Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."
Actually it means everyone pays, because everyone benefits.

Thats true. Except for the part about "everyone" paying and the part about "everyone" benefiting. Those parts were way off.
typical liberal

lose and then goes around scathing everyone about it

they be crowing like banshee's though if this went in their favor

what's that they say, WE won, get over
What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

The government just made a healthcare decision for every woman unfortunate enough to work for an evangelical patriarchal piece of shit and you seem pretty happy about it.
A little unhinged. Don't forget to breathe.
What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

The government just made a healthcare decision for every woman unfortunate enough to work for an evangelical patriarchal piece of shit and you seem pretty happy about it.

Employers should not be sponsoring health insurance. ObamaCare made things worse by embedding that gigantic boondoggle even further, thus ensuring the cost curve will continue to be bent upward.

Not only did ObamaCare further embed this mistake, it also attempted to define exactly what the employer must provide.

And yet ObamaCare supporting dipshits say, "What government takeover of health care? I see no government takeover of health care."

So it was not Hobby Lobby that did this. It was you and your ilk who feel the government should be mandating this shit in the first place!

If you were buying your own health insurance, as you should be, your evangelical boss would have NO SAY AT ALL IN YOUR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS.

Get it now?

ObamaCare just made all of us even more hostage than ever when it more deeply embedded employer-sponsored health insurance. Instead of facilitating you to make your own choices, ObamaCare has made you more hostage to whatever your employer and the government decide you should have.

When will you idiots ever learn to stop turning your freedom over to the GOVERNMENT?!?!?
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Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

They can go work somewhere else if they dont like it. It's a free country...for now.
"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal

Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?
What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

The government just made a healthcare decision for every woman unfortunate enough to work for an evangelical patriarchal piece of shit and you seem pretty happy about it.

The sluts are free to go work somewhere else.
Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

The government just made a healthcare decision for every woman unfortunate enough to work for an evangelical patriarchal piece of shit and you seem pretty happy about it.

Employers should not be sponsoring health insurance. ObamaCare made things worse by embedding that gigantic boondoggle even further, thus ensuring the cost curve will continue to be bent upward.

Not only did ObamaCare further embed this mistake, it also attempted to define exactly what the employer must provide.

And yet ObamaCare supporting dipshits say, "What government takeover of health care? I see no government takeover of health care."

So it was not Hobby Lobby that did this. It was you and your ilk who feel the government should be mandating this shit in the first place!

If you were buying your own health insurance, as you should be, your evangelical boss would have NO SAY AT ALL IN YOUR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS.

Get it now?

ObamaCare just made all of us even more hostage than ever when it more deeply embedded employer-sponsored health insurance. Instead of facilitating you to make your own choices, ObamaCare has made you more hostage to whatever your employer and the government decide you should have.

Health insurance should be bought buy individuals more like we do for auto insurance.
What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal

Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?

Freedom OF religion you moron. And I'm not even a believer.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Not surprised she also thinks the constitution is evil, outdated and should have never been adopted. Imagine a Supreme court justice feeling that way. Only a libtard president could select her to sit in a black robe. This nation will be far better off when she steps down.
Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

The government just made a healthcare decision for every woman unfortunate enough to work for an evangelical patriarchal piece of shit and you seem pretty happy about it.

Employers should not be sponsoring health insurance. ObamaCare made things worse by embedding that gigantic boondoggle even further, thus ensuring the cost curve will continue to be bent upward.

Not only did ObamaCare further embed this mistake, it also attempted to define exactly what the employer must provide.

And yet ObamaCare supporting dipshits say, "What government takeover of health care? I see no government takeover of health care."

So it was not Hobby Lobby that did this. It was you and your ilk who feel the government should be mandating this shit in the first place!

If you were buying your own health insurance, as you should be, your evangelical boss would have NO SAY AT ALL IN YOUR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS.

Get it now?

ObamaCare just made all of us even more hostage than ever when it more deeply embedded employer-sponsored health insurance.

Don't look at liberals for that shit, we wanted a single payer system but it just went further and further into another "free market" privatization fuck up trying get something a god damned republican or conserva-dem would vote for. We just couldn't cut the insurance companies out of the loop, we just couldn't do away with the chain that keeps so many tied to horrible jobs.
Liberal bed wetters are pissing themselves dry today.

You LWNJ's better stock up on "depends" because the hurt is only going to get worse from here.....
Actually it means everyone pays, because everyone benefits.

Thats true. Except for the part about "everyone" paying and the part about "everyone" benefiting. Those parts were way off.
You are welcome to ignore the truth as you wish.

Truth: Anyone who does not buy a product is in no way paying for a product. (tough concept right)

Also saying everyone benifits from abortifacients is ignoring the one aborted, not to mention extreamly homophobic.
The government just made a healthcare decision for every woman unfortunate enough to work for an evangelical patriarchal piece of shit and you seem pretty happy about it.

Employers should not be sponsoring health insurance. ObamaCare made things worse by embedding that gigantic boondoggle even further, thus ensuring the cost curve will continue to be bent upward.

Not only did ObamaCare further embed this mistake, it also attempted to define exactly what the employer must provide.

And yet ObamaCare supporting dipshits say, "What government takeover of health care? I see no government takeover of health care."

So it was not Hobby Lobby that did this. It was you and your ilk who feel the government should be mandating this shit in the first place!

If you were buying your own health insurance, as you should be, your evangelical boss would have NO SAY AT ALL IN YOUR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS.

Get it now?

ObamaCare just made all of us even more hostage than ever when it more deeply embedded employer-sponsored health insurance.

Don't look at liberals for that shit, we wanted a single payer system

Jesus. How blind can you be? You are admitting you want TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR HEALTH!

And so one day when the guys you don't like are in control of Congress and they are making decisions about what care you get or don't get, or who gets care and who doesn't, and they start slashing budgets at the expense of your health, don't come crying to me.
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here's a way to not have to fork out any money for your own birth control

keep your legs shut and your peckers in your pants

we know that's a foreign concept to you who expect others to pay for everything for you

now carry on with your scathing you look foolish
I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal

Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?

Freedom OF religion you moron. And I'm not even a believer.

You damned sure jumped on the evangelical bandwagon for a victory lap. Freedom from religion is the ultimate religious freedom. I should have every right to be exempt from any law made by the government solely because religious people lobbied for it, but sadly, I do not. Religious people lobbied and got special rights to protect them from secularism but they hypocritically would have no protection for secularism from them.
Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?

Freedom OF religion you moron. And I'm not even a believer.

You damned sure jumped on the evangelical bandwagon for a victory lap. Freedom from religion is the ultimate religious freedom. I should have every right to be exempt from any law made by the government solely because religious people lobbied for it, but sadly, I do not. Religious people lobbied and got special rights to protect them from secularism but they hypocritically would have no protection for secularism from them.

Bullshit. I jumped on the FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION bandwagon. Period

I don't believe in that pie in the sky bullshit but I do believe in their rights to practice it no matter what I think.

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