Resistance in the White House: Holding the Line Against Trump's Base Instincts

This sure is getting interesting, especially if you have a nihilist streak in you.

If this is more widespread than we know - it may be, it may not be - it's fair to wonder if the 25th isn't getting a good go-over right now.

I think this was a heads up to America. The 25th will be in play.
Does anyone find it strange Woodward's book and suddenly the anonymous source comes out within days of each other?

What a coinky dink ;)
But you mr good Christian will always beleive a pussy grabber.

I'm supposed to take someone serious when they call a lass, Mr?

I never quoted Trump or anything he said, I stated my own observation. See unlike you I'm not a demoquack sheeple that needs talking points handed to me by a corrupt MSM

You're a stupid person, Issa and should never be taken serious
Thousands of people came out against the orange....but you are too invested in ducking his balls. And I swear if jesus came out denouncing him you'll buck the orange bully.

Who besides wetbacks, weirdos, lowlifes, pole puffers, Feminazis and Ragheads “came out” against Trump?
Most Americans you racist bigot and the rest of the world, except the racists, bigots and Putin of course.
Does anyone find it strange Woodward's book and suddenly the anonymous source comes out within days of each other?

What a coinky dink ;)
But you mr good Christian will always beleive a pussy grabber.

I'm supposed to take someone serious when they call a lass, Mr?

I never quoted Trump or anything he said, I stated my own observation. See unlike you I'm not a demoquack sheeple that needs talking points handed to me by a corrupt MSM

You're a stupid person, Issa and should never be taken serious
Thousands of people came out against the orange....but you are too invested in ducking his balls. And I swear if jesus came out denouncing him you'll buck the orange bully.

Who besides wetbacks, weirdos, lowlifes, pole puffers, Feminazis and Ragheads “came out” against Trump?
Most Americans you racist bigot and the rest of the world, except the racists, bigots and Putin of course.

Wow, well thought out response!!
Dig out the cell and prosecute them all for sedition. 10 to 20 years in a federal prison should do quite well.
Holy crap. This is like a freakin' movie.
Kind of a "dark comedy".
Or, if the claims prove true, a seditious attempt by unelected conspirators to subvert the POTUS and govern this country.
Why is the white house such a shit show? All accounts are pretty much the same thing. Leaks all over the place. Every position a revolving door. What a joke.

That is the key. Leaks all saying the same thing. Talking points... We see news anchors across the networks using key words like this all the time.
Trump has little power, now. His military rebuffs his orders, as do his top diplomats, as do his top economic advisers; his Senate has rebuked him, and he stands to lose the House.
So, you're OK with bureaucrats fighting to undermine a duly elected, sitting president?
In this case, yes, absolutely, in a queasy way. I admit, if they all did another honorable thing and resigned and talked to Congress publicly, that might be even better. But, is not staying there to protect the country also honorable? Tough call.
Many have died in the service of this country. Went to foreign lands to fight wars. Police, firefighters and others, risk their lives everyday. Even our founders signed the Declaration of Independence. They didn't send an anonymous letter.

Despite incredible claims of erratic behavior, poor judgement, and even treason, these anonymous sources do not feel it is necessary to come out of the shadows and lend credibility to their accusations. Until someone has the nerve to do it, these claims will not be taken seriously by many people. Similar to the Mueller investigation. Show us the proof.
You are wrong. I want this patriot to stay in office. According to the writer, Trump is so unhinged he ordered an assassination with thinking. Yeah, those who died would hail this patriot.
According to the writer. The anonymous writer.
So, you're OK with bureaucrats fighting to undermine a duly elected, sitting president?
In this case, yes, absolutely, in a queasy way. I admit, if they all did another honorable thing and resigned and talked to Congress publicly, that might be even better. But, is not staying there to protect the country also honorable? Tough call.
That's civil war. A rebellion against the legitimate elected government. If so, really do it. Stop with gossip from anonymous sources. Stand up and storm the white house.

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