Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson

Rock legends KISS have always been known to be one of the most patriotic bands in America. The band recently kicked off its “Freedom to Rock” tour, and last night at a show in Worcester, Massachusetts, its members let it be known exactly where they stood on the matter of respecting our nation, the military and the national anthem.

WATCH: Rock Legends KISS Take the Stage, Teach Anthem-Haters Epic Public Lesson


Wow, this has got to be the year of white people finding a niche to latch onto and run with it. David Duke, running for the senate, Guliani having a second shot at the spot light again and now Kiss.....if I keep looking, I suspect Elvis and Reagan to rise from the dead, cause should be dead and gone mf's thanks to Trump, keep resurfacing from the has been pile.

Sheesh. Okay. I will bite. I posted a thread showing Patriotism. (does that bother you??)
I would like to see where I latched on to anything and ran with it. LOL.

Did you watch the video???
Did you see where they gave $150,000 to vets? Do you think that is a bad thing?

PR move....the war is 17 years old.

They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
Why do they wear ridiculous looking costumes? To distract from their crappy music.
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
That's what KISS stands for?
KISS isnt an acronym. They were originally talking about naming themselves "Lips", but Paul Stanly said "how about KISS instead?" This weirdo Jerimiah once heard somneone say it meant "knights of Stans service" and he just ran with it.

Rumors like these have been spread about all kinds of bands and songs. For example, Black Sabbath has a song titled "N.I.B.". Many people think it stands for "nativity in black", but the truth is Ozzy couldnt think of a name and he was looking at his drummer who had a beard that resembled the "nib of a pencil", so he just named it NIB.

Jerimiah is ignorant and casting judgement on people based on a childs rumor. Hes simply awful and stupid.
I don't think he is awful and stupid, he probably just never fact checked the rumor. Meh, people make mistakes.
I have provided two videos to prove that the members of this band would not be capable of teaching any anthem protester anything about honor and integrity while they themselves blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, I can find no reasonable explanation why someone who claims to be a Christian would make such a thread and falsely claim that this band is the most patriotic band in America. I have every right to set the record straight when a professing Christian posts such an outrageous lie on a message board. I expect this from the world. Not from someone who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ. I have stated the truth and it is up to others to decide whether or not to receive it. The music speaks for itself. Look at the videos I posted. Another name for KISS - Knights in Satan's Service. To call this band the most patriotic band in America is obscene. Our young people involved in Anthem protests need to look up Patrick Henry, his writings, his portrait and find out what a real Patriot is supposed to look like. It certainly isn't this.


Knights In Satan's Service, by Artificial Head Records
Of course you're right. People knew this a generation ago. They dress as "demons ". Never back down from the Truth. The respect of God has more value than men.
The first 6 albums by KISS feature some of the strongest melodies in rock.
I could do without the "give me some pussy" lyrics.
Gene Simmons has no moral base except profit.
He is a good neo-con.
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
That's what KISS stands for?
KISS isnt an acronym. They were originally talking about naming themselves "Lips", but Paul Stanly said "how about KISS instead?" This weirdo Jerimiah once heard somneone say it meant "knights of Stans service" and he just ran with it.

Rumors like these have been spread about all kinds of bands and songs. For example, Black Sabbath has a song titled "N.I.B.". Many people think it stands for "nativity in black", but the truth is Ozzy couldnt think of a name and he was looking at his drummer who had a beard that resembled the "nib of a pencil", so he just named it NIB.

Jerimiah is ignorant and casting judgement on people based on a childs rumor. Hes simply awful and stupid.
I don't think he is awful and stupid, he probably just never fact checked the rumor. Meh, people make mistakes.
I have provided two videos to prove that the members of this band would not be capable of teaching any anthem protester anything about honor and integrity while they themselves blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, I can find no reasonable explanation why someone who claims to be a Christian would make such a thread and falsely claim that this band is the most patriotic band in America. I have every right to set the record straight when a professing Christian posts such an outrageous lie on a message board. I expect this from the world. Not from someone who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ. I have stated the truth and it is up to others to decide whether or not to receive it. The music speaks for itself. Look at the videos I posted. Another name for KISS - Knights in Satan's Service. To call this band the most patriotic band in America is obscene. Our young people involved in Anthem protests need to look up Patrick Henry, his writings, his portrait and find out what a real Patriot is supposed to look like. It certainly isn't this.


Knights In Satan's Service, by Artificial Head Records


WOW that flew over your coo coo nest. I did not say was a quote from the article. DUH. Spew your hatred elsewhere............or better yet....apologize.

You are also posting private information from PM's. That is against the rules.
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Let's cool it on the devil stuff - this isn't in religion. No posting contents from PM's.
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Beth is still home alone, waiting, always waiting. Wonder how she feels about patriotism, and apple pie, and eating Fruusen Gladje by herself while watching the KISS Christmas movie. You think she wants to rock all night and party every day!? She does, but she can't. She's left to raise two small children on her own in a home where the father is off drinking beer and playing in 'his band'. And every time he calls and asks "Beth, what can I do?"..."Get your skinny ass home and take the damn garbage out and spend some time with your kids! How about that!".

But the garbage never get's taken out, and the kids sit playing League of Legends all alone because their 'father' and his 'band' will be playing....alllll niiight.

Not a pretty picture is it. A one parent home never is. Raising your kids, that's patriotic, that's what it means to love the flag. Motherhood and apple pie not so good with just the apple pie. And even though Fruuzen Gladje went out of style years ago being a parent never does. What do you say Paul Stanley, do you have time to raise the next generation, or will you always be a 60 year old man that paints his face like he's trying out for La Cage Aux Folles?
i really wish uniformed assholes like you knew the actual history of the USA. It sure would be a better world if you actually learned the hardships every american for the most part had to go through. like 618k of dead US Citizens fighting for their land. It's simple stand up and let's go at it you bunch of whiny anti american bitches.
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Never a fan.

If you have to dress up in stupid costumes and paint your face to get your music across, then maybe your music sucks in the first place,
they sold over a 100 million records,not many acts can claim there are many out there who dont think they suck.....just sayin....
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.

No they are not. Well, I do not know as much about the others but Gene Simmons is a Jew. BORN in Israel. You need to be a wee careful in your judgments. God frowns upon that as well ya know ;)

Do I care for their performances. No, not really, but that is not what this is about.

Book of Jeremiah

Oh and ETA: There are many examples in the Bible where God uses ''bad'' people for good.
Gene Simmons is a very conservative republican who has been married to the same woman for over 30 years. The band is theater nothing more.
he hasnt been married for 30 years.....its more like 5.....
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.

No they are not. Well, I do not know as much about the others but Gene Simmons is a Jew. BORN in Israel. You need to be a wee careful in your judgments. God frowns upon that as well ya know ;)

Do I care for their performances. No, not really, but that is not what this is about.

Book of Jeremiah

Oh and ETA: There are many examples in the Bible where God uses ''bad'' people for good.
Gene Simmons is a very conservative republican who has been married to the same woman for over 30 years. The band is theater nothing more.
Gene Simmons is a serial adulterer and disgrace to the Hebrew race. Do not tell me about Gene Simmons. This isn't theater. This is a man who is a member of a band that is into full on satanic music that should have be banned from every home in America a long time ago. Gene Simmons sold his soul to the devil for filthy lucre. If he does not repent and turn from it he'll be in hell for all eternity.

Anyone that wants to help Gene Simmons will pray that the Holy Spirit will open his eyes, show him the evil he has done and lead him to Jesus Christ so that he can make it to heaven. Outside of Jesus Christ there is no hope for Gene Simmons or any of the rest of his band. There are many like them. Pray for them. Don't let them think that speaking out against anthem protesters somehow makes them good. It does not.

Calvary love is speaking the truth.
oy vay......
Beth is still home alone, waiting, always waiting. Wonder how she feels about patriotism, and apple pie, and eating Fruusen Gladje by herself while watching the KISS Christmas movie. You think she wants to rock all night and party every day!? She does, but she can't. She's left to raise two small children on her own in a home where the father is off drinking beer and playing in 'his band'. And every time he calls and asks "Beth, what can I do?"..."Get your skinny ass home and take the damn garbage out and spend some time with your kids! How about that!".

But the garbage never get's taken out, and the kids sit playing League of Legends all alone because their 'father' and his 'band' will be playing....alllll niiight.

Not a pretty picture is it. A one parent home never is. Raising your kids, that's patriotic, that's what it means to love the flag. Motherhood and apple pie not so good with just the apple pie. And even though Fruuzen Gladje went out of style years ago being a parent never does. What do you say Paul Stanley, do you have time to raise the next generation, or will you always be a 60 year old man that paints his face like he's trying out for La Cage Aux Folles?
i really wish uniformed assholes like you knew the actual history of the USA. It sure would be a better world if you actually learned the hardships every american for the most part had to go through. lik 618k of dead US Citizens fighting for their land. It's simple stand up and let's go at it you bunch of whiny anti american bitches.

:itsok: it really necessary to put in big letter print SATIRE? Really, some of you don't recognize satire?

That is even funnier than the bit. Gratsi. HINT: And even though Fruuzen Gladje went out of style years ago being a parent never does. Come on now folks, who would think what I wrote was meant as any kind of serious comment. Jesus Hannibal Christ.
Never a fan.

If you have to dress up in stupid costumes and paint your face to get your music across, then maybe your music sucks in the first place,
they sold over a 100 million records,not many acts can claim there are many out there who dont think they suck.....just sayin....
and in the rock and roll hall of fame. So D'OH
They are Satanists and I have no respect for any of them. Their name KISS - Kings in Satan's Service. The young people of America should have role models they can look up to - these guys are definitely not it.
That's what KISS stands for?
KISS isnt an acronym. They were originally talking about naming themselves "Lips", but Paul Stanly said "how about KISS instead?" This weirdo Jerimiah once heard somneone say it meant "knights of Stans service" and he just ran with it.

Rumors like these have been spread about all kinds of bands and songs. For example, Black Sabbath has a song titled "N.I.B.". Many people think it stands for "nativity in black", but the truth is Ozzy couldnt think of a name and he was looking at his drummer who had a beard that resembled the "nib of a pencil", so he just named it NIB.

Jerimiah is ignorant and casting judgement on people based on a childs rumor. Hes simply awful and stupid.
I don't think he is awful and stupid, he probably just never fact checked the rumor. Meh, people make mistakes.
I have provided two videos to prove that the members of this band would not be capable of teaching any anthem protester anything about honor and integrity while they themselves blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, I can find no reasonable explanation why someone who claims to be a Christian would make such a thread and falsely claim that this band is the most patriotic band in America. I have every right to set the record straight when a professing Christian posts such an outrageous lie on a message board. I expect this from the world. Not from someone who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ. I have stated the truth and it is up to others to decide whether or not to receive it. The music speaks for itself. Look at the videos I posted. Another name for KISS - Knights in Satan's Service. To call this band the most patriotic band in America is obscene. Our young people involved in Anthem protests need to look up Patrick Henry, his writings, his portrait and find out what a real Patriot is supposed to look like. It certainly isn't this.


Knights In Satan's Service, by Artificial Head Records
you do realize that the name on this LP is the name of a Houston Kiss cover band....right?....
Never a fan.

If you have to dress up in stupid costumes and paint your face to get your music across, then maybe your music sucks in the first place,
they sold over a 100 million records,not many acts can claim there are many out there who dont think they suck.....just sayin....
and in the rock and roll hall of fame. So D'OH
yea well so is grand master D'OH.....
Never a fan.

If you have to dress up in stupid costumes and paint your face to get your music across, then maybe your music sucks in the first place,
they sold over a 100 million records,not many acts can claim there are many out there who dont think they suck.....just sayin....
and in the rock and roll hall of fame. So D'OH
yea well so is grand master D'OH.....
I was just saying.
Never a fan.

If you have to dress up in stupid costumes and paint your face to get your music across, then maybe your music sucks in the first place,
they sold over a 100 million records,not many acts can claim there are many out there who dont think they suck.....just sayin....
and in the rock and roll hall of fame. So D'OH
yea well so is grand master D'OH.....
I was just saying.
so was i....

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