Republicans to Shut Down the Federal Government if President Biden vetoes a bill to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Federal Elections.

It would put a major.spotlight on the issue.and greatly hurt the Dems chances even down ballot when regular Americans ask, "why is this even an issue"? were I dont believe the GOP,.they arent known to have spines which is why Trump is much more popular.than the Establishment GOP
Political theatre! Aliens already can’t vote.

Says who? some message board nobody?

I will prefer to err on the side of logic, that says LAX state policies on illegal aliens, on issuance of driver's licenses, and on some states' failure to clean up voting rolls -- will lead to massive numbers of illegal votes.

North Carolina just cleaned up their voter rolls to the tune of more than 700,000 people!

My thoughts is it needs to be done. Non citizens should not be allowed to vote, period. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in this country in the first place.

If he vetoes, it would create a huge dent in the candidacy of DEI Girl.

Shattering claims that illegal immigration is a minor issue, a new poll shows 92% of Americans consider illegal immigration to be a problem with 77% saying illegal immigration is a “very serious” or “somewhat serious” problem. Only 15% of the 92% considered illegal immigration a "minor problem" with only 8% of Americans saying the issue is not important or a problem. (55%) claimed they would support “creating a phone number where people could report activity connected to illegal immigration to the government.” and 48%—of respondents replied they would either “strongly support” (23%) or “somewhat support” (25%) the government “actively searching for illegal immigrants who have not committed any other crimes to deport them from the United States.” (YouGov Polling, Sept 1-3, 2015)

Says who? some message board nobody?

I will prefer to err on the side of logic, that says LAX state policies on illegal aliens, on issuance of driver's licenses, and on some states' failure to clean up voting rolls -- will lead to massive numbers of illegal votes.

North Carolina just cleaned up their voter rolls to the tune of more than 700,000 people!

Here is who the article said the 747,000 were:

Three of the top reasons for removal were that the voter was determined to have been deceased, had duplicate registrations due to moving within the state, or had garnered an “inactive status” from election officials after failing to participate in two federal elections.
Political theatre! Aliens already can’t vote.

This is asking to be clobbered. :laugh:

When asked, “How likely is it that a large number of illegal immigrants will be allowed to vote in this year’s elections?”, 83% of Americans said it is "likely".

Here is who the article said the 747,000 were:

Three of the top reasons for removal were that the voter was determined to have been deceased, had duplicate registrations due to moving within the state, or had garnered an “inactive status” from election officials after failing to participate in two federal elections.
This merely says "3 OF THE top reasons". meaning there are other TOP reasons as well (surely including illegal aliens voting)
My thoughts is it needs to be done. Non citizens should not be allowed to vote, period. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in this country in the first place.

Go for it. See how this political kabuki theater works out for Republicans in November. :auiqs.jpg:
When it comes to Republicans....there's just no fixing stupid.

Non-citizens are not allowed to vote in a national, state, or local election. Except in some cases of school board elections. End of story.
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