RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.
The way you creep around looking for baby obituaries is way creepy.

1-year-old injured during road rage shooting in Houston, Texas, police say

Go easy on Tommy Tainant. He's an old Liberal who is frustrated beyond belief by how great things are going in our country. He was praying for President Donald Trump and America to fail. Instead, we are prospering beyond belief!

I agree with your description, but I'm a little shaky on why this means anyone should go easy on Taint.

I kinda feel sorry for him. From his comments, he's kind of old, feeble, and obviously a bit senile. ;)
So if a four year old died because mommy left the cap off her medicine and the colorful capsules looked like candy to a child we wouldn't see the crocodile tears and b.s. displays of sorrow and sadness because there is no political payoff in just another juvenile accidental death unless it is gun related.

You can bet this Welsh piece of pig dung would not be wasting his time on this thread if it didn't fit his political agenda.
First of all, the medicine was serving a purpose.

Given that the father is a State Trooper, the gun was serving a purpose as well. Duuuuuh, Assfuck Dave.
You know what else is stupid and irresponsible? Leaping to conclusions and making self-righteous pronouncements like that before the body's even cold, let alone the investigation by people with actual access to pertinent information is done.

You don't know what the circumstances are, and you're too pig-stupid and arrogant to know how much you don't know.
Holy shit ! Seriously? Calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin. Kid picked up the gun. Kid should not have had access to the gun. What do you think might have happened? Did the 4 year old wrestle the gun away from his father? Did he break into a lock box where the gun should have been? There is no excuse for this? Can you come up with any scenario where the father did not act carelessly?

Interesting how you have nothing to say about my contention that the law should require weapons to be secured. Afraid of the NRA Gods also?
You think the NRA is against guns being locked up?
The NRA isnt half as hard ass as they should be.
You partisan drones are such........ drones.
Name the gun safety legislation that the NRA has supported.

They were responsible for the first laws requiring a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

They backed legislation adding an additional 5 years sentencing for crimes involving a gun.

They backed legislation making gun sales records available to the police.

They helped write both the 1934 National Firearms Act and the 1938 Gun Control Act.

They backed the Gun Control Act of 1968, although they balked at the idea of a national registry being included in it.

Yet another thing you were confident you "knew" that wasn't actually so.
A lot of those go back to when the NRA was about gun safety.

A lot of these go back to when leftists didn't exist to pretend that "gun safety" meant "gun banning".
Thank you. I stand corrected. But I will add that these are extreme positions and most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation

Good to see that you agree that "most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation", which is in direct opposition to our Constitution.
Sorry, but the Constitution means nothing to Trumpettes anymore.

Sorry, but nothing means anything to leftists other than political agenda.
So for some limey bitch to complain about gun deaths in the US while his beloved UK is going down a similar path, albeit with knives instead of guns, is just absurd and totally lacking in self awareness.
Our murder rates are a fraction of those in the US. Guns or knives. But this is about an "accidental" death not a murder. Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent.
Thank you. I stand corrected. But I will add that these are extreme positions and most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation

Good to see that you agree that "most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation", which is in direct opposition to our Constitution.
Sorry, but the Constitution means nothing to Trumpettes anymore.

Sorry, but nothing means anything to leftists other than political agenda.
Sorry, but Trumpettes think it is more important to be able to get beered up & shoot bottles with AR-15s than the lives of chuidren
Our murder rates are a fraction of those in the US. Guns or knives. But this is about an "accidental" death not a murder. Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent.
A child can die from an accidental overdose just as well as from an accidental shooting. Or any other sort of accident, for
that matter.
So unless you can demonstrate how one accident is more evil and intentional than another it seems you are just blowing smoke out your back side.

And it's interesting to note how you yourself have determined parental negligence before anyone else has. Tell everyone how you came to your conclusion.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.
Something else conservatives don't care about.
Your gun culture is the real villain here , just as much as the negligent parent.
The parent is a police officer and the gun used in the shooting was his service weapon - how does the "gun culture" - whatever that is - play into it?
So if trained officers do this, what does that mean for the millions of amateurs running around with loaded weapons?
Given the number of children killed in gun accidents each year?
The number approaches statistical zero, so... nothing.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.
The way you creep around looking for baby obituaries is way creepy.

1-year-old injured during road rage shooting in Houston, Texas, police say

Go easy on Tommy Tainant. He's an old Liberal who is frustrated beyond belief by how great things are going in our country. He was praying for President Donald Trump and America to fail. Instead, we are prospering beyond belief!

I agree with your description, but I'm a little shaky on why this means anyone should go easy on Taint.

I kinda feel sorry for him. From his comments, he's kind of old, feeble, and obviously a bit senile. ;)

When they proudly present their feebleness and senility as intelligence and moral superiority, my pity vanishes.
Thank you. I stand corrected. But I will add that these are extreme positions and most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation

Good to see that you agree that "most gun control advocates are screaming for confiscation", which is in direct opposition to our Constitution.
Sorry, but the Constitution means nothing to Trumpettes anymore.

Sorry, but nothing means anything to leftists other than political agenda.
Sorry, but Trumpettes think it is more important to be able to get beered up & shoot bottles with AR-15s than the lives of chuidren

Sorry, but no one at all thinks it's important to treat your fever dreams as reality.

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