Rich People are the Problem

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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2011
Capital has replaced the respect that labor used to get in this country. I dont agree with it. The same rich condesending assholes that talk shit about poor peoples food stamps beg the government for billions in corporate giveaways, tax shelters, and loopholes.

I say we start hunting the rich like the animals that they are. Bleed them out infront of there children or cut the bloodline. Its time the poor people stood up and cleansed society of this neocon rot that threatens the country.
Capital has replaced the respect that labor used to get in this country. I dont agree with it. The same rich condesending assholes that talk shit about poor peoples food stamps beg the government for billions in corporate giveaways, tax shelters, and loopholes.

I say we start hunting the rich like the animals that they are. Bleed them out infront of there children or cut the bloodline. Its time the poor people stood up and cleansed society of this neocon rot that threatens the country.
Have you ever ONCE considered WHY they are where they are in thier station of life? No fault of thier own...right?

THAT is what idiots as you want people to belive.

Responsibility for one's self works every time it's tried.
Hunt them down like the dogs they are. When enough of them are dead that the remaining few beg for mercy perhaps then it will be time to settle.

They dont deserve this country, they dont work for shit, they dont earn anything. They just have money. Thats all they contribute, nothing else. They are leaches on society and should be removed with utmost prudence.

If the neocons and rich fucks that think they are special were either deported to mexico or dead then Americans could rebuild and unite as one nation agian.
Poor people do not beg. They are the rational street person who have morals unlike their rich opposition. The poor women would not have have to deal with the uglyness of of a welfare state if it not for the men who run and hide from their responisbilites of being a father. Nor would the poor the person be without food if it were not for the white man exploting the brown brothers who do not speak english that make them inferrior.

The Sct has stripped away the Bill of Right through case law, yet keeps their position holding against the same doctrime that they exploit.
Hunt them down like the dogs they are. When enough of them are dead that the remaining few beg for mercy perhaps then it will be time to settle.

They dont deserve this country, they dont work for shit, they dont earn anything. They just have money. Thats all they contribute, nothing else. They are leaches on society and should be removed with utmost prudence.

If the neocons and rich fucks that think they are special were either deported to mexico or dead then Americans could rebuild and unite as one nation agian.
Son? Being stupid and full of envy gets you nowhere.
Poor people do not beg. They are the rational street person who have morals unlike their rich opposition. The poor women would not have have to deal with the uglyness of of a welfare state if it not for the men who run and hide from their responisbilites of being a father. Nor would the poor the person be without food if it were not for the white man exploting the brown brothers who do not speak english that make them inferrior.

The Sct has stripped away the Bill of Right through case law, yet keeps their position holding against the same doctrime that they exploit.

Poor peope would have plenty to eat if the rich beggers didnt have there hands out to take all from the working man they can.

Rich people dont deserve squat. They are boot licking animals and should be treated as such. They contribute nothing to this society but think they are entitled to the best of it. Fuck that and fuck them.

Rob a rich motherfucker and claim what is rightfully yours. Put them on there knees begging for a right to live like they do to all of us. It is only deserving.
Capital has replaced the respect that labor used to get in this country. I dont agree with it. The same rich condesending assholes that talk shit about poor peoples food stamps beg the government for billions in corporate giveaways, tax shelters, and loopholes.

I say we start hunting the rich like the animals that they are. Bleed them out infront of there children or cut the bloodline. Its time the poor people stood up and cleansed society of this neocon rot that threatens the country.

So what you are saying is that the poor want to stay poor.

Or god forbid, they become the rich themselves.
Capital has replaced the respect that labor used to get in this country. I dont agree with it. The same rich condesending assholes that talk shit about poor peoples food stamps beg the government for billions in corporate giveaways, tax shelters, and loopholes.

I say we start hunting the rich like the animals that they are. Bleed them out infront of there children or cut the bloodline. Its time the poor people stood up and cleansed society of this neocon rot that threatens the country.

So what you are saying is that the poor want to stay poor.

Or god forbid, they become the rich themselves.
The OP just wants everything handed to him. Work? What's that?
Hunt them down like the dogs they are. When enough of them are dead that the remaining few beg for mercy perhaps then it will be time to settle.

They dont deserve this country, they dont work for shit, they dont earn anything. They just have money. Thats all they contribute, nothing else. They are leaches on society and should be removed with utmost prudence.

If the neocons and rich fucks that think they are special were either deported to mexico or dead then Americans could rebuild and unite as one nation agian.
Son? Being stupid and full of envy gets you nowhere.

Jesus smiles when a rich businessman dies.
Poor people do not beg. They are the rational street person who have morals unlike their rich opposition. The poor women would not have have to deal with the uglyness of of a welfare state if it not for the men who run and hide from their responisbilites of being a father. Nor would the poor the person be without food if it were not for the white man exploting the brown brothers who do not speak english that make them inferrior.

The Sct has stripped away the Bill of Right through case law, yet keeps their position holding against the same doctrime that they exploit.

Poor peope would have plenty to eat if the rich beggers didnt have there hands out to take all from the working man they can.

Rich people dont deserve squat. They are boot licking animals and should be treated as such. They contribute nothing to this society but think they are entitled to the best of it. Fuck that and fuck them.

Rob a rich motherfucker and claim what is rightfully yours. Put them on there knees begging for a right to live like they do to all of us. It is only deserving.

Advocating robbery and murder are we?
Capital has replaced the respect that labor used to get in this country. I dont agree with it. The same rich condesending assholes that talk shit about poor peoples food stamps beg the government for billions in corporate giveaways, tax shelters, and loopholes.

I say we start hunting the rich like the animals that they are. Bleed them out infront of there children or cut the bloodline. Its time the poor people stood up and cleansed society of this neocon rot that threatens the country.

So what you are saying is that the poor want to stay poor.

Or god forbid, they become the rich themselves.

Unless you can play basketball your not getting rich in this country. Rich fucks didnt just draw a line in the sand, they erected a fucking wall. Its time to bash it down, and alot of them along with it.

Every problem in our society can be traced back to these leeches within our society. Every single one. The key to income equality isnt through the corrupt government, its in our right to own guns.
Hunt them down like the dogs they are. When enough of them are dead that the remaining few beg for mercy perhaps then it will be time to settle.

They dont deserve this country, they dont work for shit, they dont earn anything. They just have money. Thats all they contribute, nothing else. They are leaches on society and should be removed with utmost prudence.

If the neocons and rich fucks that think they are special were either deported to mexico or dead then Americans could rebuild and unite as one nation agian.
Son? Being stupid and full of envy gets you nowhere.

Jesus smiles when a rich businessman dies.
You're sick in the head. In your prior post YOU advocated robbery and murder. Jesus was about neither.

Son? Get a grip. Get the NETS...GRAB this freak.
Poor people do not beg. They are the rational street person who have morals unlike their rich opposition. The poor women would not have have to deal with the uglyness of of a welfare state if it not for the men who run and hide from their responisbilites of being a father. Nor would the poor the person be without food if it were not for the white man exploting the brown brothers who do not speak english that make them inferrior.

The Sct has stripped away the Bill of Right through case law, yet keeps their position holding against the same doctrime that they exploit.

Poor peope would have plenty to eat if the rich beggers didnt have there hands out to take all from the working man they can.

Rich people dont deserve squat. They are boot licking animals and should be treated as such. They contribute nothing to this society but think they are entitled to the best of it. Fuck that and fuck them.

Rob a rich motherfucker and claim what is rightfully yours. Put them on there knees begging for a right to live like they do to all of us. It is only deserving.

Advocating robbery and murder are we?

Neocons advocate war and the death of hundreds of thousands of civilians, I advocate justice and liberation from the Oligarchy. Your either with us, or your with them. Its time to make a choice.
Capital has replaced the respect that labor used to get in this country. I dont agree with it. The same rich condesending assholes that talk shit about poor peoples food stamps beg the government for billions in corporate giveaways, tax shelters, and loopholes.

I say we start hunting the rich like the animals that they are. Bleed them out infront of there children or cut the bloodline. Its time the poor people stood up and cleansed society of this neocon rot that threatens the country.

i say if you start threads attempting to incite violence against any group, you're gonna be out of here so fast it'll take your asshole a week to catch up. feel free to send any questions to me via PM
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