Republicans to Shut Down the Federal Government if President Biden vetoes a bill to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Federal Elections.

I suppose so

Now dems can steal the election at their leisure
The bill was not to take affect until after the election. This GOP measure and bill was always scheduled not to be law, until after this election.

No one is stealing an election or trying to, other than Donald J Trump.
The bill was not to take affect until after the election. This GOP measure and bill was always scheduled not to be law, until after this election.

No one is stealing an election or trying to, other than Donald J Trump.
The parliamentary incompetence of swamp rats in washington continues

It ALMOST makes me want to give ip sometimes
My thoughts is it needs to be done. Non citizens should not be allowed to vote, period. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in this country in the first place.

My thought is this is exactly the kind of fatuous political stunt House Repubs engage in because of their incompetence in designing legislation that will do something positive for the country. I should note here it is already a felony to illegally cast a vote.
The parliamentary incompetence of swamp rats in washington continues

It ALMOST makes me want to give ip sometimes

Is it incompetence, or is it just part of the act to get people like you from both sides to keep voting for the same old same old?
It would put a major.spotlight on the issue.and greatly hurt the Dems chances even down ballot when regular Americans ask, "why is this even an issue"? were I dont believe the GOP,.they arent known to have spines which is why Trump is much more popular.than the Establishment GOP
The parliamentary incompetence of swamp rats in washington continues

It ALMOST makes me want to give ip sometimes
They are frustrating you, because they do stupid, non thinking, partisan things, to put on a show....and then get nothing accomplished.

Put the legal onus on the State election staff to keep the voter rolls clean from non citizens, and registered voter citizens who have died or moved. It's an easy solution....without the possible disenfranchisement of citizens registering.
The between the lines read thru on this is House Repubs want to shut the government down because trump told them to do so.
My thought is this is exactly the kind of fatuous political stunt House Repubs engage in because of their incompetence in designing legislation that will do something positive for the country. I should note here it is already a felony to illegally cast a vote.
Yes its a felony but they still vote. They don't fear repercussions because they don't show up for court.

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