Republicans should extend an olive branch to Democrats with agreeing to pass these Dem proposals…in the name of unity


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
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Republicans should agree to expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 13 judges….just as Dems proposed.

Also, Republicans should agree with Dems to end the filibuster in the Senate. Just as Schumer said the Dems would do if they won back the Senate.


Republicans should oblige them in the name of bipartisanship and unity.

Dems want to end filibuster
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Republicans should agree to expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 13 judges….just as Dems proposed.

Also, Republicans should agree with Dems to end the filibuster in the Senate. Just as Schumer said the Dems would do if they won back the Senate.


Republicans should oblige them in the name of bipartisanship and unity.
Why don't you go dig up FDR and ask him how that worked out for him? :)
Cause it would work out the same way no matter which party was in power.
Why don't you go dig up FDR and ask him how that worked out for him? :)
Cause it would work out the same way no matter which party was in power.

So you do not want what Schumer promoted?

Did you post that you did not want to end the filibuster nor expand the SCOTUS previously?

Schumer wants it, I would like to give those to him.
Dems were pushing these, certainly the Dems will embrace these policies under Trump.
So you do not want what Schumer promoted?

Did you post that you did not want to end the filibuster nor expand the SCOTUS previously?

Schumer wants it, I would like to give those to him.
Expand the SC?..sorry, I've never posted anything of the sort. FDR wanted to do that. He got slapped down.
End the filibuster? Maybe. The filibuster is a Jim Crow leftover that is just used to desk drawer legislation by the minority without debate.
It's one of the things I hated most about McConnell and the Republicans. Cowards, the lot. Bring every piece of legislation up for debate so
that the voters can see both parties argue it. And then, make the decision from there. But don't pocket veto or round file it.
Democrats want to fight Trump and not work with him.
Expand SCOTUS TO 13. Trump appoints the new 4 judges with Senate approval.

No more filibuster. 51 votes gets approval in the Senate.

It is what Dems wanted, so it is a win win.
Republicans should agree to expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 13 judges….just as Dems proposed.

Also, Republicans should agree with Dems to end the filibuster in the Senate. Just as Schumer said the Dems would do if they won back the Senate.


Republicans should oblige them in the name of bipartisanship and unity.

Dems want to end filibuster
The number one most critical factor of good government according to our founders was a government of, for, and by the people. Take aways the filibuster and, given the current degree of sharp division in the country, give any president more power to unduly pack the Supreme Court and you put that concept in serious jeopardy.

I do see your point though. Take away the filibuster with the GOP in power and give Trump power to appoint four more Supreme Court Justices right away? That would be sweet. :)
Republicans should agree to expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 13 judges….just as Dems proposed.

Also, Republicans should agree with Dems to end the filibuster in the Senate. Just as Schumer said the Dems would do if they won back the Senate.


Republicans should oblige them in the name of bipartisanship and unity.

Dems want to end filibuster
Obliging, extending an olive branch to democrats who have bad proposals, who are wrong, makes the Republicans wrong and part of the problem.

Meeting halfway with those who hate and work against the constitution makes America weak.
The number one most critical factor of good government according to our founders was a government of, for, and by the people. Take aways the filibuster and, given the current degree of sharp division in the country, give any president more power to unduly pack the Supreme Court and you put that concept in serious jeopardy.

I do see your point though. Take away the filibuster with the GOP in power and give Trump power to appoint four more Supreme Court Justices right away? That would be sweet. :)
WTF are you talking about? :auiqs.jpg:
Trump can only appoint justices if they retire. And McConnell effectively ended the filibuster for SC justice nominations. Not Harry Reid. He just lowered the vote threshold.
WTF are you talking about? :auiqs.jpg:
Trump can only appoint justices if they retire. And McConnell effectively ended the filibuster for SC justice nominations. Not Harry Reid. He just lowered the vote threshold.
Try again and this time see how I was responding to the OP. Okay?
Trump can only appoint justices if they retire.

Right, but Democrats were proposing changing that, well, until now. Why shouldn't Republicans follow their lead and expand the court, which would allow Trump to appoint more justices?

I don't support this move, but I believe we are just trying to point out the hypocrisy and extremism of the left who I have little doubt would have made this move if they had the power Trump will have.
Right, but Democrats were proposing changing that, well, until now. Why shouldn't Republicans follow their lead and expand the court, which would allow Trump to appoint more justices?

I don't support this move, but I believe we are just trying to point out the hypocrisy and extremism of the left who I have little doubt would have made this move if they had the power Trump will have.
Which, as in FDR's moment of arrogance...went nowhere. As it will in the future.
It is a response to a group of justices overturning precedent based on their religious or political beliefs.

Go ahead, try and expand the court. I expect it will get as far as FDR's attempt did.
The number one most critical factor of good government according to our founders was a government of, for, and by the people. Take aways the filibuster and, given the current degree of sharp division in the country, give any president more power to unduly pack the Supreme Court and you put that concept in serious jeopardy.

I do see your point though. Take away the filibuster with the GOP in power and give Trump power to appoint four more Supreme Court Justices right away? That would be sweet. :)

These days, the filibuster is about the only thing I see that prevents one party from doing as they please with only the barest of a majority. Republican or democrat, abolishing the filibuster would IMHO be the single most destructive thing to happen to our country since the Civil War. For sure, gridlock sucks but it's better than doing something that is really stupid. Don't be thinking the NDP is dead, it ain't.
Republicans should agree to expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 13 judges….just as Dems proposed.

Also, Republicans should agree with Dems to end the filibuster in the Senate. Just as Schumer said the Dems would do if they won back the Senate.


Republicans should oblige them in the name of bipartisanship and unity.

Dems want to end filibuster

Go ahead. Start right off making right wing radical move, after right wing radical move.

The beautiful thing about our country is elections every two years for the House, and every four years for the president.

And the history f elections for the last 40 years shows you radical right morons don't fare so well after a couple of years of stinking up the place.

And for the next two years, you turds have to get budgets passed. Watch what happens when Moses has to go begging to Jeffries for Democratic votes.
Republicans should agree to expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 13 judges….just as Dems proposed.

Also, Republicans should agree with Dems to end the filibuster in the Senate. Just as Schumer said the Dems would do if they won back the Senate.


Republicans should oblige them in the name of bipartisanship and unity.

Dems want to end filibuster

I hope that the GOP gets rid of the filibuster once and for all.

Then all the politicians will have to do what they promised to do, and they'll own the results.

No more excuses!

But alas!

There's no way the GOP will kill the filibuster. It's the only thing protecting their boondoggle!

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