Road Runner's and Mudwhistle's Spooktember 2024

Oh how that nightmare post messed with your brain. In a funny way though!

Thanks but I'm actually serious this time lol as I get that she's probably hot to you but she looks like there's no meat on her bones and if that's the case it's not really all that healthy.
The cognitohazard I posted has contributed to this thread. Oh lordy. I didn't know my subconscious had THAT MUCH power.

Again, I'm being one hundred percent serious with you now. Being underweight is just as unhealthy as being overweight.
Last night I had a nightmare.

I was in the WWE with Dakota Kai I was wrestling her in an intergender match. I recently won by submission and then some evil South Koreans came and kidnapped us and put us under control of an evil mother. We were brainwashed and I was talking to Road Runner saying that the evil DMs sent by me wasn't the real me. There was twenty floors of filth. They made us eat the filth, but me and Dakota Kai were tortured because we always refused and I sent a DM to Road Runner and sent the coordinates to her to call the U.S. Embassy in South Korea. But the evil mother tried to kill me and Dakota Kai but I stuffed a katana in Dakota Kai's thigh high heeled boots. I took the katana and sliced the snakes heads off. I then killed the evil mother by stabbing her in the heart and slicing her head off. The U.S. Embassy took the 7 children into their custody. And Dakota Kai and me adopted one and WWE wrestlers that were shocked adopted the rest. Me and Dakota Kai were hailed as heroes in South Korea as the evil mother was a mass murderer.
This is what I dreamed about last night:


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