Russia should break any diplomatic relation with Poland and three Baltic Dwarfes, close embassies


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Four schizophrenic poor european beggars clearly provoke WWIII, why Russia shall believe NATO doesn't want to attack Russia and Kaliningrad.
When Putin wants more Russians will believe him he shall immediately stop all diplomatic relations with these morons.
Just imagine the reaction of the US when Russia for example starts a such 'exercise' somewhere in the Vancouver's region.
Poland and three Baltic beggars ( I do not want to remember their names ) are enemies of Russia who provoke WWIII like frigging Poland it did in 1939

Putin. The policy of appeasement is wrong, close the border and stop any trade with these four insane' countries' who lead humanity in nuclear annihilation.

Russia has had ties with Cuba for years making little threats; along with other south American countries in order to attempt to undermine USA stability. Russia has also assisted Iran and others who have vowed to destroy the USA interest in the ME. Instead of working to stabilize the ME from all appearances Russia has assisted in destabilizing it.

If Poland, Europe or anyone else desires to have US relationships as an Ally and Put doesn't like that too bad. Sorry but that is the way it is and will continue to be.

If Canada desires to let Russia have a base that is up to Canada but they will also be subjected to whatever comes of that if problems ensue.

Choose this day where you will stand. The nations will either stand for Peace or you will not stand at all in the congregation that stands for it.

Be forewarned; no


The wicked shall utterly be cut off: no

Choose this day where you will stand.
Russia has been busy with their own war games. The two Russia did in 2019 were large scale military exercises, in fact far larger than the one planned in Poland.
Russia conducts massive military drills with China, sending a message to the West

The more troubling of the two exercises however was Russia's nuclear attack exercise:

"“This is the largest Russian strategic nuclear exercise in decades. It actually, in some respects, exceeds almost anything we’ve seen during in the later stages in the Cold war,” said Dan Goure, Senior Vice President of the Lexington Institute."

Russia Practices Massive Strategic Nuclear Attack During Thunder-2019 - Center for Security Policy
Putin watches missile launch during nuclear arms drill | The Japan Times

Tell me again who "lead humanity in nuclear annihilation"?? Seems the Russians are the ones practicing how to nuke their enemies.


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