Revision of Present Anti Missionary Law


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
"Our co-workers inform passers-by of the dangers of missionary activities taking place in their communities. They also ask the voters to support the petition, which calls on the political parties running for office, and particularly those claiming to represent the religious public, to include a special, unambiguous clause in their platforms that their elected representatives will work relentlessly to strengthen the Enticement to Change Religion Law (5238-1977). The suggested revision should completely block all missionary enticement in any form or manner by a member of one religion of a member of any other religion. This amendment would end missionary activities, which ironically are now permitted under the present law, which only bans apostatizing minors or bribing adults to convert with money or gifts."

Petition - Revision of Present Anti Missionary Law
A tour of the stations of the cross could be considered missionary. Muslims call to prayer could be viewed as missionary.

Someone might hear or see the acts of one faith and decide they want to be part of this or that faith.

Where do you decide it begins or ends? Next it will be no public display of faith and then a ban on all faith.

If someone gets pushy and hampers your right to walk, the police can remove that individual, but getting into legal or not-legal discussion or display of faith in the holy land is just plain idiotic.

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