Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

Oxfam is a Communist front. I figured that out in college when I noticed that in every country where there was a civil war, Oxfam took the side of the Communists. If the government was Communist, Oxfam supported the government and badmouthed the rebels. If the rebels were Communist, Oxfam took the side of the rebels and badmouthed the government.

The article serves no purpose other than encourage Communist attitudes towards wealth, which is that the government should confiscate all wealth held in private hands.
Do you think that they are North Korean type commies, or Cuban type commies, or Chinese type commies?
Oxford is the mothership for incubating Communists. Always has been. Check out how many Communists were spawned during WW11. During the sixties you couldn't walk the streets of Oxford without seeing hundreds of students wearing Chairman Mao hats.
Two family members attended Oxford for four years. Both returned avowed Communists.
Oxfam is a Communist front. I figured that out in college when I noticed that in every country where there was a civil war, Oxfam took the side of the Communists. If the government was Communist, Oxfam supported the government and badmouthed the rebels. If the rebels were Communist, Oxfam took the side of the rebels and badmouthed the government.

The article serves no purpose other than encourage Communist attitudes towards wealth, which is that the government should confiscate all wealth held in private hands.
Do you think that they are North Korean type commies, or Cuban type commies, or Chinese type commies?
Oxford is the mothership for incubating Communists. Always has been. Check out how many Communists were spawned during WW11. During the sixties you couldn't walk the streets of Oxford without seeing hundreds of students wearing Chairman Mao hats.
Two family members attended Oxford for four years. Both returned avowed Communists.

And that matters why? Nobody is questioning if the numbers are true. I've seen different studies all arrive at the same sort of numbers.
Oxfam is a Communist front. I figured that out in college when I noticed that in every country where there was a civil war, Oxfam took the side of the Communists. If the government was Communist, Oxfam supported the government and badmouthed the rebels. If the rebels were Communist, Oxfam took the side of the rebels and badmouthed the government.

The article serves no purpose other than encourage Communist attitudes towards wealth, which is that the government should confiscate all wealth held in private hands.
Do you think that they are North Korean type commies, or Cuban type commies, or Chinese type commies?
Oxford is the mothership for incubating Communists. Always has been. Check out how many Communists were spawned during WW11. During the sixties you couldn't walk the streets of Oxford without seeing hundreds of students wearing Chairman Mao hats.
Two family members attended Oxford for four years. Both returned avowed Communists.

And that matters why? Nobody is questioning if the numbers are true. I've seen different studies all arrive at the same sort of numbers.
Because it's always the fucking LIBs whining about the 1%er REPs who 'hate' women, who 'hate minorities, who 'hate' the poor, who 'hate the Vets, who
hate the disabled and on and fucking on!!!!!
These assholes always 'imply' it's only the White male 1% er REPs who have any money AKA power.
All those poor struggling LIBs are barely hanging on.
That's why asshole!
Oxfam is a Communist front. I figured that out in college when I noticed that in every country where there was a civil war, Oxfam took the side of the Communists. If the government was Communist, Oxfam supported the government and badmouthed the rebels. If the rebels were Communist, Oxfam took the side of the rebels and badmouthed the government.

The article serves no purpose other than encourage Communist attitudes towards wealth, which is that the government should confiscate all wealth held in private hands.
Do you think that they are North Korean type commies, or Cuban type commies, or Chinese type commies?
Oxford is the mothership for incubating Communists. Always has been. Check out how many Communists were spawned during WW11. During the sixties you couldn't walk the streets of Oxford without seeing hundreds of students wearing Chairman Mao hats.
Two family members attended Oxford for four years. Both returned avowed Communists.

And that matters why? Nobody is questioning if the numbers are true. I've seen different studies all arrive at the same sort of numbers.
Because it's always the fucking LIBs whining about the 1%er REPs who 'hate' women, who 'hate minorities, who 'hate' the poor, who 'hate the Vets, who
hate the disabled and on and fucking on!!!!!
These assholes always 'imply' it's only the White male 1% er REPs who have any money AKA power.
All those poor struggling LIBs are barely hanging on.
That's why asshole!

That doesn't change the numbers. And I'm not sure what any of that has to do with them being communist if that is even true.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

So they earn more? So what! You are so jealous that you want the authorities to forcibly take their money?
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

They're not doing anything. Join us here on planet Earth.
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

The government needs to get the hell out of the way.
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

The government needs to get the he'll out of the way.

I fail to see how that will help. Explain.
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

The government needs to get the he'll out of the way.

I fail to see how that will help. Explain.

Rich folks are the only group that can afford to comply to government regulations. It's that simple.
If I have money troubles, I usually figure out what I can do about it. The answer is working more or smarter.
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

The government needs to get the he'll out of the way.

I fail to see how that will help. Explain.

Rich folks are the only group that can afford to comply to government regulations. It's that simple.

What regulations are you talking about?
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

The government needs to get the he'll out of the way.

I fail to see how that will help. Explain.

Rich folks are the only group that can afford to comply to government regulations. It's that simple.

What regulations are you talking about?

Obamacare, for starters.
And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

The government needs to get the he'll out of the way.

I fail to see how that will help. Explain.

Rich folks are the only group that can afford to comply to government regulations. It's that simple.

What regulations are you talking about?

Obamacare, for starters.

Obamacare is leading to more inequality? Please explain.
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

Make it so that the rich will be inclined to put the money to work, stop providing career opportunities in poverty.
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

Make it so that the rich will be inclined to put the money to work, stop providing career opportunities in poverty.

Haven't we been doing that? Every time the repubs give them tax breaks they claim that will happen. It hasn't...
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

Make it so that the rich will be inclined to put the money to work, stop providing career opportunities in poverty.

Haven't we been doing that? Every time the repubs give them tax breaks they claim that will happen. It hasn't...

When was the last time we gave them a tax break? We still have the highest corporate taxes in the world. It costs businesses less to operate in any other country in the world.
The government needs to get the he'll out of the way.

I fail to see how that will help. Explain.

Rich folks are the only group that can afford to comply to government regulations. It's that simple.

What regulations are you talking about?

Obamacare, for starters.

Obamacare is leading to more inequality? Please explain.

I already explained: rich people aren't affected by the rise in insurance costs like working f
Liberals continually push to provide the essentials of living free for the poor. What that does is make being poor a viable option for a lot of people. Then the population gets poorer and the gap gets wider. Then, these very same people whine about it.

And what do you suggest? All this inequality is slowing our economy.

Make it so that the rich will be inclined to put the money to work, stop providing career opportunities in poverty.

Haven't we been doing that? Every time the repubs give them tax breaks they claim that will happen. It hasn't...

More nonexistent tax breaks.

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