Resistance in the White House: Holding the Line Against Trump's Base Instincts

Does anyone find it strange Woodward's book and suddenly the anonymous source comes out within days of each other?

What a coinky dink ;)
But you mr good Christian will always beleive a pussy grabber.

I'm supposed to take someone serious when they call a lass, Mr?

I never quoted Trump or anything he said, I stated my own observation. See unlike you I'm not a demoquack sheeple that needs talking points handed to me by a corrupt MSM

You're a stupid person, Issa and should never be taken serious
Thousands of people came out against the orange....but you are too invested in ducking his balls. And I swear if jesus came out denouncing him you'll buck the orange bully.

Once again, Ms Issa, I voted for Trump for two reasons, SCOTUS and political correctness BS...the economy and the fact he drives you clowns absolutely berserk is an added bonus
It isn't a Trump appointee. It isn't a high level insider. It might be someone who has never been in the white house.

Yes and it certainly is someone who was never elected. retards.

Ya... we know... you hate at least half of America.
No. Less than one sixth of the adult population is responsible for Trump being President.

No I said half of America you are clueeless.
Oh good lord, 90% of America doesn't give a shit and if something happens to Trump we have Pence. THAT would be hilarious watching you loon's heads explode over Pence
Not only would the right get the man they really wanted, but the they will have the left cheering for it.

Some of the left, the gays and atheists would lose their collective minds
Why do we even need this? It's obvious Trump is an idiot. Only Trump's bigots think he is fine. Your brain on racism is dumb
A senior official heard from another senior official who had an anonymous senior official friend that trump was impulsive.

We have 5th graders passing anonymous notes to the failing new york Times. Bwahahaha

We elected him and those accomplishments were what he ran on. Stop trying to take credit.
Does anyone find it strange Woodward's book and suddenly the anonymous source comes out within days of each other?

What a coinky dink ;)
But you mr good Christian will always beleive a pussy grabber.

I'm supposed to take someone serious when they call a lass, Mr?

I never quoted Trump or anything he said, I stated my own observation. See unlike you I'm not a demoquack sheeple that needs talking points handed to me by a corrupt MSM

You're a stupid person, Issa and should never be taken serious
Thousands of people came out against the orange....but you are too invested in ducking his balls. And I swear if jesus came out denouncing him you'll buck the orange bully.

Once again, Ms Issa, I voted for Trump for two reasons, SCOTUS and political correctness BS...the economy and the fact he drives you clowns absolutely berserk is an added bonus
1. I'm a Me, Issa is jesus inArabic.
2. You are a fake Christian, u vote for an anti Christian because of money and you ignore his toxic character and its effects on the society..
3. I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal.
The Trump inner circle will bring him down for the sake of the country.
Based on the Woodruff book and the Op-Ed in the NY Times today, it appears Trump's inner circle will ultimately bring him down.
They see the threat he is to our country and the world, first hand.
They should have let Trump do as he wanted. A lesson is best learned the hard way, and the inbreds and racists that helped Russia install Trump need to suffer if they’re going to learn.

When you say “inbreds” are you referring to wetbacks since they are the worldwide leader in incestual rape?
Seems to me this op-ed is backfiring and causing never-TRUMPer's in the media to defend TRUMP.
The media is saying the Op-Ed is causing a Constitutional crisis because the administration and staffers cannot Constitutionally restrain the President.
Constitutional scholars are suggesting utilization of the 25th amendment or to have those concerned provide information for impeachment.
This is not helping Trump with clear thinking people.
Trump knows his minions; "I could shoot someone and they will still support me". Trump minions are very sad idiots.
You keep on hoping, Kiddies! Trump in the meantime just keeps on checking things off his "to do list"! He may not need a second term if he gets it all done in the first one. If he leaves office with the economy roaring, the border secure, a common sense immigration policy in place, trade treaties that favor Americans signed and terrorists on the fun will it be to see what people like Kamala Harris try to run on!
Does anyone find it strange Woodward's book and suddenly the anonymous source comes out within days of each other?

What a coinky dink ;)
But you mr good Christian will always beleive a pussy grabber.

I'm supposed to take someone serious when they call a lass, Mr?

I never quoted Trump or anything he said, I stated my own observation. See unlike you I'm not a demoquack sheeple that needs talking points handed to me by a corrupt MSM

You're a stupid person, Issa and should never be taken serious
Thousands of people came out against the orange....but you are too invested in ducking his balls. And I swear if jesus came out denouncing him you'll buck the orange bully.

Once again, Ms Issa, I voted for Trump for two reasons, SCOTUS and political correctness BS...the economy and the fact he drives you clowns absolutely berserk is an added bonus
1. I'm a Me, Issa is jesus inArabic.
2. You are a fake Christian, u vote for an anti Christian because of money and you ignore his toxic character and its effects on the society..
3. I'm not a Democrat nor a liberal.

You don't even know my sex let alone my religious beliefs or my personal life. Why do you clowns insist on even saying that garbage? Get the fuck back on topic and leave my personal life out of it troll
I'm an admirer of Pence, met him and his wife once, but I'm under no delusions he's any better than any other career politician
I'm from NYC area and trump is pretty much a part of this area, never liked him growing up and never thought much of him as a businessman/tv host/candidate/person, but once he beat "the smartest liberal to ever live" he immediately had my admiration.
A senior official heard from another senior official who had an anonymous senior official friend that trump was impulsive.

We have 5th graders passing anonymous notes to the failing new york Times. Bwahahaha

We elected him and those accomplishments were what he ran on. Stop trying to take credit.
You are panicking. Your false god is going down and taking you with him.
Does anyone find it strange Woodward's book and suddenly the anonymous source comes out within days of each other?

What a coinky dink ;)
But you mr good Christian will always beleive a pussy grabber.

I'm supposed to take someone serious when they call a lass, Mr?

I never quoted Trump or anything he said, I stated my own observation. See unlike you I'm not a demoquack sheeple that needs talking points handed to me by a corrupt MSM

You're a stupid person, Issa and should never be taken serious
Thousands of people came out against the orange....but you are too invested in ducking his balls. And I swear if jesus came out denouncing him you'll buck the orange bully.

Who besides wetbacks, weirdos, lowlifes, pole puffers, Feminazis and Ragheads “came out” against Trump?
I'm an admirer of Pence, met him and his wife once, but I'm under no delusions he's any better than any other career politician
I'm from NYC area and trump is pretty much a part of this area, never liked him growing up and never thought much of him as a businessman/tv host/candidate/person, but once he beat "the smartest liberal to ever live" he immediately had my admiration.

I think Trump means well and he hasn't been given a fair shot from the left, with that said I think he needs to tone it down a little, reduce his Twitter time and ignore some of the BS being thrown at him. Most people see it for what it is, BS
A senior official heard from another senior official who had an anonymous senior official friend that trump was impulsive.

We have 5th graders passing anonymous notes to the failing new york Times. Bwahahaha

We elected him and those accomplishments were what he ran on. Stop trying to take credit.
You are panicking. Your false god is going down and taking you with him.

89% of republicans support him. 89% voted for rick scott in fl.

Florida is his. Maga baby.
The op ed is increasingly being questioned as a fraud to bolster Woodward's book. It's War of the Worlds all over again.

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