RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent.
The parent is a police officer and the gun used in the shooting was his service weapon - how does the "gun culture" - whatever that is - play into it?
So if trained officers do this, what does that mean for the millions of amateurs running around with loaded weapons?

Do what, precisely? What is it you personally saw this officer do with your own eyes as you lurked outside his window, perv?
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

And now let's discuss the 1.1 million Americans who use their legal guns to save lives each year....

First.....according to your logic, we need to ban cars.....since they accidentally kill far more children than guns do...and we have to ban alcohol again...since way, way more kids are accidentally killed because of alcohol than guns...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Accidental death of children.......

2017.... Kids (<1 - 14)



Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84

Traffic: 1,261

Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).

i'll wager some ignorance is involved in every form you've posted

so how does that validate one child's death vs another guy?

please enlighten us to the dif between a ignorant gun owner vs. car owner here


Not my case to make....that anti-gunners tell us that kids are accidentally killed by guns, therefore all guns must be banned. Therefore, if kids are accidentally killed by cars, which they are in greater numbers than guns, then cars must be banned...according to their logic.
Thank you. I stand corrected. But I will add that these are extreme positions and most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation

Good to see that you agree that "most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation", which is in direct opposition to our Constitution.
Sorry, but the Constitution means nothing to Trumpettes anymore.

Sorry, but nothing means anything to leftists other than political agenda.
Sorry, but Trumpettes think it is more important to be able to get beered up & shoot bottles with AR-15s than the lives of chuidren

Hey....moron.......since cars kill more children than guns do, according to your post, that means you put the ability to drive a race car over the lives of twit.
Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent.
The parent is a police officer and the gun used in the shooting was his service weapon - how does the "gun culture" - whatever that is - play into it?
So if trained officers do this, what does that mean for the millions of amateurs running around with loaded weapons?

It means there are over 600 million guns in private hands.....and in 2017 there were 62 accidental guns deaths......what does that mean for your stupid post?

There were 1,208 children killed by cars in the same year....

62 accidental gun deaths of children with guns......1,208 accidental deaths of children with cars....

We must ban cars...far deadlier to children than guns...
Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent.
The parent is a police officer and the gun used in the shooting was his service weapon - how does the "gun culture" - whatever that is - play into it?
So if trained officers do this, what does that mean for the millions of amateurs running around with loaded weapons?
Again MORON less then 500 accidental shooting deaths a year and Most of those are adults.
So for some limey bitch to complain about gun deaths in the US while his beloved UK is going down a similar path, albeit with knives instead of guns, is just absurd and totally lacking in self awareness.
Our murder rates are a fraction of those in the US. Guns or knives. But this is about an "accidental" death not a murder. Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent. have guns in the U.K......this guy was a cop, not a civilian.

We have over 600 million guns in private hands and a grand total of 62 accidental child deaths in 2017 with the majority of those happening in the homes of criminals who are already banned from buying, owning or carrying guns.....

Meanwhile, we had 1,208 deaths from cars for children....we really need to ban cars...can you see that that number is way, way higher than twit.
Its striking that all these "pro lifers" dont give a fuck about Evan Sun. It seems that Evan , and others, is "just a statistic" and "insignificant".

Perhaps one of these recidivists could suggest one thing which may have helped to protect this child and may prevent next weeks tragedy. Just one.
So for some limey bitch to complain about gun deaths in the US while his beloved UK is going down a similar path, albeit with knives instead of guns, is just absurd and totally lacking in self awareness.
Our murder rates are a fraction of those in the US. Guns or knives. But this is about an "accidental" death not a murder. Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent. have guns in the U.K......this guy was a cop, not a civilian.

We have over 600 million guns in private hands and a grand total of 62 accidental child deaths in 2017 with the majority of those happening in the homes of criminals who are already banned from buying, owning or carrying guns.....

Meanwhile, we had 1,208 deaths from cars for children....we really need to ban cars...can you see that that number is way, way higher than twit.
Cars have uses you clown.
So for some limey bitch to complain about gun deaths in the US while his beloved UK is going down a similar path, albeit with knives instead of guns, is just absurd and totally lacking in self awareness.
Our murder rates are a fraction of those in the US. Guns or knives. But this is about an "accidental" death not a murder. Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent. have guns in the U.K......this guy was a cop, not a civilian.

We have over 600 million guns in private hands and a grand total of 62 accidental child deaths in 2017 with the majority of those happening in the homes of criminals who are already banned from buying, owning or carrying guns.....

Meanwhile, we had 1,208 deaths from cars for children....we really need to ban cars...can you see that that number is way, way higher than twit.
Cars have uses you clown.

As do guns you asshat....Americans use theirs to stop crime 1.1 million times a year, according to our Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved vs 62 accidental deaths...

Can you tell which number is bigger? You can even use the metric system if you want.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

And now let's discuss the 1.1 million Americans who use their legal guns to save lives each year....

First.....according to your logic, we need to ban cars.....since they accidentally kill far more children than guns do...and we have to ban alcohol again...since way, way more kids are accidentally killed because of alcohol than guns...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Accidental death of children.......

2017.... Kids (<1 - 14)



Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84

Traffic: 1,261

Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).

i'll wager some ignorance is involved in every form you've posted

so how does that validate one child's death vs another guy?

please enlighten us to the dif between a ignorant gun owner vs. car owner here


Not my case to make....that anti-gunners tell us that kids are accidentally killed by guns, therefore all guns must be banned.

If these accidents happen, it is mostly because they have so removed people from firearms that they no longer get the training and respect for them growing up like people used to.
Its striking that all these "pro lifers" dont give a fuck about Evan Sun. It seems that Evan , and others, is "just a statistic" and "insignificant".

Perhaps one of these recidivists could suggest one thing which may have helped to protect this child and may prevent next weeks tragedy. Just one.
Again RETARD you don't punish 200 million law abiding citizens because one broke the law. Nor do you punish them because one made a mistake.
So for some limey bitch to complain about gun deaths in the US while his beloved UK is going down a similar path, albeit with knives instead of guns, is just absurd and totally lacking in self awareness.
Our murder rates are a fraction of those in the US. Guns or knives. But this is about an "accidental" death not a murder. Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent. have guns in the U.K......this guy was a cop, not a civilian.

We have over 600 million guns in private hands and a grand total of 62 accidental child deaths in 2017 with the majority of those happening in the homes of criminals who are already banned from buying, owning or carrying guns.....

Meanwhile, we had 1,208 deaths from cars for children....we really need to ban cars...can you see that that number is way, way higher than twit.
Cars have uses you clown.
There is absolutely no reason individuals need to own cars since they cause so much death and destruction, one can simply ride the bus or a train.
Its striking that all these "pro lifers" dont give a fuck about Evan Sun. It seems that Evan , and others, is "just a statistic" and "insignificant".
Perhaps one of these recidivists could suggest one thing which may have helped to protect this child and may prevent next weeks tragedy. Just one.
Don't let police officers have guns.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?
Prosecute an idiot who left a loaded gun where a toddler could reach it?

Fuck yes.

Assume you know what happened and how based on your prejudices? Apparently, THAT is the biggest "fuck yes" with you.
It's pretty clearly laid out that the kid found an unsecured gun and shot himself accidentally.

Somebody had to leave it where it could be reached.

Are you trying to say that was OK?
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?
It should be possible to prosecute him. Some states require weapons to be secured. That is one of those "common sense " gun laws that could save lives, violate no ones rights, but that are opposed by the ammosexuals who fear and worship the NRA god. To leave the gun laying around is stupid and irresponsible, especially on the part of a cop.
Here you go fuck face

Accident Statistics
Injuries are a major source of childhood emergency department and hospital admissions. The most recent accident statistics from the National Safety Council, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and other sources tell us that:

  • Injury is the leading cause of death in children and young adults. According to the CDC, approximately 12,000 children and young adults, ages 1 to 19 years, die from unintentional injuries each year.

  • Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injury for children. Children ages 19 and under account for about 8,000 fall-related visits to hospital emergency rooms every day.

  • Each year about 100 children are killed and 254,000 are injured as a result of bicycle-related accidents.

  • Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 1 to 4. The majority of drownings and near-drownings occur in residential swimming pools and in open water sites. However, children can drown in as little as one inch of water.

  • Airway obstruction injury (suffocation) is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among infants under age 1.

  • Each year, about 2,000 children ages 14 and under die as a result of a home injury. Unintentional home injury deaths to children are caused primarily by fire and burns, suffocation, drowning, firearms, falls, choking, and poisoning.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?
Prosecute an idiot who left a loaded gun where a toddler could reach it?

Fuck yes.

Assume you know what happened and how based on your prejudices? Apparently, THAT is the biggest "fuck yes" with you.
It's pretty clearly laid out that the kid found an unsecured gun and shot himself accidentally.

Somebody had to leave it where it could be reached.

Are you trying to say that was OK?
A new study has unveiled a deadly threat hiding in your home.

Every 17 minutes, a piece of furniture, TV or appliance tipping over causes an injury in the U.S., according to information provided to Consumer Reports (CR) by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. A total of 195 deaths caused by tip-overs were reported between 2000-2016.

The outlet’s most disturbing findings however, relate to tip-overs and children: a child is killed by a falling piece of furniture in the U.S. every two weeks. In 2016, 2,800 incidents of injuries to children were reported — a 33% increase from 2015.

Accident Statistics
Injuries are a major source of childhood emergency department and hospital admissions. The most recent accident statistics from the National Safety Council, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and other sources tell us that:

  • Injury is the leading cause of death in children and young adults. According to the CDC, approximately 12,000 children and young adults, ages 1 to 19 years, die from unintentional injuries each year.

  • Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injury for children. Children ages 19 and under account for about 8,000 fall-related visits to hospital emergency rooms every day.

  • Each year about 100 children are killed and 254,000 are injured as a result of bicycle-related accidents.

  • Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 1 to 4. The majority of drownings and near-drownings occur in residential swimming pools and in open water sites. However, children can drown in as little as one inch of water.

  • Airway obstruction injury (suffocation) is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among infants under age 1.

  • Each year, about 2,000 children ages 14 and under die as a result of a home injury. Unintentional home injury deaths to children are caused primarily by fire and burns, suffocation, drowning, firearms, falls, choking, and poisoning.


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