RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

You want to prosecute the dad?
It should be possible to prosecute him. Some states require weapons to be secured. That is one of those "common sense " gun laws that could save lives, violate no ones rights, but that are opposed by the ammosexuals who fear and worship the NRA god. To leave the gun laying around is stupid and irresponsible, especially on the part of a cop.
Here you go fuck face

Accident Statistics
Injuries are a major source of childhood emergency department and hospital admissions. The most recent accident statistics from the National Safety Council, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and other sources tell us that:

  • Injury is the leading cause of death in children and young adults. According to the CDC, approximately 12,000 children and young adults, ages 1 to 19 years, die from unintentional injuries each year.

  • Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injury for children. Children ages 19 and under account for about 8,000 fall-related visits to hospital emergency rooms every day.

  • Each year about 100 children are killed and 254,000 are injured as a result of bicycle-related accidents.

  • Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 1 to 4. The majority of drownings and near-drownings occur in residential swimming pools and in open water sites. However, children can drown in as little as one inch of water.

  • Airway obstruction injury (suffocation) is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among infants under age 1.

  • Each year, about 2,000 children ages 14 and under die as a result of a home injury. Unintentional home injury deaths to children are caused primarily by fire and burns, suffocation, drowning, firearms, falls, choking, and poisoning.
And your point is what exactly? That the relatively small number of children that die from guns are just a drop in the bucket and are expendable. ?? That there is no point in trying to protect them? Tell that to the parents fuck face.
No amount of frivolous gun control laws though up by progressives like yourself will save a single soul… Fact

A new study has unveiled a deadly threat hiding in your home.

Every 17 minutes, a piece of furniture, TV or appliance tipping over causes an injury in the U.S., according to information provided to Consumer Reports (CR) by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. A total of 195 deaths caused by tip-overs were reported between 2000-2016.

The outlet’s most disturbing findings however, relate to tip-overs and children: a child is killed by a falling piece of furniture in the U.S. every two weeks. In 2016, 2,800 incidents of injuries to children were reported — a 33% increase from 2015.
Thank you for admitting that you think that young gun violence victims are dispensable

Thank you for admitting that you were going to say the same thing, no matter what anyone else said.
Early on I stated that if there was a COMMON SENSE law on the book requiring guns to be secured he COULD HAVE been charged with violating that law.
How are you unaware of the fact a legal requirement for a gun owner to secure his firearms violates the constitution?
Maybe because I don't have a gun fetish
Well, I am glad I could help you with your ignorance.
I am sure I could help more, but I suspect most of that ignorance is willful.
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What part of Mr Suns "god given rights" would be impinged by requiring him to buy a box to lock up his guns ?
The father or whoever left this gun out needs to be prosecuted.
Specifically, what would you charge him for, and how is he guilty of it?
Negligent homicide at least
In Ohio:

2903.05 Negligent homicide.
(A) No person shall negligently cause the death of another or the unlawful termination of another's pregnancy by means of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance as defined in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of negligent homicide, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

2901.22 Degrees of culpability attached to mental states.
(D) A person acts negligently when, because of a substantial lapse from due care, the person fails to perceive or avoid a risk that the person's conduct may cause a certain result or may be of a certain nature. A person is negligent with respect to circumstances when, because of a substantial lapse from due care, the person fails to perceive or avoid a risk that such circumstances may exist.

The prosecutor must prove "substantial lapse from due care", with something other than circumstance.
Yet another gun thread with nothing but deflections and lies from the right, and as usual no viable solutions.
This thread seems to have agitated them a bit. Is it possible that deep down they have some decency and know that it is wrong ?

what agitates us is your refusal to understand rational behavior. Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to the Centers for disease Control research.....that is a number far larger than the accidental deaths of children, 62, due to the majority criminals who leave their illegal guns lying around their homes, in order to protect themselves and their illegal drugs from other criminals.

Law abiding Americans use their legal guns far more often to save lives, than criminals use their illegal guns to murder people.....yet you refuse to understand that fact.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

But but but IF Evan Sun would never have been BORN and his Mama would have ABORTED him In Utero WOULD you also say RIP Evan Sun? No because you are fanatically Pro-Abortion on Demand you would have congratulated that woman for murdering her OWN baby as it slumbered in the womb.

"No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US."

To any one who is Pro-Abortion on Demand life is cheap and they do not CARE about life when support the most INNOCENT of life being destroyed In Utero.

Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

But but but IF Evan Sun would never have been BORN and his Mama would have ABORTED him In Utero WOULD you also say RIP Evan Sun? No because you are fanatically Pro-Abortion on Demand you would have congratulated that woman for murdering her OWN baby as it slumbered in the womb.

"No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US."

To any one who is Pro-Abortion on Demand life is cheap and they do not CARE about life when support the most INNOCENT of life being destroyed In Utero.
Evan had a name. No aborted foetus had a name. There is a difference.
Yet another gun thread with nothing but deflections and lies from the right, and as usual no viable solutions.
This thread seems to have agitated them a bit. Is it possible that deep down they have some decency and know that it is wrong ?

what agitates us is your refusal to understand rational behavior. Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to the Centers for disease Control research.....that is a number far larger than the accidental deaths of children, 62, due to the majority criminals who leave their illegal guns lying around their homes, in order to protect themselves and their illegal drugs from other criminals.

Law abiding Americans use their legal guns far more often to save lives, than criminals use their illegal guns to murder people.....yet you refuse to understand that fact.
Made up figures. List the instances ya lying shit.
What part of Mr Suns "god given rights" would be impinged by requiring him to buy a box to lock up his guns ?


you can't legislate common sense.

We already establish this Will in the below thread from last year that we were all in, another Tommy T thread with the same type of OP about another young child shot by accident because it's parents are morons, no you cannot legislate common sense OR legislate personal responsibility:

Keeping the kids safe.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

But but but IF Evan Sun would never have been BORN and his Mama would have ABORTED him In Utero WOULD you also say RIP Evan Sun? No because you are fanatically Pro-Abortion on Demand you would have congratulated that woman for murdering her OWN baby as it slumbered in the womb.

"No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US."

To any one who is Pro-Abortion on Demand life is cheap and they do not CARE about life when support the most INNOCENT of life being destroyed In Utero.
Evan had a name. No aborted foetus had a name. There is a difference.

No difference, still a young life and so if some woman call aborted foetus a name would you say RIP after she aborted it?
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.
He could have stabbed himself with a pair of scissors.

He could have eaten rat poison.

He could have stuck his finger in a light socket.

This is bad parenting, nothing more, leaving a loaded gun where a 4-year-old can reach it.

Doesn't mean we have to ban all guns.
What part of Mr Suns "god given rights" would be impinged by requiring him to buy a box to lock up his guns ?

You do not need a box to lock up the guns, a gun has a safety lock on it. Mr. Son is a moron and NOT a responsible parent, you could give him a box to put the gun in and he probably would forget to put the gun in it.

This tragic situation is about personal responsibility and about parental responsibility to make sure your child is NEVER in a dangerous situation. I have many guns and not ONE of my kidlets has EVER been shot by accident. I do not have any box to lock my guns in, my guns always have their safety lock on.
Yet another gun thread with nothing but deflections and lies from the right, and as usual no viable solutions.
This thread seems to have agitated them a bit. Is it possible that deep down they have some decency and know that it is wrong ?

what agitates us is your refusal to understand rational behavior. Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to the Centers for disease Control research.....that is a number far larger than the accidental deaths of children, 62, due to the majority criminals who leave their illegal guns lying around their homes, in order to protect themselves and their illegal drugs from other criminals.

Law abiding Americans use their legal guns far more often to save lives, than criminals use their illegal guns to murder people.....yet you refuse to understand that fact.
Made up figures. List the instances ya lying shit.

Tell that to the Centers for Disease Control....and if you don't like their research ask our Department of Justice...they put the defensive gun use number at 1.5 million times a year....1.5 million times a year a life is saved using a legal gun....
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?
It should be possible to prosecute him. Some states require weapons to be secured. That is one of those "common sense " gun laws that could save lives, violate no ones rights, but that are opposed by the ammosexuals who fear and worship the NRA god. To leave the gun laying around is stupid and irresponsible, especially on the part of a cop.
Here you go fuck face

Accident Statistics
Injuries are a major source of childhood emergency department and hospital admissions. The most recent accident statistics from the National Safety Council, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and other sources tell us that:

  • Injury is the leading cause of death in children and young adults. According to the CDC, approximately 12,000 children and young adults, ages 1 to 19 years, die from unintentional injuries each year.

  • Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injury for children. Children ages 19 and under account for about 8,000 fall-related visits to hospital emergency rooms every day.

  • Each year about 100 children are killed and 254,000 are injured as a result of bicycle-related accidents.

  • Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 1 to 4. The majority of drownings and near-drownings occur in residential swimming pools and in open water sites. However, children can drown in as little as one inch of water.

  • Airway obstruction injury (suffocation) is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among infants under age 1.

  • Each year, about 2,000 children ages 14 and under die as a result of a home injury. Unintentional home injury deaths to children are caused primarily by fire and burns, suffocation, drowning, firearms, falls, choking, and poisoning.
And your point is what exactly? That the relatively small number of children that die from guns are just a drop in the bucket and are expendable. ?? That there is no point in trying to protect them? Tell that to the parents fuck face.
No amount of frivolous gun control laws though up by progressives like yourself will save a single soul… Fact

A new study has unveiled a deadly threat hiding in your home.

Every 17 minutes, a piece of furniture, TV or appliance tipping over causes an injury in the U.S., according to information provided to Consumer Reports (CR) by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. A total of 195 deaths caused by tip-overs were reported between 2000-2016.

The outlet’s most disturbing findings however, relate to tip-overs and children: a child is killed by a falling piece of furniture in the U.S. every two weeks. In 2016, 2,800 incidents of injuries to children were reported — a 33% increase from 2015.

You would think he would thank you for bringing this to his attention, so he could focus his energy, to save the children, where it would have more impact.

Odd that he does not...
You want to prosecute the dad?
It should be possible to prosecute him. Some states require weapons to be secured. That is one of those "common sense " gun laws that could save lives, violate no ones rights, but that are opposed by the ammosexuals who fear and worship the NRA god. To leave the gun laying around is stupid and irresponsible, especially on the part of a cop.
Here you go fuck face

Accident Statistics
Injuries are a major source of childhood emergency department and hospital admissions. The most recent accident statistics from the National Safety Council, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and other sources tell us that:

  • Injury is the leading cause of death in children and young adults. According to the CDC, approximately 12,000 children and young adults, ages 1 to 19 years, die from unintentional injuries each year.

  • Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injury for children. Children ages 19 and under account for about 8,000 fall-related visits to hospital emergency rooms every day.

  • Each year about 100 children are killed and 254,000 are injured as a result of bicycle-related accidents.

  • Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 1 to 4. The majority of drownings and near-drownings occur in residential swimming pools and in open water sites. However, children can drown in as little as one inch of water.

  • Airway obstruction injury (suffocation) is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among infants under age 1.

  • Each year, about 2,000 children ages 14 and under die as a result of a home injury. Unintentional home injury deaths to children are caused primarily by fire and burns, suffocation, drowning, firearms, falls, choking, and poisoning.
And your point is what exactly? That the relatively small number of children that die from guns are just a drop in the bucket and are expendable. ?? That there is no point in trying to protect them? Tell that to the parents fuck face.
No amount of frivolous gun control laws though up by progressives like yourself will save a single soul… Fact

A new study has unveiled a deadly threat hiding in your home.

Every 17 minutes, a piece of furniture, TV or appliance tipping over causes an injury in the U.S., according to information provided to Consumer Reports (CR) by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. A total of 195 deaths caused by tip-overs were reported between 2000-2016.

The outlet’s most disturbing findings however, relate to tip-overs and children: a child is killed by a falling piece of furniture in the U.S. every two weeks. In 2016, 2,800 incidents of injuries to children were reported — a 33% increase from 2015.

You would think he would thank you for bringing this to his attention, so he could focus his energy, to save the children, where it would have more impact.

Odd that he does not...

Of course you know the truth......they don't care about the children dying....they hate guns. Dead children are just a useful, powerful tool to achieve banning and confiscating guns, one gun type, one bullet, or one piece of equipment at a time...whatever they can get when they can find bodies on the ground after a shooting in the very gun free zones they created....
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

But but but IF Evan Sun would never have been BORN and his Mama would have ABORTED him In Utero WOULD you also say RIP Evan Sun? No because you are fanatically Pro-Abortion on Demand you would have congratulated that woman for murdering her OWN baby as it slumbered in the womb.

"No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US."

To any one who is Pro-Abortion on Demand life is cheap and they do not CARE about life when support the most INNOCENT of life being destroyed In Utero.
Evan had a name. No aborted foetus had a name. There is a difference.

Yeah, Evan was wanted and the aborted fetus wasn't. I don't think YOU of all people want to be making the case that humanity or "personhood" exist on the basis of how other people feel about you.
Yet another gun thread with nothing but deflections and lies from the right, and as usual no viable solutions.
This thread seems to have agitated them a bit. Is it possible that deep down they have some decency and know that it is wrong ?

what agitates us is your refusal to understand rational behavior. Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to the Centers for disease Control research.....that is a number far larger than the accidental deaths of children, 62, due to the majority criminals who leave their illegal guns lying around their homes, in order to protect themselves and their illegal drugs from other criminals.

Law abiding Americans use their legal guns far more often to save lives, than criminals use their illegal guns to murder people.....yet you refuse to understand that fact.
Made up figures. List the instances ya lying shit.

You want him to list 1.1 million instances for you?

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