Repulican no more...


Nov 7, 2012
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.
No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?
This is a great place to start over.

Just a few tips: leave a lot of one-liner posts to start with, because you won't have full posting and messaging privileges until you have 50 posts.

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Whatever you were before doesn't matter. All anyone here cares about is who you are now.

-- Paravani

I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.
As long as you are open to switching parties. I have a new party, it is called, The "I don't give a fuck who you are as long as you can get the job done" party...

So far there is one member. I am taking applications.
As long as you are open to switching parties. I have a new party, it is called, The "I don't give a fuck who you are as long as you can get the job done" party...

So far there is one member. I am taking applications.
The Honey Badger Party?

[ame=]The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall) - YouTube[/ame]
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative…

That’s fine, just don’t be a ‘social’ conservative.

…the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate.

It seems clueless because it is.
As long as you are open to switching parties. I have a new party, it is called, The "I don't give a fuck who you are as long as you can get the job done" party...

So far there is one member. I am taking applications.

It's called a third party.

We had to do this up here. We threw out the Progressive Conservatives and everyone else who ran with Joe Clarke. We became the Conservative Party.

This was not easy. We wandered into the wilderness till we could get our shit together. But now we rule and many are getting grace from it.

You can turn shit around. You can be libertarian and conservative at the same time. I know it doesn't sound like you can but truly you can be.

And then you can beat back the crazies.
Oh and just to let you know a lot of us are JFK kids and MLK kids. We're not radical. Well as compared to Ayers.

You can make it work.
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

Has nothing to do with Republicans allegedly learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Has to do with a left-wing media who gets to make crap up about what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and changing electorate. With the left-wing media so prevalent in this country, it's impossible to get a message across without contextual distortion and manipulation by the media. If today were like days of old, where federal candidates stood on street corners directly in front of the people in multitudes of cities and counties, it would be much easier to express a message without some third party making crap up and distorting that message. Until something is done about the left-wing media that infests this nation, they get to MAKE UP what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and the changing electorate and there pretty much isn't squat Republicans can do about it. Because, if the left-wing media tells you it's MUST be true.

And the way? Seems Romney's summation was spot on. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what." ... "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it." This was proven yesterday.
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.
I've been a Republican all my married life to a Republican man who spent his entire career serving his family, his church, his community, and his professional organization. Our life doesn't center around politics, it centers around service to others, as best we can. Many of our friends through the years have been dedicated community folks too, from all walks of life and both political parties. My husband's best friend was a Democrat, and they never once voted the same way in 40 years. But they were dedicated professionals in their career interested in delivering their product, electricity at the lowest rate possible to the citizens of the state while having the least amount of down time imaginable. Neither, however would think of telling the other how to vote or how to think. But they were professional friends, the best kind who each sought to make sure the other have the best time and got the best guidance in their professional organization. And they were there for each other no matter what.

I also know US Senators and US Representatives who would never put upon anyone else a misspent dollar tax-wise. They're Republicans who vote right of the tea party candidates. They're dedicated citizens who put their constituents first and take their office as a public responsibility. They're nothing like your withering description, and I'm sorry you may not know their caliber of people personally or professionally.

I know one Representative who put his entire personal fortune on the line this political season to match donors with his life's savings to assure people conservatism would be the object of the election. He may have saved other representatives from losing their seats in hot races. I hope he never sees your miserable, ungrateful post.

But I do hope you get all this sorted out in your narrow mind, a scary place imho.
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

Has nothing to do with Republicans allegedly learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Has to do with a left-wing media who gets to make crap up about what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and changing electorate. With the left-wing media so prevalent in this country, it's impossible to get a message across without contextual distortion and manipulation by the media. If today were like days of old, where federal candidates stood on street corners directly in front of the people in multitudes of cities and counties, it would be much easier to express a message without some third party making crap up and distorting that message. Until something is done about the left-wing media that infests this nation, they get to MAKE UP what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and the changing electorate and there pretty much isn't squat Republicans can do about it. Because, if the left-wing media tells you it's MUST be true.

And the way? Seems Romney's summation was spot on. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what." ... "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it." This was proven yesterday.

You have Pravda running you Unless you decimate your media and I'm really talking a war on with them, you guys are toast.

I've watched what they have done this election cycle. When you have that no name douche bag OBrian having the nerve to say she spanked Rudy Guiliani?

That bitch needs a smackdown. Look we have to nuke the media. It worked up here. It will work for you.
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

Not to get picky... okay, I am being picky :D but it is two elections in 4 years.


Welcome to USMB

As long as you are open to switching parties. I have a new party, it is called, The "I don't give a fuck who you are as long as you can get the job done" party...

So far there is one member. I am taking applications.
The Honey Badger Party?

We also have our own spokesman...
No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?

Because the fucking Tea Party went from Being about Fiscal Conservatism, to the same old Social Con Issues. Let the social Cons have the Tea Party I say, even though the name fits us Fiscal Conservative Constitutionalists better. I just wish they would go. I am tired of losing elections because of Idiots on the Far right and their Social Issues.
No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?

Because the fucking Tea Party went from Being about Fiscal Conservatism, to the same old Social Con Issues. Let the social Cons have the Tea Party I say, even though the name fits us Fiscal Conservative Constitutionalists better. I just wish they would go. I am tired of losing elections because of Idiots on the Far right and their Social Issues.
No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?

Because the fucking Tea Party went from Being about Fiscal Conservatism, to the same old Social Con Issues. Let the social Cons have the Tea Party I say, even though the name fits us Fiscal Conservative Constitutionalists better. I just wish they would go. I am tired of losing elections because of Idiots on the Far right and their Social Issues.

I don't see how one who is a fiscal conservative can ignore the social aspect of it. Although emphasis would be placed on the fiscal part of it, it would be nearly impossible to ignore the social aspect of it. No one is going to elect a fiscal conservative exclusively because of their fiscal conservatism.
No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?

Just what the Republican Party needs, more moving to the far right. You guys don't ever want to win a national election again, do you?
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

Has nothing to do with Republicans allegedly learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Has to do with a left-wing media who gets to make crap up about what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and changing electorate. With the left-wing media so prevalent in this country, it's impossible to get a message across without contextual distortion and manipulation by the media. If today were like days of old, where federal candidates stood on street corners directly in front of the people in multitudes of cities and counties, it would be much easier to express a message without some third party making crap up and distorting that message. Until something is done about the left-wing media that infests this nation, they get to MAKE UP what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and the changing electorate and there pretty much isn't squat Republicans can do about it. Because, if the left-wing media tells you it's MUST be true.

And the way? Seems Romney's summation was spot on. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what." ... "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it." This was proven yesterday.

Quick question...............if it was the 47 percent who would vote for Obama no matter what, how did President Obama (yeah.......I know that pisses you off) manage to get another 3 to 4 percent of the vote to get the win?

Couldn't the Koch Brothers and their ilk shell out a couple billion more to buy off the 3 to 4 percent?

I guess Mittens didn't really have their support, eh?
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

Has nothing to do with Republicans allegedly learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Has to do with a left-wing media who gets to make crap up about what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and changing electorate. With the left-wing media so prevalent in this country, it's impossible to get a message across without contextual distortion and manipulation by the media. If today were like days of old, where federal candidates stood on street corners directly in front of the people in multitudes of cities and counties, it would be much easier to express a message without some third party making crap up and distorting that message. Until something is done about the left-wing media that infests this nation, they get to MAKE UP what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and the changing electorate and there pretty much isn't squat Republicans can do about it. Because, if the left-wing media tells you it's MUST be true.

And the way? Seems Romney's summation was spot on. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what." ... "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it." This was proven yesterday.

Quick question...............if it was the 47 percent who would vote for Obama no matter what, how did President Obama (yeah.......I know that pisses you off) manage to get another 3 to 4 percent of the vote to get the win?

By telling them they're racists if they don't vote for him and make them feel like voting for him was some sort of reparation which would sooth their guilty conscience.

Couldn't the Koch Brothers and their ilk shell out a couple billion more to buy off the 3 to 4 percent?

Yeah, you've certainly got a lot of gall to be giving sermons about someone shelling out a couple of billion to buy off I'm sure you don't want to talk about the couple or so billion the likes of Warren Buffet and multitude of Hollywood elite who support Oblamer used to buy off their percentage...huh?

I guess Mittens didn't really have their support, eh?

You're right. That percentage of Republicans (RINOs actually) which voted for Oblamer, didn't give Mitt support. That's why they voted for Oblamer. (rolling eyes)


Making it work is the point, glad you figured it out, being in Cal I feel sidelined, so it's frustrating. I think I felt this way 4 years ago, but I let the experts lead the way. Time to rethink priorities nationally.

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