Russian bombers penetrated U.S. airspace at least 16 times in past 10 days

Was there any time our Fighters weren't scrambled to intercept them?

Even though the TU-95 is Nuclear Capable it was determined after the Cold War ended that Russia really only had about 8 or 10 of them airworthy at any given time. They were/are such a maintenance nightmare.
I keep telling you guys these people are all on the same mass email list and copy and paste like good little bots!


Sounds like they are buzzing Sarah Palins back porch
And how many times during this period have we done the same to the Russians? A game played ever since the end of WW2.
Was there any time our Fighters weren't scrambled to intercept them?

Given that no one else has even attempted to respond to this: It seems like it. The article's wording seems to imply that jets weren't scrambled on most of the 16 occurrences. At least, that's what I took from it.

The numerous flight encounters by Tu-95 Russian Bear H bombers prompted the scrambling of U.S. jet fighters on several occasions
If Russia really wanted to invade the US all they would have to do is claim to be children and walk in. Land by commercial plane. Load up a cargo ship.

We have no borders now so there's nothing to protect.
If Russia really wanted to invade the US all they would have to do is claim to be children and walk in. Land by commercial plane. Load up a cargo ship.

We have no borders now so there's nothing to protect.

cargo ships on the Rio Grande ! now there's a thought ! :cuckoo:

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