RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

Specifically, what would you charge him for, and how is he guilty of it?
Criminal negligence.
Involuntary manslaughter
What are the specifics of these crimes and how is guilty of same?
Criminal Negligence
Those aren't the definitions of the terms according to Ohio law.

2903.04 Involuntary manslaughter.
A) No person shall cause the death of another or the unlawful termination of another's pregnancy as a proximate result of the offender's committing or attempting to commit a felony.
(B) No person shall cause the death of another or the unlawful termination of another's pregnancy as a proximate result of the offender's committing or attempting to commit a misdemeanor of any degree, a regulatory offense, or a minor misdemeanor other than a violation of any section contained in Title XLV of the Revised Code that is a minor misdemeanor
Lawriter - ORC - 2903.04 Involuntary manslaughter.

How is the father guilty of involuntary manslaughter?
What a boatload of bovine excrement. Who EXACTLY called for the total confiscation of guns. You have stop listening to those voices in your head,..... and Fox News

Must See: 5 Specific Times Democrats Wanted To Confiscate Your Guns
By Rusty | Featured Contributor
The New York Times created quite a stir recently when they ran a front page op-ed – the first of its kind since 1920 – endorsing the mass confiscation of firearms from everyone in America.

The notion that far-left, Second Amendment-hating hacks would endorse the wholly unconstitutional confiscation of guns is no surprise. After all, a large part of President Barack Obama’s focus has been to demonize guns and gun owners, calling for barely-disguised infringements on our liberty.

But it IS dangerous, and we must take these threats to our liberty seriously.

As a reminder, here are 5 times that prominent Democrats have advocated taking away your Constitutional rights:

Must See: 5 Specific Times Democrats Wanted To Confiscate Your Guns
Thank you. I stand corrected. But I will add that these are extreme positions and most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation
You know why it happened. The gun was left in reach of the kid.
Any why did -that- happen?
The other question is why there were no legal consequences?
I asked you what crime you;d charge the father with and for you to demonstrate how he is guilty of same.
You did not respond.
Early on I stated that if there was a COMMON SENSE law on the book requiring guns to be secured he COULD HAVE been charged with violating that law.
Gang warfare & it is appalling when children get gunned down.

There are constant efforts being made to reduce the violence.

Children getting guns because their parents are irresponsible is being ignored.

What "efforts are being made to reduce the violence"?

Is "children getting guns because their parents are responsible" a major problem?
Thank you. I stand corrected. But I will add that these are extreme positions and most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation

Good to see that you agree that "most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation", which is in direct opposition to our Constitution.
Early on I stated that if there was a COMMON SENSE law on the book requiring guns to be secured he COULD HAVE been charged with violating that law.
Any legal requirement for a gun owner to secure his firearms violates the Constitution.
So now what?
That is your personal opinion. States and cities have passed such laws . Do you think that all forms of gun control are unconstitutional? If so on what basis?
Early on I stated that if there was a COMMON SENSE law on the book requiring guns to be secured he COULD HAVE been charged with violating that law.
Any legal requirement for a gun owner to secure his firearms violates the Constitution.
So now what?
That is your personal opinion
No. It is a fact of law, as ruled by the USSC in 2008.

The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment . The District’s total ban on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of “arms” that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense. Under any of the standards of scrutiny the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights, this prohibition—in the place where the importance of the lawful defense of self, family, and property is most acute—would fail constitutional muster.
Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional.

Any legal requirement for a gun owner to secure his firearms violates the Constitution.
So now what?
Thank you. I stand corrected. But I will add that these are extreme positions and most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation

Good to see that you agree that "most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation", which is in direct opposition to our Constitution.
TYPO They are NOT...….
My heart tells me he has suffered enough. My head tells me that another kid will die next week.

You don't believe that punishing the father will be a deterrent to other parents? Why?
I dont know. That is my honest answer. Its about making an example of this man and that may save lives further down the line. But I can still feel his pain. If my negligence led to any of my kids dying I would top myself.

BS. This is about you feeling smug and self-righteousness in your judgementalism, AND about waving dead children around like a bloody battle flag for your political agenda.

You don't give a rat's ass about the kid, or about the parents' pain. If that kid had drowned in the backyard swimming pool, you'd never know or care that he had existed.
You want to punish an accident, to deter people from owning guns.

Not because the man deserves to be punished, but just to make an example.

It was not an accident that the father left the gun out. That was intentional. I feel certain that he did not intend any harm to his son, but he was in this habit and it killed his kid.

Yes, he deserves to be punished.

It was not an accident? He was in this habit? How do you know this? Are you acquainted with the family? Was this in the last paragraph of the article and I missed it?
You want to prosecute the dad?
It should be possible to prosecute him. Some states require weapons to be secured. That is one of those "common sense " gun laws that could save lives, violate no ones rights, but that are opposed by the ammosexuals who fear and worship the NRA god. To live the gun laying around is stupid and irresponsible, especially on the part of a cop.

You know what else is stupid and irresponsible? Leaping to conclusions and making self-righteous pronouncements like that before the body's even cold, let alone the investigation by people with actual access to pertinent information is done.

You don't know what the circumstances are, and you're too pig-stupid and arrogant to know how much you don't know.
Holy shit ! Seriously? Calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin. Kid picked up the gun. Kid should not have had access to the gun. What do you think might have happened? Did the 4 year old wrestle the gun away from his father? Did he break into a lock box where the gun should have been? There is no excuse for this? Can you come up with any scenario where the father did not act carelessly?

Interesting how you have nothing to say about my contention that the law should require weapons to be secured. Afraid of the NRA Gods also?
You think the NRA is against guns being locked up?
The NRA isnt half as hard ass as they should be.
You partisan drones are such........ drones.
Name the gun safety legislation that the NRA has supported.

They were responsible for the first laws requiring a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

They backed legislation adding an additional 5 years sentencing for crimes involving a gun.

They backed legislation making gun sales records available to the police.

They helped write both the 1934 National Firearms Act and the 1938 Gun Control Act.

They backed the Gun Control Act of 1968, although they balked at the idea of a national registry being included in it.

Yet another thing you were confident you "knew" that wasn't actually so.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?
Prosecute an idiot who left a loaded gun where a toddler could reach it?

Fuck yes.

Assume you know what happened and how based on your prejudices? Apparently, THAT is the biggest "fuck yes" with you.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?

Worse, he wants to prosecute the gun. After all, guns kill people.

If liberals really cared about kids, they'd ban bicycles, cars and swimming pools as those are responsible for far more child deaths each year than guns.

But since most liberals own at least one of each of the above items they won't say a word. After all, pushing a political agenda, not protecting kids, is their main goal. The same party that is for post-birth abortion (baby murder) cannot morally claim to give a rats ass about children.
More bleating and blathering about how we want to ban all guns. That is really just dishonest, hysterical horseshit,

Is it?

Cory Booker wants to ban all guns.

Flashback: Cory Booker Says He Would Ban Guns If He ‘Had The Power’

It's not considered "hysterical" when a democratic candidate for president wants to ban all guns and would do that if he could.
What a tragic ACCIDENT.
No matter what name the occurrence is given, this kind of thing in my opinion happens way too often. When are people going to learn how to keep their dangerous things where their kids can not get to them?

God bless you always!!!


Probably around the time that people learn not to make judgements based on their assumptions.
What part of common sense gun laws and responsibility are you unable to understand? . Where did I say anything about deterring people from owning guns. ? This is the kind of horseshit that results in these tragedies happening over and over again.

What "common sense gun law" would have prevented the death of that child?

Pay attention! A requirement that weapons be secured . It would not guarantee anything but would go a long way in minimizing such things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Pay attention! Do you really think that any parent is going to go, "Oh, it did not occur to me to keep dangerous objects away from my child, but now that you have passed a law, I realize it"?

YOU probably need the government to tell you every thought you should ever have, but it doesn't actually work that way for most people. They either figure it out from common sense, or they don't care enough to care about your precious government directives, either.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.
The way you creep around looking for baby obituaries is way creepy.

1-year-old injured during road rage shooting in Houston, Texas, police say

Go easy on Tommy Tainant. He's an old Liberal who is frustrated beyond belief by how great things are going in our country. He was praying for President Donald Trump and America to fail. Instead, we are prospering beyond belief!

I agree with your description, but I'm a little shaky on why this means anyone should go easy on Taint.
So if a four year old died because mommy left the cap off her medicine and the colorful capsules looked like candy to a child we wouldn't see the crocodile tears and b.s. displays of sorrow and sadness because there is no political payoff in just another juvenile accidental death unless it is gun related.

You can bet this Welsh piece of pig dung would not be wasting his time on this thread if it didn't fit his political agenda.

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