Results of this statement:"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border,.."

LOL, no. That clip is of Joe Biden promising to send more American personnel the border.
Prove it. And even if you do... Words have meaning.
Regardless of what you and Biden supporters say, the illegal migrants only hear this!
Evidently you don't understand that "Words have meaning"!
You can’t really diss on dishonest narratives as you’re here doing the exact same thing.

Trump did not say to drink bleach and Biden did not tell people to illegally surge to border
Biden said these exact words:
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

So the major difference is the MSM...
Today, 9/29/24 a Google search of "Trump said drink bleach" About 1,000,000 results (0.28 seconds)

But the biased MSM doesn't report "Biden said surge to the border, " as of today 9/29/24 only About 32,900 results.
SO just to repeat... 1,000,000 results of a LIE Trump said drink bleach"
BUT 3% of Google search for a TRUE STATEMENT BY BIDEN..."Biden said surge to the border,"

So why doesn't the MSM report the truth, that Trump never said drink bleach instead of reporting
"Trump said Drink bleach"
But the BIASED MSM that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and 90% to Biden in 2020, while ABC,CBS,NBC spent over
$452 million from 07/20 to 10/20 in advertising on their evening network news by doing these FACTS!

(NOTE: $452 million comes from 3 evening news @ 30 minutes, 7 days a week from 07/29/20 to 10/20/2020 82 days.
Total of 41 hours of which 92% negative Trump news or at average cost for 30 second commercial $100,000 or
37.72 hours of negative news at $100,000/ 30 sec commercial or $452,640,000 in negative news if was sold as advertising.)

What the Washington Times newspaper found....
What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29,2020 through October 20,2020.

So how did Biden fair with news content his first 100 days versus Trump?
If you get your news from these BIASED MSM sources, don't you think that's being uninformed?
NOTE just the first 100 days Trump had nearly 3 times as much negatives news as Biden and at least 50% more than Clinton and 3 times as much as Obama!
NOW tell me again there is no UNBIASED MSM!!!
Last edited:
You can’t really diss on dishonest narratives as you’re here doing the exact same thing.

Trump did not say to drink bleach and Biden did not tell people to illegally surge to border
Biden said these exact words:
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

So the major difference is the MSM...
Today, 9/29/24 a Google search of "Trump said drink bleach" About 1,000,000 results (0.28 seconds)

But the biased MSM doesn't report "Biden said surge to the border, " as of today 9/29/24 only About 32,900 results.
SO just to repeat... 1,000,000 results of a LIE Trump said drink bleach"
BUT 3% of Google search for a TRUE STATEMENT BY BIDEN..."Biden said surge to the border,"

So why doesn't the MSM report the truth, that Trump never said drink bleach instead of reporting
"Trump said Drink bleach"
But the BIASED MSM that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and 90% to Biden in 2020, while ABC,CBS,NBC spent over
$452 million from 07/20 to 10/20 in advertising on their evening network news by doing these FACTS!

(NOTE: $452 million comes from 3 evening news @ 30 minutes, 7 days a week from 07/29/20 to 10/20/2020 82 days.
Total of 41 hours of which 92% negative Trump news or at average cost for 30 second commercial $100,000 or
37.72 hours of negative news at $100,000/ 30 sec commercial or $452,640,000 in negative news if was sold as advertising.)

What the Washington Times newspaper found....
What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29,2020 through October 20,2020.

So how did Biden fair with news content his first 100 days versus Trump?
If you get your news from these BIASED MSM sources, don't you think that's being uninformed?
NOTE just the first 100 days Trump had nearly 3 times as much negatives news as Biden and at least 50% more than Clinton and 3 times as much as Obama!
NOW tell me again there is no UNBIASED MSM!!!
View attachment 1019416
Foreigners are not “we”. Are you slow or something? The only people saying and repeating the message of foreigners surging the border is the MAGA crowd
I agree on both counts... yes "foreigners are not "we" and obviously only common sense REALITY based people like me who by the way I personally don't like Trump!!! But liking a president as a friend is not as important as getting things done and the proof is one simple fact:
Trump's 4 years did something that almost all Democrat and GOP presidents haven't done!
Since Inauguration Day, President Trump has slashed well over 1,500 planned regulatory actions. The Trump administration has repealed 22 regulations for each new rule issued, cutting regulatory costs by more than $8 billion.
In fact, federal regulations are now at their "lowest count since records began being kept in the mid-1970s." How Trump Regulatory Rollback Boosts Small Businesses
a) Federal rules and regulations COST over --$3.079 trillion
b) Cost of federal regulations to economy --$465 billion
c) Avg. annual compliance costs for a U.S. firm $277,000

THE FACT is people even people like me remember words that affect me and in the "surge to the border"...
it doesn't affect you and you interpret probably correctly... BUT to the illegals... they only remember "surge to the border"!

That is the reality, not wishes or my or your personal feelings.
They remember those words.
Surgetotheborder.png › story

Sep 12, 2019 — I would, in fact, make sure that there is -- we immediately surge to the border.
Those numbers make Harris and Biden look positively criminal.
The liability for the immigrations laws or lack thereof falls on Congress. It was the New Republicans, who are subservient to Benedict Donald and his desperate need the old outdated immigration laws to not be updated so he could try to campaign on the continued misery he created. So how's the border looking now?

Biden said these exact words:
The Neo-GOP has to pretend "we" doesn't mean what it means. But that's how they get away with their blatant lies, They take a tiny bit of a sentence, create a lie about the meaning of those few words. Then create a completely false narrative based on that lie. It's the ElRushbo effect working in as a mainstay of the Neo-GOP's propaganda.
Foreigners are not “we”. Are you slow or something? The only people saying and repeating the message of foreigners surging the border is the MAGA crowd
I agree on both counts... yes "foreigners are not "we" and obviously only common sense REALITY based people like me who by the way I personally don't like Trump!!! But liking a president as a friend is not as important as getting things done and the proof is one simple fact:
Trump's 4 years did something that almost all Democrat and GOP presidents haven't done!
Since Inauguration Day, President Trump has slashed well over 1,500 planned regulatory actions. The Trump administration has repealed 22 regulations for each new rule issued, cutting regulatory costs by more than $8 billion.
In fact, federal regulations are now at their "lowest count since records began being kept in the mid-1970s." How Trump Regulatory Rollback Boosts Small Businesses
a) Federal rules and regulations COST over --$3.079 trillion
b) Cost of federal regulations to economy --$465 billion
c) Avg. annual compliance costs for a U.S. firm $277,000

THE FACT is people even people like me remember words that affect me and in the "surge to the border"...
it doesn't affect you and you interpret probably correctly... BUT to the illegals... they only remember "surge to the border"!

That is the reality, not wishes or my or your personal feelings.
They remember those words.
View attachment 1019431 › story
Sep 12, 2019 — I would, in fact, make sure that there is -- we immediately surge to the border.

The liability for the immigrations laws or lack thereof falls on Congress. It was the New Republicans, who are subservient to Benedict Donald and his desperate need the old outdated immigration laws to not be updated so he could try to campaign on the continued misery he created. So how's the border looking now?

So why did Biden do this?

Biden terminating border wall construction contracts​

The move is another step toward unwinding one of Donald Trump’s signature initiatives

Fact check: Biden executive order halts border wall construction, redirects funding​

Portrait of Jessica HillJessica Hill

So Biden cancelled it BECAUSE IT WAS A Trump initiative!
PLUS cancelling the wall meant this statement would be followed by the following...
Foreigners are not “we”. Are you slow or something? The only people saying and repeating the message of foreigners surging the border is the MAGA crowd
I agree on both counts... yes "foreigners are not "we" and obviously only common sense REALITY based people like me who by the way I personally don't like Trump!!! But liking a president as a friend is not as important as getting things done and the proof is one simple fact:
Trump's 4 years did something that almost all Democrat and GOP presidents haven't done!
Since Inauguration Day, President Trump has slashed well over 1,500 planned regulatory actions. The Trump administration has repealed 22 regulations for each new rule issued, cutting regulatory costs by more than $8 billion.
In fact, federal regulations are now at their "lowest count since records began being kept in the mid-1970s." How Trump Regulatory Rollback Boosts Small Businesses
a) Federal rules and regulations COST over --$3.079 trillion
b) Cost of federal regulations to economy --$465 billion
c) Avg. annual compliance costs for a U.S. firm $277,000

THE FACT is people even people like me remember words that affect me and in the "surge to the border"...
it doesn't affect you and you interpret probably correctly... BUT to the illegals... they only remember "surge to the border"!

That is the reality, not wishes or my or your personal feelings.
They remember those words.
View attachment 1019431 › story
Sep 12, 2019 — I would, in fact, make sure that there is -- we immediately surge to the border.

The liability for the immigrations laws or lack thereof falls on Congress. It was the New Republicans, who are subservient to Benedict Donald and his desperate need the old outdated immigration laws to not be updated so he could try to campaign on the continued misery he created. So how's the border looking now?

So why did Biden do this?

Biden terminating border wall construction contracts​

The move is another step toward unwinding one of Donald Trump’s signature initiatives

Fact check: Biden executive order halts border wall construction, redirects funding​

Portrait of Jessica HillJessica Hill

So Biden cancelled it BECAUSE IT WAS A Trump initiative!
PLUS cancelling the wall meant this statement would be followed by the following...
View attachment 1019446View attachment 1019446
Biden terminating border wall construction contracts
Benedict Donald refuse to negotiate with Congress and passed up a chance to have Congress fund the Wall Mexico was going to pay for.

Of the $14 billion Trump diverted to border wall construction, $9.9 billion was from the military. Very little of that will return to Pentagon coffers.

Benedict Donald refuse to negotiate with Congress and passed up a chance to have Congress fund the Wall Mexico was going to pay for.

Of the $14 billion Trump diverted to border wall construction, $9.9 billion was from the military. Very little of that will return to Pentagon coffers.

So protecting America from foreign invasion is NOT a military responsibility?
The $14 billion is peanuts compared to this figure...
The following study finds border crisis is costing taxpayers over $150 billion per year.
A new study found illegal immigration is costing taxpayers more than $150 billion a year, which marks a 30% increase in five years. The study concluded that Americans pay over $180 billion for services that benefit illegal immigrants.
“The study was conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform and what it found was that illegal immigration is costing taxpayers $150 billion annually,” he said.
“What we've seen is that's about a 30% increase from just a few short years ago."
'Based on the NAS data, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes, excluding any costs for their U.S.-born children. If a border wall stopped between 160,000 and 200,000 illegal crossers — 9 to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade — the fiscal savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall.

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