Romney: Sarah Palin is qualified for president

What a couple of lamebrains. No wonder you two never can carry an argument. Here, I am posting the lines again, which is a clear evidence of mikey (and then driveby) not being able to follow cause and effect.

mikey: Actually Jake the I speak only for myself.

Jake: Thank you for finally admitting that, and indeed a fool for a spokesman. Look up cause and effect, mikey.

:lol: you guys can't even do satire well. :lol:

Ummm you took the :eusa_liar: part out of his statement pee wee herman. Liberal activists pretending to be republicans are fuckin retarded ......

Go back and see what I lifted, lame brain, and you are a joke as a true conservative. My Republican party is far better off without morons like you. But, thanks for playing. You proved my point. You can't follow cause and effect.

:lol:He is still pretending that he is a republican :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
What a couple of lamebrains. No wonder you two never can carry an argument. Here, I am posting the lines again, which is a clear evidence of mikey (and then driveby) not being able to follow cause and effect.

mikey: Actually Jake the I speak only for myself.

Jake: Thank you for finally admitting that, and indeed a fool for a spokesman. Look up cause and effect, mikey.

:lol: you guys can't even do satire well. :lol:

Ummm you took the :eusa_liar: part out of his statement pee wee herman. Liberal activists pretending to be republicans are fuckin retarded ......

Go back and see what I lifted, lame brain, and you are a joke as a true conservative. My Republican party is far better off without morons like you. But, thanks for playing. You proved my point. You can't follow cause and effect.

We all can't be gay posers like you, sorry ......
cmike can't offer anything constructive and driveby mumbles gay insults. Oh, the agony of it all. :lol:
Mike, your argument falls every time because you cannot distinguish between coincidence and causality, which means you are ignorant, or you can, which means you are a liar.

Driveby, you are for giggles and wiggles, little boy, nothing else.
Mike, your argument falls every time because you cannot distinguish between coincidence and causality, which means you are ignorant, or you can, which means you are a liar.

Driveby, you are for giggles and wiggles, little boy, nothing else.

Yeah I am sure democrat control of the government and economic disaster are pure coincidence.:lol::cuckoo:
Mike, your argument falls every time because you cannot distinguish between coincidence and causality, which means you are ignorant, or you can, which means you are a liar.

Driveby, you are for giggles and wiggles, little boy, nothing else.

Yeah I am sure democrat control of the government and economic disaster are pure coincidence.:lol::cuckoo:

All you have to do is cite a few meaningful cause and effect examples. You could start with a list of the relevant legislation that passed in 2007, since we are talking about Congress here,

and that's what they do. Make sure it's legislation that passed over GW Bush's veto, though, otherwise it really wouldn't be 'Democrat'.
Sure, on TV she's "qualified", but behind her back? I've heard Republcians aren't too kind.
If you're running for higher office as a Republican you damn well not bad mouth Sarah Palin. Romney was correct in saying she's qualified for President; the qualifications are mighty few.
Yea like she ripped Biden in the VP debate. She was the hands down winner.

you meanw hen she skipped answering any question that required thought and instead rambled about whatever was on her mind? *wink*

but that's all her supporters understand, talking points and bullshit. Just look at 90% of the post on here, rarely is there anything substantial and real in their arguments

Substantial = Agree with Progressive dolts

Yeah...we know the rules of liberals. :cuckoo:
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Joe the plumber is just as qualified as the Obama.:lol:

More Republican thinking. Do people finally understand why the Republican party is such a disaster? They worship ignorance.
Tell us what has that idiot Obama done that was substantial? Be elected President? I've heard that one before. Destroying the economy for two generations? I'm afraid it's not going to get much better than this with him.
Please list Obama's executive experience, business experience, and legislation he has led and passed before becoming president?


During the 8 years Obama was in the Illinois state legislature (after the 10 years he spent teaching constitutional law at the University Level), Obama sponsored or co sponsored over 800 pieces of legislation, making him one of the most prolific state senators in US history.

During the times Obama was in the US Senate, Obama sponsored or co sponsored a hundred and twenty nine pieces of legislation, more than some senators in their entire careers, including:

The Lugar-Obama Non-Proliferation Act
This law, authored by Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Barack Obama was passed in 2006 and signed in 2007.

The Coburn-Obama Transparency Act
This law (which John McCain co-sponsored) was the work of Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Barack Obama. It provides that all federal contracts be made transparent and available online to the public.

Relief for the Democratic Republic of Congo
Authored, sponsored and introduced by Barack Obama, this legislation provided increased foreign aid and relief to the country, and directed the U.N. Ambassador to press the U.N. Security Council for stronger peacekeeping forces in the region.


The problem is those on the right refuse to learn anything about someone they consider an "enemy". The reason is because knowledge might change their tiny minds, so instead of finding out the "truth", they prefer to spew little talking points. It makes them superior, but that "superiority" is merely an illusion from a diseased and uneducated mind.

quite an accomplishment, claiming credit for someone else's work, and he did it more than some senators do in their entire careers, huh?

color me impressed.
Clearly you have a diseased and uneducated mind. :lol:
sarah palin is an asshat.

What's your beef with her del? She's too much of a commoner for your taste? She doesn't have a Haaaavard eduction?

she doesn't have the brains god gave a goat, and the fact that anyone thinks she's a suitable candidate for the presidency says more about the dumbing down of america than i care to think about. why don't you people just stick with american idol and let the grownups deal with electing a president?

as for a harvard education, you can always tell a harvard man, but you can't tell him much.

you betcha ;)
sarah palin is an asshat.

What's your beef with her del? She's too much of a commoner for your taste? She doesn't have a Haaaavard eduction?

she doesn't have the brains god gave a goat, and the fact that anyone thinks she's a suitable candidate for the presidency says more about the dumbing down of america than i care to think about. why don't you people just stick with american idol and let the grownups deal with electing a president?

as for a harvard education, you can always tell a harvard man, but you can't tell him much.

you betcha ;)
If all she did as President was to reverse the laws enacted by this Congress and signed by this President, that'd be good enough for me. She'd do it too because she knows that's what the People want. Romney or any other "qualified" Presidential'm not so sure.
What's your beef with her del? She's too much of a commoner for your taste? She doesn't have a Haaaavard eduction?

she doesn't have the brains god gave a goat, and the fact that anyone thinks she's a suitable candidate for the presidency says more about the dumbing down of america than i care to think about. why don't you people just stick with american idol and let the grownups deal with electing a president?

as for a harvard education, you can always tell a harvard man, but you can't tell him much.

you betcha ;)
If all she did as President was to reverse the laws enacted by this Congress and signed by this President, that'd be good enough for me. She'd do it too because she knows that's what the People want. Romney or any other "qualified" Presidential'm not so sure.

take an eighth grade civics class and get back to me.


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