Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson

They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.

No they are not. Well, I do not know as much about the others but Gene Simmons is a Jew. BORN in Israel. You need to be a wee careful in your judgments. God frowns upon that as well ya know ;)

Do I care for their performances. No, not really, but that is not what this is about.

Book of Jeremiah

Oh and ETA: There are many examples in the Bible where God uses ''bad'' people for good.
Gene Simmons is a very conservative republican who has been married to the same woman for over 30 years. The band is theater nothing more.
Gene Simmons is a serial adulterer and disgrace to the Hebrew race. Do not tell me about Gene Simmons. This isn't theater. This is a man who is a member of a band that is into full on satanic music that should have be banned from every home in America a long time ago. Gene Simmons sold his soul to the devil for filthy lucre. If he does not repent and turn from it he'll be in hell for all eternity.

Anyone that wants to help Gene Simmons will pray that the Holy Spirit will open his eyes, show him the evil he has done and lead him to Jesus Christ so that he can make it to heaven. Outside of Jesus Christ there is no hope for Gene Simmons or any of the rest of his band. There are many like them. Pray for them. Don't let them think that speaking out against anthem protesters somehow makes them good. It does not.

Calvary love is speaking the truth.

If I had wanted a sermon from you I would have posted the OP in the Religion section.

The thread was about Patriotism. NOT for you to sit and lay judgement on people.
Please kindly refrain from posting to me again.
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.

No they are not. Well, I do not know as much about the others but Gene Simmons is a Jew. BORN in Israel. You need to be a wee careful in your judgments. God frowns upon that as well ya know ;)

Do I care for their performances. No, not really, but that is not what this is about.

Book of Jeremiah

Oh and ETA: There are many examples in the Bible where God uses ''bad'' people for good.

There were Jews in the Bible who worshipped Baal and there are Jews to this day who worship Baal. It's not about being a Jew or being a Gentile. It's about being deceived by Lucifer and there are many people in the world who have been deceived by him. While I do believe witches and satanists can be saved (and I do write threads encouraging them to come to the Lord) I am not going to endorse them or applaud them for their evil in leading a generation to hell and neither should you.

If you were a Christian and understood the Word of God, you would know that it is the duty of every Christian to speak out against evil, to warn the wicked to turn from their wickedness or they will be destroyed. That is part of what Christians are called to do. I make no apologies for my statement. They are not a proper role model for any young person.

The truth about Rock and Roll, Heavy Metal, etc. :

The occult in Rock Music from a former Druid High Priest who sat on the Council of 13. This is the reason no Christian should ever have anything to do with Rock music. Parents should not permit their children to listen to this music. In this video - John Todd identifies KISS by name.
He also clarifies that no Christian should be listening to "Christian rock" either. John Todd was at one time the Managing President of Zodiac Records and he explains exactly what is going on.

This is the true story about the satan worshipping band - KISS -
Quote from band member Gene Simmons - I always wondered what human flesh tastes like and I've always wanted to be a cannibal.
- Gene Simmons September 13, 1976 Circus page 42

Quote from Thomas Thorn of the Electric Hellfire Club, credits KISS as their chief inspiration, KISS was rebellion incarnate, and we identified with that the same way we would later align ourselves with Lucifer and his rebellion against God.
- Thomas Thorn of Electric Hellfire

Quoting Peter Chriss - I find myself evil. I believe in the devil as much as I believe in God. You can use either one to get things done. April 7, 1977 Rolling Stone, page 49

Think these guys are kidding? Watch this video and get informed. This is no game.

Kiss sings about being the Lord of the flies (a name for Satan), the Left Hand Path ( a term used for Satanism) and the Father of lies (description Jesus gave of Satan in John 8:44). Their song continues...... I am the Lord of the flies you know I am unholy, from the Left Hand of Power comes the Father of Lies, I lay you down to sleep, your soul to keep, better cross your heart before you die and now you know that you are mine... and during this song they present small children that appear to be 8 - 10 years old. Utterly wicked. They paid homage to Satan as the god of rock and roll in their song "god of Thunder." The lyrics are utterly satanic. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. These people are satanists. Wake up!

Wow, you are stupid.

KISS is a satanist band? Are you fucking crazy? You need to lay off that bible. Its twisting your brain and making you a douche.

You either don't know what you are talking about or are not willing to acknowledge what's going on here. Either way, I'm praying for you. Good night.
Never a fan.

If you have to dress up in stupid costumes and paint your face to get your music across, then maybe your music sucks in the first place,

I am not a big fan of KISS either. But, this thread is not about them, or their music. It is about Patriotism. You can see for yourself in the videos.
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.

No they are not. Well, I do not know as much about the others but Gene Simmons is a Jew. BORN in Israel. You need to be a wee careful in your judgments. God frowns upon that as well ya know ;)

Do I care for their performances. No, not really, but that is not what this is about.

Book of Jeremiah

Oh and ETA: There are many examples in the Bible where God uses ''bad'' people for good.
That's true.
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
That's what KISS stands for?
I know snopes isn't the best source, but from what I read from the link, that's not what it stands for.
KISS: Does It Stand for 'Knights in Satan's Service'?
NO It most certainly does not mean that. Man O Man some people are so gullible on some things.

From Gene Simmons:

[M]isinformation about the band began to spread in the southern Bible Belt states, including a rumor that the name KISS stood for Knights in Satan's Service, and that the four of us were devil worshipers. Ironically, this rumor started as a result of an interview I gave in Circus magazine after our first album; in response to a question, I said that I sometimes wondered what human flesh tastes like. I never wanted to really find out, but I was curious intellectually. Later on, this comment seemed to ignite the whole idea that in some way KISS was aligned with devil worship. When I was asked whether I worshipped the devil, I simply refused to answer for a number of reasons: the first reason, of course, was that it was good press. Let people wonder. The other reason was my complete disregard for the people who were asking. Through the years, whenever religious fanatics accosted me, especially in the southern states, and quoted the Old Testament at me, I would quote them back chapter and verse. They didn't know that I had been a theology major in school. An idiot is an idiot ... whether he quotes the Bible or not.

KISS: Does It Stand for 'Knights in Satan's Service'?
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
That's what KISS stands for?
I know snopes isn't the best source, but from what I read from the link, that's not what it stands for.
KISS: Does It Stand for 'Knights in Satan's Service'?

You would be correct. I do not have time to search other than Snopes right now...maybe later. Lies have been exposed though.
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
That's what KISS stands for?
KISS isnt an acronym. They were originally talking about naming themselves "Lips", but Paul Stanly said "how about KISS instead?" This weirdo Jerimiah once heard somneone say it meant "knights of Stans service" and he just ran with it.

Rumors like these have been spread about all kinds of bands and songs. For example, Black Sabbath has a song titled "N.I.B.". Many people think it stands for "nativity in black", but the truth is Ozzy couldnt think of a name and he was looking at his drummer who had a beard that resembled the "nib of a pencil", so he just named it NIB.

Jerimiah is ignorant and casting judgement on people based on a childs rumor. Hes simply awful and stupid.
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
That's what KISS stands for?
KISS isnt an acronym. They were originally talking about naming themselves "Lips", but Paul Stanly said "how about KISS instead?" This weirdo Jerimiah once heard somneone say it meant "knights of Stans service" and he just ran with it.

Rumors like these have been spread about all kinds of bands and songs. For example, Black Sabbath has a song titled "N.I.B.". Many people think it stands for "nativity in black", but the truth is Ozzy couldnt think of a name and he was looking at his drummer who had a beard that resembled the "nib of a pencil", so he just named it NIB.

Jerimiah is ignorant and casting judgement on people based on a childs rumor. Hes simply awful and stupid.
I don't think he is awful and stupid, he probably just never fact checked the rumor. Meh, people make mistakes.
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
That's what KISS stands for?
KISS isnt an acronym. They were originally talking about naming themselves "Lips", but Paul Stanly said "how about KISS instead?" This weirdo Jerimiah once heard somneone say it meant "knights of Stans service" and he just ran with it.

Rumors like these have been spread about all kinds of bands and songs. For example, Black Sabbath has a song titled "N.I.B.". Many people think it stands for "nativity in black", but the truth is Ozzy couldnt think of a name and he was looking at his drummer who had a beard that resembled the "nib of a pencil", so he just named it NIB.

Jerimiah is ignorant and casting judgement on people based on a childs rumor. Hes simply awful and stupid.
I don't think he is awful and stupid, he probably just never fact checked the rumor. Meh, people make mistakes.

Think it is a she.....I could be mistaken though.
Rock legends KISS have always been known to be one of the most patriotic bands in America. The band recently kicked off its “Freedom to Rock” tour, and last night at a show in Worcester, Massachusetts, its members let it be known exactly where they stood on the matter of respecting our nation, the military and the national anthem.

WATCH: Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson


Wow, this has got to be the year of white people finding a niche to latch onto and run with it. David Duke, running for the senate, Guliani having a second shot at the spot light again and now Kiss.....if I keep looking, I suspect Elvis and Reagan to rise from the dead, cause should be dead and gone mf's thanks to Trump, keep resurfacing from the has been pile.
Rock legends KISS have always been known to be one of the most patriotic bands in America. The band recently kicked off its “Freedom to Rock” tour, and last night at a show in Worcester, Massachusetts, its members let it be known exactly where they stood on the matter of respecting our nation, the military and the national anthem.

WATCH: Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson


Wow, this has got to be the year of white people finding a niche to latch onto and run with it. David Duke, running for the senate, Guliani having a second shot at the spot light again and now Kiss.....if I keep looking, I suspect Elvis and Reagan to rise from the dead, cause should be dead and gone mf's thanks to Trump, keep resurfacing from the has been pile.

I bet it sucks to know David Duke is better than you.
Rock legends KISS have always been known to be one of the most patriotic bands in America. The band recently kicked off its “Freedom to Rock” tour, and last night at a show in Worcester, Massachusetts, its members let it be known exactly where they stood on the matter of respecting our nation, the military and the national anthem.

WATCH: Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson


Wow, this has got to be the year of white people finding a niche to latch onto and run with it. David Duke, running for the senate, Guliani having a second shot at the spot light again and now Kiss.....if I keep looking, I suspect Elvis and Reagan to rise from the dead, cause should be dead and gone mf's thanks to Trump, keep resurfacing from the has been pile.

Sheesh. Okay. I will bite. I posted a thread showing Patriotism. (does that bother you??)
I would like to see where I latched on to anything and ran with it. LOL.

Did you watch the video???
Did you see where they gave $150,000 to vets? Do you think that is a bad thing?
Rock legends KISS have always been known to be one of the most patriotic bands in America. The band recently kicked off its “Freedom to Rock” tour, and last night at a show in Worcester, Massachusetts, its members let it be known exactly where they stood on the matter of respecting our nation, the military and the national anthem.

WATCH: Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson


Wow, this has got to be the year of white people finding a niche to latch onto and run with it. David Duke, running for the senate, Guliani having a second shot at the spot light again and now Kiss.....if I keep looking, I suspect Elvis and Reagan to rise from the dead, cause should be dead and gone mf's thanks to Trump, keep resurfacing from the has been pile.

I bet it sucks to know David Duke is better than you.

David Duke is a p**** sucker? Did he bit you or what?
Rock legends KISS have always been known to be one of the most patriotic bands in America. The band recently kicked off its “Freedom to Rock” tour, and last night at a show in Worcester, Massachusetts, its members let it be known exactly where they stood on the matter of respecting our nation, the military and the national anthem.

WATCH: Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson


Wow, this has got to be the year of white people finding a niche to latch onto and run with it. David Duke, running for the senate, Guliani having a second shot at the spot light again and now Kiss.....if I keep looking, I suspect Elvis and Reagan to rise from the dead, cause should be dead and gone mf's thanks to Trump, keep resurfacing from the has been pile.

Sheesh. Okay. I will bite. I posted a thread showing Patriotism. (does that bother you??)
I would like to see where I latched on to anything and ran with it. LOL.

Did you watch the video???
Did you see where they gave $150,000 to vets? Do you think that is a bad thing?

PR move....the war is 17 years old.
Rock legends KISS have always been known to be one of the most patriotic bands in America. The band recently kicked off its “Freedom to Rock” tour, and last night at a show in Worcester, Massachusetts, its members let it be known exactly where they stood on the matter of respecting our nation, the military and the national anthem.

WATCH: Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson


Wow, this has got to be the year of white people finding a niche to latch onto and run with it. David Duke, running for the senate, Guliani having a second shot at the spot light again and now Kiss.....if I keep looking, I suspect Elvis and Reagan to rise from the dead, cause should be dead and gone mf's thanks to Trump, keep resurfacing from the has been pile.

I bet it sucks to know David Duke is better than you.

David Duke is a p**** sucker? Did he bit you or what?

Speak English.
Rock legends KISS have always been known to be one of the most patriotic bands in America. The band recently kicked off its “Freedom to Rock” tour, and last night at a show in Worcester, Massachusetts, its members let it be known exactly where they stood on the matter of respecting our nation, the military and the national anthem.

WATCH: Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson


Wow, this has got to be the year of white people finding a niche to latch onto and run with it. David Duke, running for the senate, Guliani having a second shot at the spot light again and now Kiss.....if I keep looking, I suspect Elvis and Reagan to rise from the dead, cause should be dead and gone mf's thanks to Trump, keep resurfacing from the has been pile.

I bet it sucks to know David Duke is better than you.

David Duke is a p**** sucker? Did he bit you or what?

Calm down, Shaniqua.
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