Resistance in the White House: Holding the Line Against Trump's Base Instincts

So, you're OK with bureaucrats fighting to undermine a duly elected, sitting president?
In this case, yes, absolutely, in a queasy way. I admit, if they all did another honorable thing and resigned and talked to Congress publicly, that might be even better. But, is not staying there to protect the country also honorable? Tough call.
That's civil war. A rebellion against the legitimate elected government. If so, really do it. Stop with gossip from anonymous sources. Stand up and storm the white house.
The 25th amd is very real. It looks like the consensus among the cabinet is not favorable to a Trump presidency.
So, you're OK with bureaucrats fighting to undermine a duly elected, sitting president?
In this case, yes, absolutely, in a queasy way. I admit, if they all did another honorable thing and resigned and talked to Congress publicly, that might be even better. But, is not staying there to protect the country also honorable? Tough call.
That's civil war. A rebellion against the legitimate elected government. If so, really do it. Stop with gossip from anonymous sources. Stand up and storm the white house.
The 25th amd is very real. It looks like the consensus among the cabinet is not favorable to a Trump presidency.
Is "changing one's mind" and "having a different opinion on foreign policy" actually incompetence?
Aw. DC insider doesn't like it that the voters--imagine that, the VOTERS!--chose a president not in the club. Boo hoo, too bad, so sad.
By three million.

So what, the answer is RESIST? Seriously, that's every crybaby answer I shut down among second graders, I'm not kidding. "But TEACHER...(followed by protracted whine)".

You know the rules, I say, and it was fair play. But no, the whining by the Left is still going on TWO YEARS LATER.

And we wonder why society is screwed up. Honest to Pete, elementary schools are havens from the madness, I'm telling you. You expect whining from kids; they will knock it off and play fair if reminded. The adult babies are an entirely new animal.

That you misconstrue concern for the future of a country being governed by a man his closest supporters have characterized as “unhinged”, “unfocused” and “dangerous” as childish whining shows just how little you’re really paying attention.

This is a man who just tweeted that President Kim has faith in him. Of course Kim likes Trump. He can and did play Trump like a cheap fiddle. It’s always better to have a fool as your negotiator.

These are Republicans who are too cowardly to go public, trying to convince you they’re doing the right thing by the Constitution.
So, you're OK with bureaucrats fighting to undermine a duly elected, sitting president?
In this case, yes, absolutely, in a queasy way. I admit, if they all did another honorable thing and resigned and talked to Congress publicly, that might be even better. But, is not staying there to protect the country also honorable? Tough call.
That's civil war. A rebellion against the legitimate elected government. If so, really do it. Stop with gossip from anonymous sources. Stand up and storm the white house.
The 25th amd is very real. It looks like the consensus among the cabinet is not favorable to a Trump presidency.
Is "changing one's mind" and "having a different opinion on foreign policy" actually incompetence?

I would say the inability and unwillingness of the president to understand the reasons given by his cabinet as to why those "different opinions" are not viable and may actually be dangerous is indeed incompetence. What would you call it?
The 25th amd is very real. It looks like the consensus among the cabinet is not favorable to a Trump presidency.

That's nonsense. There isn't a consensus on anything short of apple pie, least of all on Trump. If there were, they'd all be scrambling before tv cameras to let themselves be seen distancing themselves from the Trumpy.

As things stand right now, the 25th will not be invoked; assuming otherwise is just more nonsense. The reason for that is that you'd have to get Pence behind the effort, and Pence may be dumb as a rock, but he is easily smart enough to know that unseating the Trumpy would have the man's base at his (Pence's) throat. And there goes his election in 2020.

Democrats should be talking jobs, health care etc., that is, policy, and let the Trumpy hang around the GOP's neck like a rotting carp. All else is certain to entail losses, and that's exactly what the country can ill-afford.
The 25th amd is very real. It looks like the consensus among the cabinet is not favorable to a Trump presidency.

That's nonsense. There isn't a consensus on anything short of apple pie, least of all on Trump. If there were, they'd all be scrambling before tv cameras to let themselves be seen distancing themselves from the Trumpy.

As things stand right now, the 25th will not be invoked; assuming otherwise is just more nonsense. The reason for that is that you'd have to get Pence behind the effort, and Pence may be dumb as a rock, but he is easily smart enough to know that unseating the Trumpy would have the man's base at his (Pence's) throat. And there goes his election in 2020.

Democrats should be talking jobs, health care etc., that is, policy, and let the Trumpy hang around the GOP's neck like a rotting carp. All else is certain to entail losses, and that's exactly what the country can ill-afford.
That's nonsense.

Actually it's not. Both the op-ed and the book exerpts show a cabinet that is operating with a concerted effort of containment of the president's worst impulses and ideas.

The 25th was actually suggested early on.

If not to warn of a coming constitutional crisis, then why release the op-ed at this time?
Actually it's not. Both the op-ed and the book exerpts show a cabinet that is operating with a concerted effort of containment of the president's worst impulses and ideas.

The 25th was actually suggested early on.

If not to warn of a coming constitutional crisis, then why release the op-ed at this time?

You actually think there was a single White House that didn't have at least a few operatives working to contain the president's worst impulses? For if you do, you are likely deluding yourself. How do you extract from the scant evidence available a "concerted effort"? For to me that looks like a gross exaggeration.

A Constitutional crisis is defined as a situation that cannot be resolved within the limitations, and following the procedures, mandated by the Constitution. There is no such thing happening right now. The reason why that op-ed was penned, and released right now, is to be found in the author's head, and I have no opinion on that.
Actually it's not. Both the op-ed and the book exerpts show a cabinet that is operating with a concerted effort of containment of the president's worst impulses and ideas.

The 25th was actually suggested early on.

If not to warn of a coming constitutional crisis, then why release the op-ed at this time?

You actually think there was a single White House that didn't have at least a few operatives working to contain the president's worst impulses? For if you do, you are likely deluding yourself. How do you extract from the scant evidence available a "concerted effort"? For to me that looks like a gross exaggeration.

A Constitutional crisis is defined as a situation that cannot be resolved within the limitations, and following the procedures, mandated by the Constitution. There is no such thing happening right now. The reason why that op-ed was penned, and released right now, is to be found in the author's head, and I have no opinion on that.

The reason why that op-ed was penned, and released right now, is to be found in the author's head, and I have no opinion on that

Exactly. In the head of someone who knows exactly why.
Nothing to be gained by doing so especially when considering the potential midterm damage that will be done by doing so.
The only logical reason is as a heads up to America.
In an New York Times Op-Ed a high-level insider in the Trump White House explains the danger Trump poses to our republic and the attempts of a few patriots to keep Trump's baser instincts in check:


The NY Times has as much evidence to back their Op Ed / Claim as Mueller has evidence in the last 2 years of crimes perpetrated by Trump involving illegal collusion with Russia.

This is just more unhinged sedition / attempts to undermine the President by Deep State, Liberals, and their Fake News propaganda-pushers who are still butt-hurt that Trump beat Hillary and who are attempting to throw out the results of the democratic election held in 2016 - declaring they don't giver a damn who the people want, it's who THEY want that matter, an attempt to stage a political coup against the President of the United States.

The Left has become so bat-shit crazy sine Hillary lost, so many of the media have repeatedly been caught pushing fake news, that anything they print or say that is not 100% corroborated / proven with hard evidence to support it is complete BULLSHIT!

'Anonymous Sources' are just made-up bullshit made up by the media until the real source is identified....

...much like how Mueller's investigation continues to be a witch hunt until he can ever present evidence that a crime that warranted being investigated, let alone a crime involving the President was perpetrated that warranted a Special Counsel being required.

To date, after 2+ years, Mueller has no evidence of such a crime. On the contrary, all the evidence, to include Oher's recent testimony, proves that the Obama administration collaborated with foreign spies and Russians, broke laws, protected Hillary from indictment / prison, and engaged in a Conspiracy against both CANDIDATE Trump as well as PRESIDENT Trump, which makes what they are doing TREASON!
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The crime is treason.

This individual is deliberately trying to undermine the legitimately elected US Prez because he/she doesn't support.

In reality, of course, what scares this person is the TRUTH that may come out on

1. 911
2. Global Warming
3. whether Joan Rivers was murdered for telling the truth about QUEER O and his man/wife

Maybe that’s the definition in a dictatorship. Treason is when you commit crimes against the country. These people are patriots doing what’s best for the country despite what idiot Trump says.
They are not “patriots.” They are usurping the will of the American public that elected Trump.

Trump was elected President, not King .

It’s becoming clear he is mentally ill. Patriots will not follow blindly as he destroys America .
In an New York Times Op-Ed a high-level insider in the Trump White House explains the danger Trump poses to our republic and the attempts of a few patriots to keep Trump's baser instincts in check:


The NY Times has as much evidence to back their Op Ed / Claim as Mueller has evidence in the last 2 years of crimes perpetrated by Trump involving illegal collusion with Russia.

This is just more unhinged sedition / attempts to undermine the President by Deep State, Liberals, and their Fake News propaganda-pushers who are still butt-hurt that Trump beat Hillary and who are attempting to throw out the results of the democratic election held in 2016 - declaring they don't giver a damn who the people want, it's who THEY want that matter, an attempt to stage a political coup against the President of the United States.

The Left has become so bat-shit crazy sine Hillary lost, so many of the media have repeatedly been caught pushing fake news, that anything they print or say that is not 100% corroborated / proven with hard evidence to support it is complete BULLSHIT!

'Anonymous Sources' are just made-up bullshit made up by the media until the real source is identified....

...much like how Mueller's investigation continues to be a witch hunt until he can ever present evidence that a crime that warranted being investigated, let alone a crime involving the President was perpetrated that warranted a Special Counsel being required.

To date, after 2+ years, Mueller has no evidence of such a crime. On the contrary, all the evidence, to include Oher's recent testimony, proves that the Obama administration collaborated with foreign spies and Russians, broke laws, protected Hillary from indictment / prison, and engaged in a Conspiracy against both CANDIDATE Trump as well as PRESIDENT Trump, which makes what they are doing TREASON!

Again. Please make up your mind . Does the insider exist or is it all made up by the Times ?
Again. Please make up your mind . Does the insider exist or is it all made up by the Times ?
I didn't stutter, which means you can't read or are being intentionally deceitful...again.

The OpEd is from the Fake News NY Times.....
The reason why that op-ed was penned, and released right now, is to be found in the author's head, and I have no opinion on that

Exactly. In the head of someone who knows exactly why.
Nothing to be gained by doing so especially when considering the potential midterm damage that will be done by doing so.
The only logical reason is as a heads up to America.

Heavens, Hutch, you haven't started thinking about politics yesterday, so there's a question as to what accounts for your lack of creativity and daring.

How about that midterm damage is exactly what the author wants, so as to have Democrats in Congress able to do more to reign the Trumpy in? How about going for the personal benefit, one who may - months or years later - claim he (he! HE!!!) warned Americans against the danger the Trumpy poses to them and the Republic? How about his "Deep Throat" fantasies, and the sense of self-importance he derives from being able to make / change history? And that's just the most obvious things, setting aside the main gripes (trade and security policies) the man has, and which may well be a clue as to his whereabouts in the White House, and his efforts to strengthen the higher-ups in these departments. Or he may think the now ensuing witch hunt within the West Wing will consume the White House enough to limit the damage they can do during the remaining time. And that's just off the top of my head...
Protect the country from what, policies they don't agree with or worse, a president they wish didn't win?
I believe that was already answered, in the same places you heard about it in the first place. Odd that you didn't write what was stated as any of your if you are in full blown denial...
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The military follows his orders.
And yet it is being reported that they did not.
As do his diplomats and economic advisers.
And yet it is being reported that they did not.

The Senate stands by him
And yet they recently issued two nearly unanimous, direct rebukes of the president.
and there is going to be no “blue wave” in November.

And yet all the evidence shows probable, large gains by the Democrats in congressional seats.
The crime is treason.

This individual is deliberately trying to undermine the legitimately elected US Prez because he/she doesn't support.

In reality, of course, what scares this person is the TRUTH that may come out on

1. 911
2. Global Warming
3. whether Joan Rivers was murdered for telling the truth about QUEER O and his man/wife

Maybe that’s the definition in a dictatorship. Treason is when you commit crimes against the country. These people are patriots doing what’s best for the country despite what idiot Trump says.
They are not “patriots.” They are usurping the will of the American public that elected Trump.

Trump was elected President, not King .

It’s becoming clear he is mentally ill. Patriots will not follow blindly as he destroys America .

No one wants to come out and be the "hero"? Please. This is nothing but a continued hit job.

If it is that tough to accept Clinton lost, why not have her run again in 2020?
What is honorable about usurping a constitutional democratic election?
When it is truly done in this way to protect the country from an unfit, misguided,amoral executive, it is honorable. But you have denied that any of it happened, so you can stop asking me about it.


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