Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

Blah blah blah! Here's the bottom line:

Lefties want to close the gap by tearing down the rich. Righties want to close the gap by making everyone rich.

That's the only thing that matters now.
Yes it has continued to grow inequality. And now we have so much the economy is slowed.

You just don't understand the complexity of economics. Trickle down doesn't cure everything nor does it prevent all negative factors. It's only a part of the economy.

I'm quite sure I understand ecnomics better than you. Trickle down did not work, that is why repubs no longer even make that claim. History has proven there was no trickle.

If you think that trickle down was supposed to solve all our problems then you don't know shit about economics. If you think trickle down was a failure and/or that after all this time it would still survive everything else that happened, then you don't know shit about anything at all.

No it seems you know nothing. It gave us growing inequality and stagnant wages. And now the growing inequality has stagnated our economy.

Ok, if you are simply going to argue like a 10 year old, I'm done. Dismissed.

That would be you. You have given 0 support for your wacky claims. 10 year old describes you perfectly.
I'm quite sure I understand ecnomics better than you. Trickle down did not work, that is why repubs no longer even make that claim. History has proven there was no trickle.

If you think that trickle down was supposed to solve all our problems then you don't know shit about economics. If you think trickle down was a failure and/or that after all this time it would still survive everything else that happened, then you don't know shit about anything at all.

No it seems you know nothing. It gave us growing inequality and stagnant wages. And now the growing inequality has stagnated our economy.
not the 80s bubba joe, not the 80s. The jobs left the country while the dems were killing jobs in the Bush presidency. We all admit it, and Obummer came in and doubled down. At least get the right decade.
Where you smoking dope from 2004-2008?
Both parties wres smiling their a$$es off when the jobs left.
Try reading a Government site once in a while; bi-partisan legislation hosted by corporate America.
dude, I blamed bush what is it you think I didn't do? But the Dems wrote the code that ended up flushing them out. It happened in 2003 BTW, We called it tech winter that year, and it's 2016 and it hasn't stopped.

I read Government sites and both parties agreed on write-offs for companies that off-shored.
Not to mention Patent Protection and Military protection of shipped goods.
Blah blah blah! Here's the bottom line:

Lefties want to close the gap by tearing down the rich. Righties want to close the gap by making everyone rich.

That's the only thing that matters now.
I personally want to outlaw CEOs and Directors attending Banquets and Barbeques for politicians.
Events that the overwhelming number of citizens cannot afford.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
dude still talking about reagan. Can you believe it? And trickle down didn't work. If it didn't work there'd be no reason to bring it up.

The reason to bring it up is to remind those few NOT affected by it that it has worked for the tiny MINORITY.
dude reagan was spot on, and people did make money. in fact invested in the 90s and Bill Clinton and the republican congress got us in the black. How about that, a dem pres with a repub congress and it worked.

Unfortunately, the dotcoms all but dried up and manufacturing decided to leave cause of NAFTA.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"the House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61-38.[6] Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.[7][8] Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs,"
Blah blah blah! Here's the bottom line:

Lefties want to close the gap by tearing down the rich. Righties want to close the gap by making everyone rich.

That's the only thing that matters now.
I personally want to outlaw CEOs and Directors attending Banquets and Barbeques for politicians.
Events that the overwhelming number of citizens cannot afford.

Can't. The only fair way to do it would be to take the money out of the political process. You can't just take out corporate money.
If you think that trickle down was supposed to solve all our problems then you don't know shit about economics. If you think trickle down was a failure and/or that after all this time it would still survive everything else that happened, then you don't know shit about anything at all.

No it seems you know nothing. It gave us growing inequality and stagnant wages. And now the growing inequality has stagnated our economy.
not the 80s bubba joe, not the 80s. The jobs left the country while the dems were killing jobs in the Bush presidency. We all admit it, and Obummer came in and doubled down. At least get the right decade.
Where you smoking dope from 2004-2008?
Both parties wres smiling their a$$es off when the jobs left.
Try reading a Government site once in a while; bi-partisan legislation hosted by corporate America.
dude, I blamed bush what is it you think I didn't do? But the Dems wrote the code that ended up flushing them out. It happened in 2003 BTW, We called it tech winter that year, and it's 2016 and it hasn't stopped.

I read Government sites and both parties agreed on write-offs for companies that off-shored.
Not to mention Patent Protection and Military protection of shipped goods.
i just get tired of the left criticizing the right and it was both, so either know the facts or shut up is my policy. I showed how it came to be and that then President Clinton even stated it would cost American jobs. I quoted it.
Blah blah blah! Here's the bottom line:

Lefties want to close the gap by tearing down the rich. Righties want to close the gap by making everyone rich.

That's the only thing that matters now.
I personally want to outlaw CEOs and Directors attending Banquets and Barbeques for politicians.
Events that the overwhelming number of citizens cannot afford.

Can't. The only fair way to do it won be to take the money out of the pitical process. You can't just take out corporate money.

Thankfully the advent of the Internet is diminishing their stranglehold.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
dude still talking about reagan. Can you believe it? And trickle down didn't work. If it didn't work there'd be no reason to bring it up.

The reason to bring it up is to remind those few NOT affected by it that it has worked for the tiny MINORITY.
dude reagan was spot on, and people did make money. in fact invested in the 90s and Bill Clinton and the republican congress got us in the black. How about that, a dem pres with a repub congress and it worked.

Unfortunately, the dotcoms all but dried up and manufacturing decided to leave cause of NAFTA.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"the House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61-38.[6] Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.[7][8] Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs,"

You are wasting your time, these idiots know nothing about economics but what they are spoon fed. And they are spoon fed a diet of "Trickle down is responsible for all our troubles". No amount of reason will change their alleged minds.
No it seems you know nothing. It gave us growing inequality and stagnant wages. And now the growing inequality has stagnated our economy.
not the 80s bubba joe, not the 80s. The jobs left the country while the dems were killing jobs in the Bush presidency. We all admit it, and Obummer came in and doubled down. At least get the right decade.
Where you smoking dope from 2004-2008?
Both parties wres smiling their a$$es off when the jobs left.
Try reading a Government site once in a while; bi-partisan legislation hosted by corporate America.
dude, I blamed bush what is it you think I didn't do? But the Dems wrote the code that ended up flushing them out. It happened in 2003 BTW, We called it tech winter that year, and it's 2016 and it hasn't stopped.

I read Government sites and both parties agreed on write-offs for companies that off-shored.
Not to mention Patent Protection and Military protection of shipped goods.
i just get tired of the left criticizing the right and it was both, so either know the facts or shut up is my policy. I showed how it came to be and that then President Clinton even state it would cost American jobs. I quoted it.

You didn't SHOW anything, you ranted.
I's enjoy some Links to off-shoring and H1-B Legislation.
Not to mention that starting in GW's 2nd term, the requirement to interview US citizens before interviewing H1-Bs was no longer enforced.
If you think that trickle down was supposed to solve all our problems then you don't know shit about economics. If you think trickle down was a failure and/or that after all this time it would still survive everything else that happened, then you don't know shit about anything at all.

No it seems you know nothing. It gave us growing inequality and stagnant wages. And now the growing inequality has stagnated our economy.
not the 80s bubba joe, not the 80s. The jobs left the country while the dems were killing jobs in the Bush presidency. We all admit it, and Obummer came in and doubled down. At least get the right decade.
Where you smoking dope from 2004-2008?
Both parties wres smiling their a$$es off when the jobs left.
Try reading a Government site once in a while; bi-partisan legislation hosted by corporate America.
dude, I blamed bush what is it you think I didn't do? But the Dems wrote the code that ended up flushing them out. It happened in 2003 BTW, We called it tech winter that year, and it's 2016 and it hasn't stopped.

I read Government sites and both parties agreed on write-offs for companies that off-shored.
Not to mention Patent Protection and Military protection of shipped goods.
exactly, and why Trump is perfect, he owes nothing to the repubs and is running on their ticket. Go Trump supporters.
The problem is getting worse. Thank God, Democrats are attempting to do something about it.

Richest 1% own more than the rest of us: Oxfam

"Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population -- a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago," the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.
dude still talking about reagan. Can you believe it? And trickle down didn't work. If it didn't work there'd be no reason to bring it up.

The reason to bring it up is to remind those few NOT affected by it that it has worked for the tiny MINORITY.
dude reagan was spot on, and people did make money. in fact invested in the 90s and Bill Clinton and the republican congress got us in the black. How about that, a dem pres with a repub congress and it worked.

Unfortunately, the dotcoms all but dried up and manufacturing decided to leave cause of NAFTA.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"the House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61-38.[6] Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.[7][8] Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs,"

You are wasting your time, these idiots know nothing about economics but what they are spoon fed. And they are spoon fed a diet of "Trickle down is responsible for all our troubles". No amount of reason will change their alleged minds.

Trickle Down is nice idea in a Fair Market.
FACT: US corporations pay an effective tax rate that is on par with other nations.

U.S. effective corporate tax rates are not a burden
The top statutory tax rate of 35% in the U.S. is somewhat higher than that of 30 other OECD countries, but the average effective tax rate — the actual rate paid after deductions and credits — is slightly lower than our competitors, according to theCongressional Research Service (CRS).

Several studies have found that U.S. corporations pay a similar or a lower effective tax rate — the rate actually paid — than corporations in other countries. For example:

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates | Americans for Tax Fairness

27.1% is not zero, as you claimed.

I claimed?
I never claimed that but since you brought it up......
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates | Americans for Tax Fairness

That is the same left wing source you used before. I seriously doubt it's veracity, but it's beside the point. To shrink the gap we need to provide incentive for the 1% to put their money to work and to stop making poverty an acceptable lifestyle.

I doubt your veracity or even your ability to understand the subject.

Yeah you're done. Dismissed.
They do put it to work. For themselves.
They do put it to work. For themselves.

Sure they do. My point is to make it so they will put it to use for themselves and we also benefit.

Like trickle down ecomomics? We already know that doesn't work.

Sure it does and it did.

Yes it has continued to grow inequality. And now we have so much the economy is slowed.

You just don't understand the complexity of economics. Trickle down doesn't cure everything nor does it prevent all negative factors. It's only a part of the economy.

Trickle down is a fallacy.
not the 80s bubba joe, not the 80s. The jobs left the country while the dems were killing jobs in the Bush presidency. We all admit it, and Obummer came in and doubled down. At least get the right decade.
Where you smoking dope from 2004-2008?
Both parties wres smiling their a$$es off when the jobs left.
Try reading a Government site once in a while; bi-partisan legislation hosted by corporate America.
dude, I blamed bush what is it you think I didn't do? But the Dems wrote the code that ended up flushing them out. It happened in 2003 BTW, We called it tech winter that year, and it's 2016 and it hasn't stopped.

I read Government sites and both parties agreed on write-offs for companies that off-shored.
Not to mention Patent Protection and Military protection of shipped goods.
i just get tired of the left criticizing the right and it was both, so either know the facts or shut up is my policy. I showed how it came to be and that then President Clinton even state it would cost American jobs. I quoted it.

You didn't SHOW anything, you ranted.
I's enjoy some Links to off-shoring and H1-B Legislation.
Not to mention that starting in GW's 2nd term, the requirement to interview US citizens before interviewing H1-Bs was no longer enforced.
dude, I already posted GWB was to blame. What else you want? I'm a conservative admitting he was at fault as was the democratic congress. And I posted the Nafta trade agreement that started the phase out of manufacturing in the US as we knew it. Both parties jack, both, not repubs only. And yet you still can't admit it was Clinton. surprised, I'm not.
27.1% is not zero, as you claimed.

I claimed?
I never claimed that but since you brought it up......
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates | Americans for Tax Fairness

That is the same left wing source you used before. I seriously doubt it's veracity, but it's beside the point. To shrink the gap we need to provide incentive for the 1% to put their money to work and to stop making poverty an acceptable lifestyle.

I doubt your veracity or even your ability to understand the subject.

Yeah you're done. Dismissed.
Sure they do. My point is to make it so they will put it to use for themselves and we also benefit.

Like trickle down ecomomics? We already know that doesn't work.

Sure it does and it did.

Yes it has continued to grow inequality. And now we have so much the economy is slowed.

You just don't understand the complexity of economics. Trickle down doesn't cure everything nor does it prevent all negative factors. It's only a part of the economy.

Trickle down is a fallacy.

In a non-Ricardian Free Market.
dude still talking about reagan. Can you believe it? And trickle down didn't work. If it didn't work there'd be no reason to bring it up.

The reason to bring it up is to remind those few NOT affected by it that it has worked for the tiny MINORITY.
dude reagan was spot on, and people did make money. in fact invested in the 90s and Bill Clinton and the republican congress got us in the black. How about that, a dem pres with a repub congress and it worked.

Unfortunately, the dotcoms all but dried up and manufacturing decided to leave cause of NAFTA.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"the House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61-38.[6] Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.[7][8] Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs,"

You are wasting your time, these idiots know nothing about economics but what they are spoon fed. And they are spoon fed a diet of "Trickle down is responsible for all our troubles". No amount of reason will change their alleged minds.

Trickle Down is nice idea in a Fair Market.

Sure but even then it has a shelf life and the real reason our economy is in such a shambles happened in 2007 and was not the result of trickle down economics.
Where you smoking dope from 2004-2008?
Both parties wres smiling their a$$es off when the jobs left.
Try reading a Government site once in a while; bi-partisan legislation hosted by corporate America.
dude, I blamed bush what is it you think I didn't do? But the Dems wrote the code that ended up flushing them out. It happened in 2003 BTW, We called it tech winter that year, and it's 2016 and it hasn't stopped.

I read Government sites and both parties agreed on write-offs for companies that off-shored.
Not to mention Patent Protection and Military protection of shipped goods.
i just get tired of the left criticizing the right and it was both, so either know the facts or shut up is my policy. I showed how it came to be and that then President Clinton even state it would cost American jobs. I quoted it.

You didn't SHOW anything, you ranted.
I's enjoy some Links to off-shoring and H1-B Legislation.
Not to mention that starting in GW's 2nd term, the requirement to interview US citizens before interviewing H1-Bs was no longer enforced.
dude, I already posted GWB was to blame. What else you want? I'm a conservative admitting he was at fault as was the democratic congress. And I posted the Nafta trade agreement that started the phase out of manufacturing in the US as we knew it. Both parties jack, both, not repubs only. And yet you still can't admit it was Clinton. surprised, I'm not.

Clinton started the H1-B flood and GW and Obama did nothing to stop it.
dude still talking about reagan. Can you believe it? And trickle down didn't work. If it didn't work there'd be no reason to bring it up.

The reason to bring it up is to remind those few NOT affected by it that it has worked for the tiny MINORITY.
dude reagan was spot on, and people did make money. in fact invested in the 90s and Bill Clinton and the republican congress got us in the black. How about that, a dem pres with a repub congress and it worked.

Unfortunately, the dotcoms all but dried up and manufacturing decided to leave cause of NAFTA.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"the House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61-38.[6] Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.[7][8] Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs,"

You are wasting your time, these idiots know nothing about economics but what they are spoon fed. And they are spoon fed a diet of "Trickle down is responsible for all our troubles". No amount of reason will change their alleged minds.

Trickle Down is nice idea in a Fair Market.
it worked and that's that. It worked, it made a bunch of intelligent people a lot of money and they shared it with their employees, there was profit sharing and stock and many other venture opportunities for everyone, not just the 1 percenters and Obama and Bush shot it all down. just stop with the reagan shit, it isn't good for you.
dude still talking about reagan. Can you believe it? And trickle down didn't work. If it didn't work there'd be no reason to bring it up.

The reason to bring it up is to remind those few NOT affected by it that it has worked for the tiny MINORITY.
dude reagan was spot on, and people did make money. in fact invested in the 90s and Bill Clinton and the republican congress got us in the black. How about that, a dem pres with a repub congress and it worked.

Unfortunately, the dotcoms all but dried up and manufacturing decided to leave cause of NAFTA.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"the House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61-38.[6] Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.[7][8] Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs,"

You are wasting your time, these idiots know nothing about economics but what they are spoon fed. And they are spoon fed a diet of "Trickle down is responsible for all our troubles". No amount of reason will change their alleged minds.

Trickle Down is nice idea in a Fair Market.

Sure but even then it has a shelf life and the real reason our economy is in such a shambles happened in 2007 and was not the result of trickle down economics.

Changing the rules of derivative value is dangerous when they are in the trillions.
dude, I blamed bush what is it you think I didn't do? But the Dems wrote the code that ended up flushing them out. It happened in 2003 BTW, We called it tech winter that year, and it's 2016 and it hasn't stopped.

I read Government sites and both parties agreed on write-offs for companies that off-shored.
Not to mention Patent Protection and Military protection of shipped goods.
i just get tired of the left criticizing the right and it was both, so either know the facts or shut up is my policy. I showed how it came to be and that then President Clinton even state it would cost American jobs. I quoted it.

You didn't SHOW anything, you ranted.
I's enjoy some Links to off-shoring and H1-B Legislation.
Not to mention that starting in GW's 2nd term, the requirement to interview US citizens before interviewing H1-Bs was no longer enforced.
dude, I already posted GWB was to blame. What else you want? I'm a conservative admitting he was at fault as was the democratic congress. And I posted the Nafta trade agreement that started the phase out of manufacturing in the US as we knew it. Both parties jack, both, not repubs only. And yet you still can't admit it was Clinton. surprised, I'm not.

Clinton started the H1-B flood and GW and Obama did nothing to stop it.
correct had nothing to do with trickle down. NOTHING

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