and pop singer Michael Jackson.

Chad Staton, 22, of Defiance County in northwestern Ohio, was to receive money for each registration form he could persuade potential voters to fill out, said Sheriff David Westrick.

Instead, Staton, himself, filled out the forms and returned them to the Toledo woman who hired him. Sheriff's deputies allege he was paid in crack cocaine instead of money.

Staton had his first court appearance Monday on a felony charge of false registration, and was released on his own recognizance. He has another court appearance scheduled for Friday.

Westrick said the Toledo woman, Georgianne Pitts, 41, told officers she was recruited by Thaddeus Jackson II of Cleveland to obtain voter registrations. He said a business card provided by Pitts indicated that Jackson is the assistant Ohio director of the NAACP National Voter Fund. - Mary Poppins prompts investigation - Oct 18, 2004
rnc in violation of consent decree

Look on the bottom of page four.

The court determined the RNC violated the consent decree.

you are such a liar....tell me, was the violation of the consent decree a violation of any law? yes or no.

A consent decree is a legal document

did the violation of the decree violate any you know what laws are?

one can breach a contract and not violate any laws. no laws were broken, the court merely found they violated the consent decree, NOT that there was any voter intimidation. in fact, malone said she was not stopped from voting....and that she would in fact vote

seriously, just stop this hack bullshit and actually read what it is you're putting up
Breaking the decree is breaking the law.

The decree is mostly a restatement of the voting laws protections.
So how do you figure talking about the court documented facts that show the RNC has repetedly tried to keep black people from voting for decades means someone is racist?
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