Russian Investigation Found To Be Justified--FBI Wiretap Of Trump Aide Deficient


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So the spotlight is back on Russian Meddling in the 2016, as opposed to the Republican contention that Ukraine conspired with Albania to create some new Communist Plot(?)!

IG report finds errors in FBI's surveillance of former Trump adviser

In my youth: I had a copy of the Blue Book of the John Birch Society, about conspirators inventing plots where nothing even remotely resembling even cannabis could be found(?). "Paranoid" would come into use later on.

The spotlight now more likely turn to The Former Mayor of NYC: The Republican version--and at a time like this(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Emissary from Pharaoh! Emissary from Pharaoh! "Your Mother Is Dead!" (These people were subjugating Tyrants, who trained Moses of the Old Testament, (Deut 23 19-23, about subjugation, for example!)
Only a goon (tyroneweaver-poster) would call John Durham's ambiguous Tweet a "Slam" of the Horowitz conclusions. The US Attorney had sent a memo to IG that there was only disagreement with only some of the predications and conclusions.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then off into homelessness would New Testament follow the Egyptian-based, (Moses of Old Testament), directive: Matthew 25:14-30)
Durham said that he disagrees with the Horowitz conclusion, so we need to see what Durham has.
Only a goon (tyroneweaver-poster) would call John Durham's ambiguous Tweet a "Slam" of the Horowitz conclusions. The US Attorney had sent a memo to IG that there was only disagreement with only some of the predications and conclusions.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then off into homelessness would New Testament follow the Egyptian-based, (Moses of Old Testament), directive: Matthew 25:14-30)
Man, like I’m going to post the link I read (issued 33 minutes ago) after that response
Only a goon (tyroneweaver-poster) would call John Durham's ambiguous Tweet a "Slam" of the Horowitz conclusions. The US Attorney had sent a memo to IG that there was only disagreement with only some of the predications and conclusions.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then off into homelessness would New Testament follow the Egyptian-based, (Moses of Old Testament), directive: Matthew 25:14-30)
Man, like I’m going to post the link I read (issued 33 minutes ago) after that response

Mascale is generally doing way too much peyote...
In Sumnary
The investigation started off on permissible grounds but quickly deteriorated and continued to spiral downward
1% good
What are Libs happy about it?
Sufficient evidence to launch the probe, no political bias

Democrats and non-partisans will likely cheer the main takeaway from the report– that the probe was not launched as part of a “deep state” political attack on President Trump. Conservatives have for months seized on alleged evidence of an anti-Trump bias within the FBI to bolster the claim that special counsel Robert Mueller’s eventual takeover of the Russia investigation was a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.

The decision to open the probe, which was dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane” within the FBI was made in “compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced” the decision to launch the investigation, the report said.

Horowitz found that the two key former FBI officials who have been used as fodder for “deep state” allegations from the right — Lisa Page and Peter Strzok — actually had limited roles in the launch of the probe. Page “attended some of the discussions regarding the opening of the investigations,” but didn’t “play a role in the decision to open Crossfire Hurricane or the four individual” surveillance cases, which included Carter Page, as well as George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort. Strzok was more “directly involved” in the launch of probe, but he was not the “sole, or even the highest-level decision maker as to any of those matters.”

Obviously, Billy the Bagman will not let this stand. Nor will his hand picked sock puppet Dunham. It's all part of the admin's tireless efforts to obfuscate simple truths with smokescreens and deflections.
Sufficient evidence to launch the probe, no political bias

Democrats and non-partisans will likely cheer the main takeaway from the report– that the probe was not launched as part of a “deep state” political attack on President Trump. Conservatives have for months seized on alleged evidence of an anti-Trump bias within the FBI to bolster the claim that special counsel Robert Mueller’s eventual takeover of the Russia investigation was a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.

The decision to open the probe, which was dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane” within the FBI was made in “compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced” the decision to launch the investigation, the report said.

Horowitz found that the two key former FBI officials who have been used as fodder for “deep state” allegations from the right — Lisa Page and Peter Strzok — actually had limited roles in the launch of the probe. Page “attended some of the discussions regarding the opening of the investigations,” but didn’t “play a role in the decision to open Crossfire Hurricane or the four individual” surveillance cases, which included Carter Page, as well as George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort. Strzok was more “directly involved” in the launch of probe, but he was not the “sole, or even the highest-level decision maker as to any of those matters.”

Obviously, Billy the Bagman will not let this stand. Nor will his hand picked sock puppet Dunham. It's all part of the admin's tireless efforts to obfuscate simple truths with smokescreens and deflections.
well espionage is still espionage even if it is in DC.
The report is exactly as I predicted...mostly a nothing burger.

both sides will pull out parts they like and claim they do with everything else
The report is exactly as I predicted...mostly a nothing burger.

both sides will pull out parts they like and claim they do with everything else

Ok, so the Horowitz report is a nothingburger. The good news is that Durham disagrees with it.
So we'll see how the Durham investigation pans out.

Any predictions for the Durham report?
It’s like barr is the only straight forward leader we have In the Justice department
a nothing burger.
A nothingburger? The right wing media fever swamp has been promoting the "deep state" conspiracy bullshit for years. The IG report grinds it in to dust.

Infamous Christopher Steele dossier didn’t play a role in the launch of the probe
While the widely unverified dossier put together by former British spy Christopher Steele has been used as a boogeyman of the right to propel “deep state” conspiracies about the launch of the Russia probe, the DOJ IG report finds that the dossier — with salacious claims about President Trump and Russia — was not even part of the initial opening of the investigation.
“Although not mentioned in the EC (Electronic Communication), at the time, FBI officials involved in opening the investigation had reason to believe that Russia may have been connected to the Wikileaks disclosures that occurred earlier in July 2016, and were aware of information regarding Russia’s efforts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. elections. These officials, though, did not become aware of Steele’s election reporting until weeks later and we therefore determined that Steele’s reports played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening,” the report said.

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