Retired Army Colonel Wilkerson Rips Dick Cheney: He Isn't Immoral, He's Amoral


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Retired Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson Rips Dick Cheney: He Isn't Immoral, He's Amoral

Wilkerson said that to many Americans, including those "interested in the progress of this country, the progress of international criminal justice, human rights, human dignity and so forth," Cheney is considered immoral. But Wilkerson has a different take.

"I think amoral is a better and more precise, descriptive term. With Dick Cheney, it's all about power. Yes, it's about wealth coming from that power, too -- he's worth $70 million or $80 million now, so one can hardly say that's not the case -- but I think the power aspect of it ... is more important to him than the amassing of wealth," Wilkerson said.

He added that an amoral person makes for "a more dangerous individual" than an immoral one.

Cheney is a classic sociopath.
Cheney's got more gumption in his left nut than the POTUS has in his entire scrotus.
Cheney's got more gumption in his left nut than the POTUS has in his entire scrotus.

Regardless of how much gumption the POTUS has, apparently gumption combined with Dicks amorality gave us bull shit like the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The ends (oil contracts) justified the means (war based on ever changing reasons, WMD, Spreading Democracy, he was a really bad guy......).
obama is the worst president in 70 years. He is gutting the military to levels that will prevent the country from defending itself. Buyers remorse. The public wishes they had Romney instead.

Good thing democrats found this guy, or they would have to go hide under the bed.

we are in the ObamaNation you all can go dig up Reagan if it helps

we are in the ObamaNation you all can go dig up Reagan if it helps

It's surprising that democrats haven't dug up Thomas Jefferson by now. It was Jefferson who beat down the muslim Barbary Pirates. Had Jefferson not opposed them, who knows where Islam would have spread to by now.
Cheney's got more gumption in his left nut than the POTUS has in his entire scrotus.

It's easy to have gumption when others do the fighting. Cheney had the chance to show some gumption during the Vietnam war. He and sissyboy bush opted out. John Kerry and Oliver Stone went instead. Oh, Al Gore also went.
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Cheney's got more gumption in his left nut than the POTUS has in his entire scrotus.

Regardless of how much gumption the POTUS has, apparently gumption combined with Dicks amorality gave us bull shit like the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The ends (oil contracts) justified the means (war based on ever changing reasons, WMD, Spreading Democracy, he was a really bad guy......).

Your interpretation of events and individuals is curious


Cheney is immoral: deliberately so.

He knows better but has chose the dark path.
Cheney's got more gumption in his left nut than the POTUS has in his entire scrotus.

Regardless of how much gumption the POTUS has, apparently gumption combined with Dicks amorality gave us bull shit like the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The ends (oil contracts) justified the means (war based on ever changing reasons, WMD, Spreading Democracy, he was a really bad guy......).

Your interpretation of events and individuals is curious



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