Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

So what's the plan to steal their private property this time?


I don't think it's about stealing private property, I do think that there is something fundamentally wrong with a planet where it has this 1% with more than the rest of what is it now, 7 billion people.

You're right. They're bleeding the cash out of the world's economies leaving less to circulate among everyone else.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.

It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.

Now you are changing your story?

$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Not at all. Gas went way up under bush. And very briefly was down. Not a great record.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
You have got to be joking, but then I know you aren't.

Did you fail to see all the Dem senators who voted against auditing the Fed including Lizzy Warren... To protect the .1%???
I liked it better in 2009, before obama jacked it up for the next six years and cost us over $10,000 annually.
January 2009, when it was even lower than now.

I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.
It was up to $4.17 under Bush in July 2008.
After the drilling moratoriums were allowed to expire in October 2008 and Bush made plans for expansive offshore drilling, the price dropped to $1.35 into January 2009. Obama immediately reimposed those moratoriums and drove the price back up to over $4.00.
Here's a good overview of the chronology...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban

This shows how it mostly went up with bush.
Gas Price History Graph (historic prices)
No disputing the price rise resulting from the economic expansion of the Indian and Chinese economies during the Bush term. The issue is what was done to counter that squeeze-down on supply. The drilling moratorium expired under Bush but was reimplemented by obama. Bush took steps to drop prices and obama intentionally made them go back up. Very simple.
I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.
Democrats in congress wouldn't allow for drilling. Bush's mistake was not foreseeing this problem and doing something about it sooner.

Yes those drilling in the US are doing really well.
Thanks to fracking technology which was beyond obama's control. Had obama not reimpose offshore drilling restrictions, fracking would be moot.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

Completely erroneous headline, the top 1% do not have more than everyone else combined. The artical states they have as much wealth as the bottom 50%, how does that mean "everyone combined"? Those one percenters also own huge businesses that employ lots of people and sell products that everyone buys. They also act as if they aren't paying any taxes. It's also stupid to compare third world economies to the US and Europe were most of those one percenters come from. Yea, we get it, there are billions of people living in abject squalor, but it's not like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or the Koch brothers stole their wealth.

Total propaganda piece in order to stir up hatred in the hearts of cultural Marxists.
I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.

Now you are changing your story?

$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Not at all. Gas went way up under bush. And very briefly was down. Not a great record.

Seriously are you going to continue to talk out of your ass?

It shot up to $4~ $5 bucks a gallon for like a few weeks in the summer of 08 and went right back down in the fall.
I still want to know what problem?


Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
It was a $1.89 when Bush left January 2009 tard.

It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.

Now you are changing your story?

$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Not at all. Gas went way up under bush. And very briefly was down. Not a great record.


Charting the Dramatic Gas Price Rise of the Last Decade
Well too much inequality slows an economy. See our economy. I think a slow economy is a problem.

It don't effect me
It is cheaper now. How was it in 2007?

Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.

Now you are changing your story?

$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Not at all. Gas went way up under bush. And very briefly was down. Not a great record.


Charting the Dramatic Gas Price Rise of the Last Decade

Looks like it increases every bush year.
I recall it being much higher than this under bush. He started a war for cheaper gas I believe.
It was up to $4.17 under Bush in July 2008.
After the drilling moratoriums were allowed to expire in October 2008 and Bush made plans for expansive offshore drilling, the price dropped to $1.35 into January 2009. Obama immediately reimposed those moratoriums and drove the price back up to over $4.00.
Here's a good overview of the chronology...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban

This shows how it mostly went up with bush.
Gas Price History Graph (historic prices)
No disputing the price rise resulting from the economic expansion of the Indian and Chinese economies during the Bush term. The issue is what was done to counter that squeeze-down on supply. The drilling moratorium expired under Bush but was reimplemented by obama. Bush took steps to drop prices and obama intentionally made them go back up. Very simple.

Yet now it is very low.
It don't effect me
Talking January 2009 when bush left fuck head and I have a thousand links to back it up

Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.

Now you are changing your story?

$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Not at all. Gas went way up under bush. And very briefly was down. Not a great record.


Charting the Dramatic Gas Price Rise of the Last Decade

Looks like it increases every bush year.

Quit being a hopeless partisan hack with no facts to back you up.
It was up to $4.17 under Bush in July 2008.
After the drilling moratoriums were allowed to expire in October 2008 and Bush made plans for expansive offshore drilling, the price dropped to $1.35 into January 2009. Obama immediately reimposed those moratoriums and drove the price back up to over $4.00.
Here's a good overview of the chronology...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban

This shows how it mostly went up with bush.
Gas Price History Graph (historic prices)
No disputing the price rise resulting from the economic expansion of the Indian and Chinese economies during the Bush term. The issue is what was done to counter that squeeze-down on supply. The drilling moratorium expired under Bush but was reimplemented by obama. Bush took steps to drop prices and obama intentionally made them go back up. Very simple.

Yet now it is very low.
In spite of Obama.
And we're not getting our lost $60k back.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
You know what would happen if you confiscated all that wealth and gave it to the poor ? The poor would be slightly less poor for a short time.
Trump has got the white, blue collar lower socioeconomic population believing that the Mexicans are stealing their money. He drops down out of the sky in his private jet helicopter to tell them so. Romney used to do essentially the same thing. It is all really very amusing. I would not be at all surprised if it were revealed that most Trump supporters also embrace "prosperity gospel" televangelists.
Really, a slow economy doesn't effect you? You are inpressively dumb.

The price of gas went up for almost the whole bush presidency then briefly down at the very end. Yes what a great policy he had.

Now you are changing your story?

$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Not at all. Gas went way up under bush. And very briefly was down. Not a great record.


Charting the Dramatic Gas Price Rise of the Last Decade

Looks like it increases every bush year.

Quit being a hopeless partisan hack with no facts to back you up.

I was looking at your chart. Your chart isn't facts?
No disputing the price rise resulting from the economic expansion of the Indian and Chinese economies during the Bush term. The issue is what was done to counter that squeeze-down on supply. The drilling moratorium expired under Bush but was reimplemented by obama. Bush took steps to drop prices and obama intentionally made them go back up. Very simple.

Yet now it is very low.
In spite of Obama.
And we're not getting our lost $60k back.

I think you exaggerate his influence.
Woe is me. I just can't make it on my own. Those mean old rich people owe me a living because I was born here and America owes me a living from the cradle to the grave. I shouldn't be expected to earn my own way and be forced to compete for a job or work to buy a home and food. America owes me big time. That old rich man doesn't deserve the success and wealth he earned. He should share it with me.
Trump has got the white, blue collar lower socioeconomic population believing that the Mexicans are stealing their money. He drops down out of the sky in his private jet helicopter to tell them so. Romney used to do essentially the same thing. It is all really very amusing. I would not be at all surprised if it were revealed that most Trump supporters also embrace "prosperity gospel" televangelists.

Keep preaching that dipshit. There are a whole lot of business owners who are pissed off and fed up with your Obamacare and governmental red tape and regulations that are throwing their full support behind Trump.
Trump has got the white, blue collar lower socioeconomic population believing that the Mexicans are stealing their money. He drops down out of the sky in his private jet helicopter to tell them so. Romney used to do essentially the same thing. It is all really very amusing. I would not be at all surprised if it were revealed that most Trump supporters also embrace "prosperity gospel" televangelists.

Keep preaching that dipshit. There are a whole lot of business owners who are pissed off and fed up with your Obamacare and governmental red tape and regulations that are throwing their full support behind Trump.

I'm sure that Trump will do almost as well as Romney did.
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