Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Referring to a black man as Uncle as in Uncle Tom great example of liberal respect and tolerance. The same people who tell us Redskin is insulting and offensive have no problem using this old racist chestnut.

So I read, you are correct, no better than "redskins". Alito cited enough case law to fill a library, as did the dissent. The decision stands, I hope Kennedy is correct and is interpreted narrowly.
Ginsburg is amazing. She believes employers should be forced by the government to provide a perq, and then she is outraged when the government does not get to say what the all the gifts inside that perq the employers must pay for, too.
Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."
Actually it means everyone pays, because everyone benefits.

No one benefits from the government making your health care choices for you.
"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads and give us birth control at no cost.

Well, you certainly didn't build that.

What difference does it make? Period.

It was a sparkling decision.
Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads and give us birth control at no cost.

And what doe this "Compelling interest in public health and women's well being" have to do with the constitution and the rights it protects? These liberal judges often rule based on what they wish the constitution to say rather than what it actually says. I guess because they beleive the constitution to be a "living document" it's okay to just make up stuff.
Nobody cares what Ruth says at this point.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up: Doesn't matter for shit. +1 for the 1st amendment.:D

9 bucks/month. Go buy your own rubbers assholes!!! Contraception isn't a right.....gotta take some responsibility for spreading the legs......that's the way it is.
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Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.
"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."
Actually it means everyone pays, because everyone benefits.

No one benefits from the government making your health care choices for you.
I'm afraid that they do. We aren't made of money and humans make poor choices. There's no reason in the world why society should not set the boundaries within said society. You live here, you follow our rules.
Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.
Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Notice the TOLERANCE of the above demtards intro statement. Such wonderful, inclusive, enlightened, TOLERANT people... pfft... :lol:

The leftards of today seem to be PERPETUALLY MAD. They're mad when things are going good for them, and they're mad when things start going bad.

WTF is wrong with these people?
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Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it. He didn't build that.
Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal
The rich didn't build those roads and bridges and schools.

Oh, wait. Neither did I.

But I never use any roads or bridges or schools, so that is why we need to make the rich pay more for them.

Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.
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"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

The government just made a healthcare decision for every woman unfortunate enough to work for an evangelical patriarchal piece of shit and you seem pretty happy about it.
"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

I see you're scrambling to fill you "pretent to be a conservative" quota on your posts.

+ rep anyhow.

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