"Russia, if you are listening!"

Democrats in mass part took a knee for blm
No they didn't.
Tho, I do not speak for Democrats. I am, after all, a registered Independent.
However, if you believe they did what you said an wish to convince this forum they did.....well, prove it.

And besides, Black Lives Matter as a social movement desiring and intending to stop the too frequent shooting of unarmed black men (and women) by white police officers seems to be a worthwhile societal effort. No?


major sports teams renaming their teams because some left-wing radical thinks that their team name is racist.
The teams reacted to the Indigenous community's long festered outrage of being made into mere mascots in a white society made up of historical invaders and land thieves....instead of being recognized as fully formed societies responsive to their members needs and history.

Trivializing Indigenous society for the mere sake of frivolous entertainment was an act begging to be corrected.

No they didn't.
Tho, I do not speak for Democrats. I am, after all, a registered Independent.
However, if you believe they did what you said an wish to convince this forum they did.....well, prove it.

And besides, Black Lives Matter as a social movement desiring and intending to stop the too frequent shooting of unarmed black men (and women) by white police officers seems to be a worthwhile societal effort. No?


The teams reacted to the Indigenous community's long festered outrage of being made into mere mascots in a white society made up of historical invaders and land thieves....instead of being recognized as fully formed societies responsive to their members needs and history.

Trivializing Indigenous society for the mere sake of frivolous entertainment was an act begging to be corrected.

That you’re not following politics. You’re not aware of of the photo of Nancy Pelosi along with many leading Democrats taking a knee for BLM and George Floyd. They would wear BLM masks during Covid

I’m not wasting any time digging up links That’s been posted thousands of times. The police in America are overwhelmingly good people.

OK, I get it. You’re engaging in left-wing fanaticism. All this talk about white people and the Cleveland Indians with how you describe it and your rhetoric is left-wing fanaticism. And you’re entitled to that opinion.

You should accept the fact that slavery was a worldwide issue Black people owned slaves so did white people. Racism was a worldwide issue as well.

Americans Largely disapproved of the renaming of sports teams. That happened because Rich left-wing elites and even some right wingers gave into the BLM mob. It was a despicable time in American history. The overwhelming majority of Americans are against cancel culture. As long as you admit that radical left-wing politics is what it is… It’s a left wing thing then there’s no problem.
You’re not aware of of the photo of Nancy Pelosi along with many leading Democrats taking a knee for BLM and George Floyd.
Sure, saw lots of pics of people 'taking a knee' against police brutality. So?
Who wouldn't object to such too-frequent egregious acts as these shootings?

The police in America are overwhelmingly good people.
Duh! Of course they are. Or rather, the overwhelming number of them are good people. But not all. And.....our society cannot tolerate, minimize, or cover-up the bad juju that some police can do, and most certainly can't do it with the bad cops who ARE bad juju.

And when we have too many incidents of such nature.....and they keep on coming, well....... responsible leadership requires attention to the issue. Duh! x3.

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