Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

The poor and middle class on the Right keep supporting the rich's right to hoard $7.6 Trillion offshore. Apparent they think they'll soon join the 1% .. hope strings eternal.

You are complaining now about a problem the left caused by them hoarding cash overseas ????

When will the left ever take responsibility for their actions?

The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?

The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.
It was up to $4.17 under Bush in July 2008.
After the drilling moratoriums were allowed to expire in October 2008 and Bush made plans for expansive offshore drilling, the price dropped to $1.35 into January 2009. Obama immediately reimposed those moratoriums and drove the price back up to over $4.00.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?

The Right knows they've won when folks like you defend them.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.
It was up to $4.17 under Bush in July 2008.
After the drilling moratoriums were allowed to expire in October 2008 and Bush made plans for expansive offshore drilling, the price dropped to $1.35 into January 2009. Obama immediately reimposed those moratoriums and drove the price back up to over $4.00.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.
It was actually closer to $1.50. I drove cross country that week.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.
It was actually closer to $1.50. I drove cross country that week.

Natonal to include the land of fruits and nuts.
Then go earn more money if it's that important to you. As long as no one creates more financial hardships the way this administration has with their bullshit energy policy I see no problem with anyone else getting as rich as they want to be.

The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.
It was up to $4.17 under Bush in July 2008.
After the drilling moratoriums were allowed to expire in October 2008 and Bush made plans for expansive offshore drilling, the price dropped to $1.35 into January 2009. Obama immediately reimposed those moratoriums and drove the price back up to over $4.00.
Here's a good overview of the chronology...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban
Tax laws chase money away into foreign havens or attract it back where it can be wisely invested. I'd rather have a lower percentage of taxes on investments and savings going into our treasury than NO tax revenue from billions we've chased away. The secondary gain is more investment capital in our domestic economy which spurs growth, provides jobs and that's right kids, more tax revenue. More tax payers is better than more taxes.

Try explaining that to a class envy rube. Might as well try to teach a chimp to use a sextant.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.
The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.
It was actually closer to $1.50. I drove cross country that week.

Natonal to include the land of fruits and nuts.
I didn't get gas in California on purpose. I made sure to fill up in Arizona to get me through California and back to Arizona in one tank.
The energy policy? I'm liking the price of gas.
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.
It was up to $4.17 under Bush in July 2008.
After the drilling moratoriums were allowed to expire in October 2008 and Bush made plans for expansive offshore drilling, the price dropped to $1.35 into January 2009. Obama immediately reimposed those moratoriums and drove the price back up to over $4.00.
Here's a good overview of the chronology...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban

This shows how it mostly went up with bush.
Gas Price History Graph (historic prices)
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.
Democrats in congress wouldn't allow for drilling. Bush's mistake was not foreseeing this problem and doing something about it sooner.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.

Now you are changing your story?

$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.
Democrats in congress wouldn't allow for drilling. Bush's mistake was not foreseeing this problem and doing something about it sooner.

Yes those drilling in the US are doing really well.

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