Republicans to Shut Down the Federal Government if President Biden vetoes a bill to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Federal Elections.

Here is who the article said the 747,000 were:

Three of the top reasons for removal were that the voter was determined to have been deceased, had duplicate registrations due to moving within the state, or had garnered an “inactive status” from election officials after failing to participate in two federal elections.
747,000 people were on the rolls who didn't belong there. I do not trust the big blue states with their voter rolls.... AT ALL
Illegals should be able to vote in all elections.

If you disagree, you are racist.

Any one of us should be able to enter any country on earth and immediately vote in their elections. If those citizens disagree, they are racist.
Has the bill passed the democrat controlled senate?
The stop gap bill passed the house and the senate WITHOUT the unnecessary GOP law....yesterday or the day before....

It's illegal for illegals to vote in Federal elections, IT'S ALREADY DONE.

Congradulations you've got everything you wanted without any new bill.

It's illegal for legal migrants to vote in federal and state elections. You have to be a citizen to vote in all but a few municipalities.
My thoughts is it needs to be done. Non citizens should not be allowed to vote, period. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in this country in the first place.

Of course it matters. I know for a fact that at one time I was registered in 3 different states, yet I never voted in more than one of them so there was no harm done.
BS. GIGO. Garbage In = Garbage Out!

Clean up the voter rolls. Only living people. Voter ID. No mail in voting.
Maybe we can all vote in Mexican elections to secure the border from the south side.

Let’s go to Mexico and vote as illegal immigrants. If you disagree, you are racist.

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