Republicans to Shut Down the Federal Government if President Biden vetoes a bill to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Federal Elections.

As a fence jockey with ZERO victories to your credit whats your excuse?

I need no excuse. I refuse to vote for the duopoly, have not done so since 1996. I will not sacrifice my principles just to be able to say I voted for the "winner" when in reality the country loses no matter which one wins.
Would they allow illegal immigrants from the US to vote in Ukraine elections? We could vote Zelensky out of power.

Or did he eliminate elections?
The GOP often threatens to shut down the government. They seldom do, and aren't stupid enough to do it a month before the election.
My thoughts is it needs to be done. Non citizens should not be allowed to vote, period. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in this country in the first place.

The trouble is that they are not voting in elections. Republicans and the Trump trash are liars. Democrats should remind voters of that threat to shut down the government.
I'd put the chances of Biden having to veto any such bill as somewhere between zero and none. I don't see such a bill getting through the Senate. The 6-year terms of those in the upper house severely limits the chances of such juvenile political posturing.
I'd put the chances of Biden having to veto any such bill as somewhere between zero and none. I don't see such a bill getting through the Senate. The 6-year terms of those in the upper house severely limits the chances of such juvenile political posturing.
They are frustrating you, because they do stupid, non thinking, partisan things, to put on a show....and then get nothing accomplished.

Put the legal onus on the State election staff to keep the voter rolls clean from non citizens, and registered voter citizens who have died or moved. It's an easy solution....without the possible disenfranchisement of citizens registering.
Look at Canada. When I file my Federal income tax, I check a box allowing the CRA to share my information with Elections Canada. That updates the voter roll. Elections Canada then shares it with Election Ontario. That fixes their voter roll. municipal elections use Election Ontario lists. Unless I move between filing my taxes and an election, I'm registered to vote. Once. It's dead easy.
It's illegal for illegals to vote in Federal elections, IT'S ALREADY DONE.

Congradulations you've got everything you wanted without any new bill.

It’s illegal for illegals to illegally cross the border illegally yet they still illegally do it.

Look at Canada. When I file my Federal income tax, I check a box allowing the CRA to share my information with Elections Canada. That updates the voter roll. Elections Canada then shares it with Election Ontario. That fixes their voter roll. municipal elections use Election Ontario lists. Unless I move between filing my taxes and an election, I'm registered to vote. Once. It's dead easy.
That sort of logic and efficiency has no place here!
It’s illegal for illegals to illegally cross the border illegally yet they still illegally do it.

It's also illegal to hire undocumented workers and pay them under the table too. For the workers it lucrative, compared to where they came from. Why would they risk arrest and deportation to attempt to vote?
It's also illegal to hire undocumented workers and pay them under the table too. For the workers it lucrative, compared to where they came from. Why would they risk arrest and deportation to attempt to vote?
Still buying that nonsense.
The trouble is that they are not voting in elections.
Are you sure?

Illegal Aliens Living in Phoenix, Arizona Apartment Complex Admit Being Registered to Vote, Express Interest in Voting for Kamala Harris (VIDEO)​

Non-citizens and illegal aliens living at the Los Vecinos apartment complex in Phoenix, Arizona admitted to being registered to vote, according to undercover video posted by the Oversight Project.

“Just out of curiosity, are you registered to vote?” a Real Muckraker reporter asked the illegal.

“Yes, we’ve already registered,” the illegal said.

Are you a citizen?” the reporter asked.

“No,” they responded.

Other illegal aliens in the same apartment complex also admitted to being registered to vote and expressed interest in voting for Kamala Harris.

One of the illegal aliens living at the Los Vecinos apartment complex said that Trump would be better for the economy but he prefers Kamala Harris because she supports the illegal aliens and won’t deport him.


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