Russian National Media Interviews Dr. Roberts on the Prospects of the Putin/Biden Summit


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Putin shall reject the summit because it's a pure wasting of time and money.
Nothing can be decided or changed because the West wants WWIII against Russia.
Putin, you shall invest Russian money in ten additional unstopable muissiles and increase your business with China instead of deaing with enemies.
Only after the last Russian will be dead and Russia becomes shared among neigbouring states the West will be sutisfied.
Putin, you shall fire your stupid and corrupt 'advisers', all of them are morons.
Can you imagine a summit between Hitler and Stalin in 1942?
Now it's the same situation, it's a war and the target is the Russian People who have too big country with too much commodities and resources.
Putin, fire Lavrov and hire Dr Paul Craig Roberts, it will be much more for Russia.
Your KGB and Foreign Ministry are full of cretins!

Can a summit be successful when the US purpose is to demonize Russia? The Russian and print media explore this question with Dr. Roberts.
Here are the Russian TV and print versions of the interview


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