Rioting and Looting After Catastrophes -- Red State Rightwing Style


Chriis Murphy "cerebral and serious"
Dec 1, 2008
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Location: corpus callosum
Yes. people being people some revert to looting and rioting regardless of ideological and political stuff. Yet it's the right who are always blaming ideology and politics of others when rioting and looting happen. As if Only they are immune from such human instincts and desires.

It's not good

I'm sure there are news stories in text form

Police offer warning about looters following Hurricane Helene in North Carolina​

Go on. Keep listing reasons the public should have unfettered access to firearms.

Your meltdown to protect and deflect from yoar worldview never ceases to entertain me.

I'm not anti guns. I have bought handguns.

again, you live in a bubble
Go on. Keep listing reasons the public should have unfettered access to firearms.

Your meltdown to protect and deflect from yoar worldview never ceases to entertain me.

btw, NC is a gun state and that did not prevent rioting and looting

just sayin'
Yes. people being people some revert to looting and rioting regardless of ideological and political stuff. Yet it's the right who are always blaming ideology and politics of others when rioting and looting happen. As if Only they are immune from such human instincts and desires.

It's not good

I'm sure there are news stories in text form

Did you even watch this? You're a fucking moron.
Yes. people being people some revert to looting and rioting regardless of ideological and political stuff. Yet it's the right who are always blaming ideology and politics of others when rioting and looting happen. As if Only they are immune from such human instincts and desires.

It's not good

I'm sure there are news stories in text form


You're really a serious dumb-ass.

Your woke-assed shit keeps blowing up in your faces yet you think you can blame it all on MAGA.
Yes. people being people some revert to looting and rioting
Thieves being thieves is what they are called in red states.. If I was Queen, my directive would be, LOOTERS and THIEVES will be shot.
Your desire to have my shit is a bad instinct that you need to control. It won't end well if you don't.
again, you live in a bubble

Not so much silly fool.

A full view of all media, shows, that it is indeed YOU who is idiotically shilling for the bureaucracy and the ruling class.

Honest folks on the left and right all know why this got so out of control.

Either incompetence or purposeful intention.

It sure as hell isn't "climate change."
D, did you know that you could get out of your Rolls-Royce in Dubai, put the keys and your wallet on the hood, go enjoy yourself and when you come back your keys and wallet and car are all right where you left them?
They curb human instincts by cutting your hands off if you take what doesn't belong to you.
There ya go. :up:
Not so much silly fool.

A full view of all media, shows, that it is indeed YOU who is idiotically shilling for the bureaucracy and the ruling class.

Honest folks on the left and right all know why this got so out of control.

Either incompetence or purposeful intention.

It sure as hell isn't "climate change."


go try and score cheap political points on some other tragedy.

I'm sure there is something going on in the middle east or Europe, or Asia or Africa or...

go try and score cheap political points on some other tragedy.

I'm sure there is something going on in the middle east or Europe, or Asia or Africa or...
You are 150% a dipshit.
A dipshit and a half.
Impressive. I am in awe of your dipshitness for a minute..
I reckon it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.
Also, what's up with this trend of shitposting flamebait threads in the History section?
That's not cool.
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go try and score cheap political points on some other tragedy.

I'm sure there is something going on in the middle east or Europe, or Asia or Africa or...

It Didn’t Have To Be This Bad: Southern California Firestorms | Independent Outlook 68​


It Didn’t Have To Be This Bad: Southern California Firestorms | Independent Outlook 68​

No offense, MB, but these philosophers would not know what to do in case of fire.
There's those that know how to react, and those that don't.
They would have no clue if they had to fend for themselves.
I have uhh, almost caught my garage on fire and suffered a tree frog hand for a week.
I flipped the thing out of the garage that was on fire and would have burned it down, but burned my hand.
However, a few seconds can make a big difference. How this came to be be was jump-starting a motorcycle
by shorting the solenoid and it involved a translucent/green Tupperware pitcher almost full of gasoline.
With an open top. I moved all flames away from the fuel. Somehow my friend kicked the pitcher over and the spark from jumping the solenoid set it off..because he panicked and kicked it over.
There was a puddle of flame, but my Bike and the garage made out OK.
I can't be mad at my dog like that, I know it was an accident.
Could have been really bad, but just an accident.
Tbh, but for the Grace of God go I.
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No offense, MB, but these philosophers would not know what to do in case of fire.
There's those that know how to react, and those that don't.
They would have no clue if they had to fend for themselves.
um. . . . this discussion is not really about "what to do in case of fire."

One of these academics even stated, he was not much paying attention to the fires till his neighbor came to tell them that their location was being evacuated. And yeah, in that sense, you are correct. They would just run, same as most other people.

What this is, is an academic conversation of the realities of living in a fire prone area, what was done, (Newsome did follow some of their recommendations,) what would be better to do, and the possible reasons government was clearly under-prepared.
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