Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."
Actually it means everyone pays, because everyone benefits.

If I want to live under collectivism I'll move to Cuba.
Sorry people, but you have no 'right' to force other people to pay for things for you.
No question about Huff's loyalties. Anybody remember the dissenting opinion regarding the modern version of separation Church/State or the mysterious "right to privacy" not found in the Constitution that opened the door for the abortion holocaust? Neither do I. The old babe doesn't seem to understand her role as a member of SCOTUS. She is supposed to judge the constitutionality of laws and edicts not google the price of an IUD.
Employers should not be sponsoring health insurance. ObamaCare made things worse by embedding that gigantic boondoggle even further, thus ensuring the cost curve will continue to be bent upward.

Not only did ObamaCare further embed this mistake, it also attempted to define exactly what the employer must provide.

And yet ObamaCare supporting dipshits say, "What government takeover of health care? I see no government takeover of health care."

So it was not Hobby Lobby that did this. It was you and your ilk who feel the government should be mandating this shit in the first place!

If you were buying your own health insurance, as you should be, your evangelical boss would have NO SAY AT ALL IN YOUR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS.

Get it now?

ObamaCare just made all of us even more hostage than ever when it more deeply embedded employer-sponsored health insurance.

Don't look at liberals for that shit, we wanted a single payer system

Jesus. How blind can you be? You are admitting you want TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR HEALTH!

And so one day when the guys you don't like are in control of Congress and they are making decisions about what care you get or don't get, or who gets care and who doesn't, and they start slashing budgets at the expense of your health, don't come crying to me.

Politicians are at least accountable through the vote, You cannot vote out insurance company executives and we apparently cannot have a healthcare system without them. They are usually not practicing doctors and made monstrous decisions concerning what will be covered and how. We as a people finally laid down some rules for these executives and their companies and it's fucking socialism. You like them making decisions for you? Someone is going to do it and I would prefer the discussion be public and not made behind boardroom doors and based only on the profit margin. That's the old way and it sucked balls.
These progressive/commie judges like Ginsburg are some of the worst ever

She should be made to resign coming out with all that BS and stirring up the country because she didn't like the outcome
These progressive/commie judges like Ginsburg are some of the worst ever

She should be made to resign coming out with all that BS and stirring up the country because she didn't like the outcome

Just how low is your IQ?
Freedom OF religion you moron. And I'm not even a believer.

You damned sure jumped on the evangelical bandwagon for a victory lap. Freedom from religion is the ultimate religious freedom. I should have every right to be exempt from any law made by the government solely because religious people lobbied for it, but sadly, I do not. Religious people lobbied and got special rights to protect them from secularism but they hypocritically would have no protection for secularism from them.

Bullshit. I jumped on the FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION bandwagon. Period

I don't believe in that pie in the sky bullshit but I do believe in their rights to practice it no matter what I think.

They won special protection/exemption from our nation's laws, when women occasionally win a victory and gain some special protection people like you are not so enthusiastic and think it is government oppression. What's the difference here on the "government oppression" angle?
rw'ers trashed this thread. Needs to be scrubbed.

Want some cheese with that whine, goobers?

I wasn't aware that she could write.......

35 pages? Remy got it all "rapped" up in less than two minutes, lol.

She lost.


Poor liberals....they'd better get used to losing....:rofl:

Poor liberals....they'd better get used to losing....:rofl:

Indeed.......the clock is ticking......November is coming...:cuckoo:

BTW- it was a 5-4 decision rw'ers. HARDLY a resounding victory. It was razor-thin
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Don't look at liberals for that shit, we wanted a single payer system

Jesus. How blind can you be? You are admitting you want TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR HEALTH!

And so one day when the guys you don't like are in control of Congress and they are making decisions about what care you get or don't get, or who gets care and who doesn't, and they start slashing budgets at the expense of your health, don't come crying to me.

Politicians are at least accountable through the vote, You cannot vote out insurance company executives and we apparently cannot have a healthcare system without them. They are usually not practicing doctors and made monstrous decisions concerning what will be covered and how. We as a people finally laid down some rules for these executives and their companies and it's fucking socialism. You like them making decisions for you? Someone is going to do it and I would prefer the discussion be public and not made behind boardroom doors and based only on the profit margin. That's the old way and it sucked balls.

In a free market we could all vote with our dollars among dozens of health care options. Unfortunatly the politicians are in bed with the insurance companies securing their monopolies and handing out corporate welfare, destroying compitition etc etc
You damned sure jumped on the evangelical bandwagon for a victory lap. Freedom from religion is the ultimate religious freedom. I should have every right to be exempt from any law made by the government solely because religious people lobbied for it, but sadly, I do not. Religious people lobbied and got special rights to protect them from secularism but they hypocritically would have no protection for secularism from them.

Bullshit. I jumped on the FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION bandwagon. Period

I don't believe in that pie in the sky bullshit but I do believe in their rights to practice it no matter what I think.

They won special protection/exemption from our nation's laws, when women occasionally win a victory and gain some special protection people like you are not so enthusiastic and think it is government oppression. What's the difference here on the "government oppression" angle?

I recommend a nice block of cheese for your issue
Jesus. How blind can you be? You are admitting you want TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR HEALTH!

And so one day when the guys you don't like are in control of Congress and they are making decisions about what care you get or don't get, or who gets care and who doesn't, and they start slashing budgets at the expense of your health, don't come crying to me.

Politicians are at least accountable through the vote, You cannot vote out insurance company executives and we apparently cannot have a healthcare system without them. They are usually not practicing doctors and made monstrous decisions concerning what will be covered and how. We as a people finally laid down some rules for these executives and their companies and it's fucking socialism. You like them making decisions for you? Someone is going to do it and I would prefer the discussion be public and not made behind boardroom doors and based only on the profit margin. That's the old way and it sucked balls.

In a free market we could all vote with our dollars among dozens of health care options. Unfortunatly the politicians are in bed with the insurance companies securing their monopolies and handing out corporate welfare, destroying compitition etc etc

Well, duh! Unfortunately for all of us health care does not lend itself to free market reforms if the main problem is that it's too expensive.
These progressive/commie judges like Ginsburg are some of the worst ever

She should be made to resign coming out with all that BS and stirring up the country because she didn't like the outcome

Just how low is your IQ?

She's about as smart as thantos144 :tinfoil: she proves it everyday.

As to the OP, the ruling was HARDLY a resounding victory (5-4), as I mentioned before yet the usual suspects (eXtreme butt hurt rw'ers) are doing their clown dances :cuckoo: :eusa_hand:.
You damned sure jumped on the evangelical bandwagon for a victory lap. Freedom from religion is the ultimate religious freedom. I should have every right to be exempt from any law made by the government solely because religious people lobbied for it, but sadly, I do not. Religious people lobbied and got special rights to protect them from secularism but they hypocritically would have no protection for secularism from them.

Bullshit. I jumped on the FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION bandwagon. Period

I don't believe in that pie in the sky bullshit but I do believe in their rights to practice it no matter what I think.

They won special protection/exemption from our nation's laws, when women occasionally win a victory and gain some special protection people like you are not so enthusiastic and think it is government oppression. What's the difference here on the "government oppression" angle?

How many special protections and exemptions from the PP&ACA has President Obama handed out again? I've lost count.
Bullshit. I jumped on the FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION bandwagon. Period

I don't believe in that pie in the sky bullshit but I do believe in their rights to practice it no matter what I think.

They won special protection/exemption from our nation's laws, when women occasionally win a victory and gain some special protection people like you are not so enthusiastic and think it is government oppression. What's the difference here on the "government oppression" angle?

I recommend a nice block of cheese for your issue

Just admit that you like this only because liberals hate this and have given no thought to any broader implications and then go play legos or something because you stink at this.
rw'ers trashed this thread. Needs to be scrubbed.

Want some cheese with that whine, goobers?

I wasn't aware that she could write.......

Poor liberals....they'd better get used to losing....:rofl:

Indeed.......the clock is ticking......November is coming...:cuckoo:

BTW- it was a 5-4 decision rw'ers. HARDLY a resounding victory. It was razor-thin

And the racist far left Obama drone rushes in for a strike! And misses by lightyears...
Ruth misses the point.

Not forcing somebody to purchase something for another person does not prevent the latter from acquiring the good or service on her own. Nor does it mean that the former can interfere with the latter's liberty, either.
What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal

Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?
Of course not. There is NO freedom FROM religion.....Except for your freedom to ignore it.
Bullshit. I jumped on the FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION bandwagon. Period

I don't believe in that pie in the sky bullshit but I do believe in their rights to practice it no matter what I think.

They won special protection/exemption from our nation's laws, when women occasionally win a victory and gain some special protection people like you are not so enthusiastic and think it is government oppression. What's the difference here on the "government oppression" angle?

How many special protections and exemptions from the PP&ACA has President Obama handed out again? I've lost count.

It's not my debate angle, ask grandpappy to explain why in this alone it is awesome that the government singled someone out for special rights.

rw'ers trashed this thread. Needs to be scrubbed.

Want some cheese with that whine, goobers?

I wasn't aware that she could write.......

Poor liberals....they'd better get used to losing....:rofl:

Indeed.......the clock is ticking......November is coming...:cuckoo:

BTW- it was a 5-4 decision rw'ers. HARDLY a resounding victory. It was razor-thin


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