Right that's it and no tears from anyone

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Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
Reaction score
My man flu is full thrust, snot and coughing copiously. Apologies for the big word to our Democrat friends.

So I'm gonna take a few days off from the site until it eases up. My finger is clattering predictive words and I miss some words out too. I click on alerts to see my post, and if edit time allows, I correct them.

So bye for now and I predict my left ear will start to burn over the next few days.
My man flu is full thrust, snot and coughing copiously. Apologies for the big word to our Democrat friends.

So I'm gonna take a few days off from the site until it eases up. My finger is clattering predictive words and I miss some words out too. I click on alerts to see my post, and if edit time allows, I correct them.

So bye for now and I predict my left ear will start to burn over the next few days. Big hugs to IM2 .
Now I KNOW you're not a Democrat! You didn't claim that your sniffles and coughing are Covid. You called it what it is -- the flu. Enjoy you time off.
My man flu is full thrust, snot and coughing copiously. Apologies for the big word to our Democrat friends.

So I'm gonna take a few days off from the site until it eases up. My finger is clattering predictive words and I miss some words out too. I click on alerts to see my post, and if edit time allows, I correct them.

So bye for now and I predict my left ear will start to burn over the next few days. Big hugs to IM2 .

Get well soon. I'm just glad you didn't get the woman flu, we would have talked about you while you were gone.
My man flu is full thrust, snot and coughing copiously. Apologies for the big word to our Democrat friends.

So I'm gonna take a few days off from the site until it eases up. My finger is clattering predictive words and I miss some words out too. I click on alerts to see my post, and if edit time allows, I correct them.

So bye for now and I predict my left ear will start to burn over the next few days. Big hugs to IM2 .
Pussy...... :auiqs.jpg:
My man flu is full thrust, snot and coughing copiously. Apologies for the big word to our Democrat friends.

So I'm gonna take a few days off from the site until it eases up. My finger is clattering predictive words and I miss some words out too. I click on alerts to see my post, and if edit time allows, I correct them.

So bye for now and I predict my left ear will start to burn over the next few days. Big hugs to IM2 .
Feel better, my 2nd amendment confused friend.

Molon labe.
It might be the Andromeda Strain.

We're checking that out now ...

Never had the flu, and never got a flu shot, even when living in Global Flu HQ Silly Con Valley. Had a lung/sinus infection for a couple of weeks, though, just recently. Got tested to make sure it wasn't COVID, SARS, Pneumonia, flu, etc. or something else contagious. Lots of stuff have the same symptoms.
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Such disloyalty.

I didn't let open heart surgery stop me. The doctor thought it was an odd request that I be allowed to hook up my laptop to the operation monitor, but we figured it all out.
It’s probably far majority leftist in all of UK
Was just a bad case of flu/cold. Got through it all, now just at tickly cough, taste buds returning stage. Girlfriend going through it all, just a few days behind me. I just prefer to take timeout, recover, move on. Gf gets the flu jab every year, I never bother. The flu is sweeping through the UK at the moment, I reckon I caught it going to the Man U game.
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